Geoffroy Horel

 Homotopy Theory

A room for anyone interested in homotopy theory, or any nearby...
Feb 13, 2020 02:34
@PaulVanKoughnett The category of profinite sets has all limits and colimits (this is the case for the pro-category of any category with finite limits). Then simplicial profinite sets also have all limits and colimits as those are computed objectwise.
Sep 27, 2019 12:19
@DenisNardin I think by an EM Moore type argument you can identify this THH with cochains on the free loop space of K(Z/p,n) this free loop space splits as K(Z/p,n-1) wedge K(Z/p,n)
Sep 22, 2019 13:33
It seems that it's closer to being G(n) (the groupe of homotopy automorphisms of the n-sphere
Sep 22, 2019 13:32
@SaalHardali This is an open question. There is a rational computation due to Fresse and Willwacher that suggests that it's not O(n).
Jun 19, 2018 13:45
Ï don't know but I would bet against it. I think at the time I wrote this I had a counter-example (or at least a reasonable candidate for a counter-example) but I never actually wrote down the details anywhere. Now I have no idea what this conter-example was :)
Jun 19, 2018 07:42
@TimCampion This model structure is simplicial. It is transferred from Rezk's model structure which is simplicial. The structure of a simplicial model category can be lifted along the right adjoint functor. The non-existence of a simplicial enrichment is for the category of simplicially enriched categories. Having a space of objects make things a lot easier.
May 25, 2018 07:03
@skd Such a map is called THH-étale, In particular étale maps (of connective rings) are THH-étale.
Apr 29, 2018 10:51
@SaalHardali I like the following paper by Boavida and Weiss : You can view embedding calculus as non-monoidal and contravariant version of factorization topology. The poin tis you try to approximate the functor Emb(-,M) by restricting to dijoint union of disks and then right Kan extending it. The main result in this field is that if the codimension is at least 3, this right Kan extension is equivalent to the embedding space.
Mar 10, 2018 13:24
Should I expect Motive(X)/G to be equivalent to Motive(X/G) ?
Mar 10, 2018 13:21
However I don't see why they should be equivalent if we only sheafify for the Nisnevich topology.
Mar 10, 2018 13:21
Say I have a smooth scheme X over a filed with an action of a finite group G such that the quotient X/G exists in the category of smooth schemes. I would like to know how this quotient is related to the (homotopy) quotient taken in the category of motives. The map X-->X/G is an étale cover so the presheaf represented by X/G and the quotient by G of the presheaf represented by X become equivalent after etale sheafification.
Nov 24, 2017 15:13
in order to prove that K(1)\otimes HQ=0 it suffices to observe that the homotopy groups of that spectrum are both a Q-vector space and an F_p vector space
Nov 24, 2017 15:10
in general the smah product of two different Morava K-theories K(n)\otimes K(m) is contractible
Nov 24, 2017 15:09
yes this is not true, the Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum HQ is a counter example: we have K(1)_*HQ=0
Sep 12, 2017 11:34
@DenisNardin In the simplicial model categories setting you have Theorem 7.10 in this paper : by Pavlov and Scholbach. In the dg-setting you have this paper : by Hinich.
Jul 1, 2017 08:21
Also I gotta go catch a train sorry :)
Jul 1, 2017 08:20
I don't see how to do this at that level of generality.
Jul 1, 2017 08:13
If you don't have a natural transformation between F and G but can only construct this map F(I)-->G(I) for this explicit cospan, this might be difficult.
Jul 1, 2017 08:06
@BrunoStonek The argument you give indeed shows that F(P) and G(P) are connected by a zig-zag of weak equivalences. Wether or not there is an actual map F(P)-->G(P) depends on which point-set level model of the homotopy pushout you use.
Apr 15, 2017 07:28
@JoeBerner Yes there are two model catgory construction. One due to Fabien Morel "Ensembles profinis simpliciaux et interprétation géométrique du foncteur T" and one due to Isaksen "Completion of pro-spaces". There is also an infinity-categorical version due to Lurie. Together with Ilan Barnea and Yonatan Harpaz, we have written a paper ( in which we compare these three constructions.
Feb 22, 2017 14:59
yes I mean commutative algebras over HQ
Feb 22, 2017 14:56
What I mean by "M is a model for X" where M is a model category and X is an infinity category is that when you do the infinty-categorical localization of M at its weak equivalences, you get an \infinity-category that is equivalent to X
Feb 22, 2017 14:38
Then since both the model categories of CDGAs over Q and of HQ-commutative algebras are combinatorial there must exist a zig-zag of Quillen equivalences (although there is no method for producing it concretely).
Feb 22, 2017 14:38
@BrunoStonek This proposition is not quite giving what you want. You would need to also prove that the model category of commutative HQ-module is a model for the \infty category of commutative algebras over Q (this is true and I think is proved for symmetric spectra in Pavlov and Scholbach's papers on operads in symmetric spectra).
Feb 6, 2017 16:57
yes I agree
Feb 6, 2017 16:56
does this sound correct ?
Feb 6, 2017 16:55
but since they are both local they are equivaelnt
Feb 6, 2017 16:55
then THH^R(T) is L-locally equivalent to T
Feb 6, 2017 16:54
so if T is obtained from R by a Bousfield loc L that is smashing
Feb 6, 2017 16:50
taking X=S^1 and using your notation you get the equation $THH^T(A)=THH^R(A)otimes_{THH^R(T)}T$
Feb 6, 2017 16:47
In general they are related by equation 8 of
Feb 6, 2017 16:46
@BrunoStonek If R\to T is aTHH etale extension they are the same. The THH etale condition means that THH^R(T) is equivalent to T
Jan 10, 2017 15:08
@BrunoStonek This is not necessary for the first part of the proposition (see e.g. Hovey's book) but this is necessary for the second part to even make sense.
Oct 19, 2016 13:45
@BrunoStonek Yes I meant \vee. If E is smashing then E-local objects are stable under tensor product and homotopy colimits. Using the cyclic bar construction, you immediatly see that THH(A) is E-local
Oct 19, 2016 13:21
@BrunoStonek @BrunoStonek I don' t think so unless the $E$-localization functor is smashing. For instance, if $E_1$ is Morava E-theory of height 1 (i.e. p-completed K-theory), $ THH(E_1)\simeq E_1\wedge \Sigma(E_1)_{\mathbb{Q}}$ is not $K(1)$-local.
Oct 14, 2016 10:27
@JonBeardsley F_2 is the free group on two generators $\widehat{F}_2$ is its profinite completion
Oct 10, 2016 14:59
@BrunoStonek You can describe it by the universal property it satisfies. Namely $R[x^{-1}]$ is the initial commutative algebra under $R$ such that the element $x$ is sent to an invertible element.
Oct 10, 2016 12:43
@BrunoStonek you can define this telescope but the map are not maps of commutative algebras, so it is not clear a priori that the result should have a commutative algebra structure. It turns out that it does in an essentially unique way but this is a non-trivial theorem.
Jun 7, 2016 16:07
I can't seem to find this in HTT
Jun 7, 2016 16:06
Does anyone know of a reference for the analogous statement with C an infty-category ?
Jun 7, 2016 16:06
If C is a small category and A is a small category without loops, then Pro(C^A) is equivalent to Pro(C)^A.
Apr 30, 2016 11:00
@QiaochuYuan @QiaochuYuan. Maybe what you are looking for is this preprint of mine,%20modules%20and%20TFT.pdf. I am in the process of rewriting it to use a more \infty-categorical language. The answer to your question is in Section 3.
Mar 10, 2016 10:46
so maybe the problem is with this characterization of rigs
Mar 10, 2016 10:45
then what I have said is fine
Mar 10, 2016 10:45
do you mean unital monoid ?
Mar 10, 2016 10:45
there is also the problem of units
Mar 10, 2016 10:45
Mar 10, 2016 10:45
the categorical fact I have said is correct. This is a very easy exercise
Mar 10, 2016 10:37
so I guess the name you are looking for is commutative algebra
Mar 10, 2016 10:36
and any object in a category with coproducts is uniquely a monoid with respect to the symmetric monoidal structure given by the coproduct