Michael J Swart

 The Heap™ – Consultancy ©®

General on- and off-site discussion for dba.stackexchange.com....
Sep 13, 2016 19:55
@Lamak As long as you can handle the sparkling vampires. (I'm sorry, I'll stop now)
Sep 13, 2016 19:55
@Lamak Go at Twilight then?
Sep 13, 2016 19:53
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Isn't this a joke? How could humanity live on the Sun? You just have to go there at night.
Mar 23, 2016 14:45
@AndriyM No it's super rare. I try not to touch prod sites if I can help it.
Mar 23, 2016 14:44
@AndriyM I get that sinking feeling all the time. When something goes down moments after I touched it. I get worried that I did something. Luckily, it's not my site :-)
Mar 23, 2016 14:25
select *
from posthistory ph
join posts p
on ph.postid = p.id
where ph.posthistorytypeid = 1 -- initial title
and ph.[text] like '%mssql%'
Mar 23, 2016 14:25
Right, the question's first revision:
Mar 23, 2016 14:22
So that's the average score for posts whose initial titles contain "mssql" vs "sqlserver"
Mar 23, 2016 14:22
Mar 23, 2016 14:21
how do we post an image here?
Mar 23, 2016 14:00
@AndriyM Mostly I wonder about the actual quality of the question asked by people who use either term. I'm not too curious about whether the term influences voting. So in fact if the term was corrected, it measures a little more accurately the quality of the question.
Mar 23, 2016 13:50
It would also be interesting to do the same query against stackoverflow as well as dba.se
Mar 23, 2016 13:49
Right :-) First things first.
Mar 23, 2016 13:47
Question about the term "MSSQL" vs. "SQL Server". To me the term MSSQL is used by rookies, or people who don't work much with the product. It would be an interesting study to measure average vote count (up or down) on questions that initially used "MSSQL" vs questions that initially used "SQL Server"
Apr 15, 2015 15:44
OT: Does anyone know why there's a math.stackexchange.com and a mathoverflow.net? They both seem to be stackexchange communities, but I can't tell what the difference is or why we need both?
Apr 2, 2015 16:15
This is fun... What game are we playing?
Apr 2, 2015 16:15
Mar 4, 2015 13:55
This question (and accepted answer) hurt my eyes. I don't know where to start. stackoverflow.com/questions/8602395/…
Feb 20, 2015 18:14
If job requirements include a lot of specific stuff like that, chances are that the job doesn't have a lot of autonomy and that's a red flag.
Feb 20, 2015 18:10
But having said that, I'd half expect a recruiter to say "nope, we're still looking for a shrinkfile guru". Then that's a nope
Feb 20, 2015 18:09
@KrisGruttemeyer This means some practice at managing up. Getting people to state their intent: (i.e. "efficient storage administration" rather than "shrinkfile knowledge")
Feb 20, 2015 18:09
@KrisGruttemeyer Every now and then I like to look at these descriptions and think to myself "I could totally clean that place up. So many easy wins".
Feb 19, 2015 18:22
I would take Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm over the Humpty Dance any time.
Feb 18, 2015 15:08
Columns with table aliases. I'm 100% on that bandwagon.
Feb 18, 2015 15:03
Feb 18, 2015 15:02
prefixing table identifiers with prefixes probably
Feb 18, 2015 15:02
Feb 18, 2015 15:02
Jan 21, 2015 20:36
Counterexample: Rob Ford
Jan 21, 2015 20:35
I never minded Wesley or Riker
Jan 21, 2015 20:35
@ypercube There's a TNG episode featuring Lwaxana Troi and Worf's kid Alexander. Ugh! Everyone is allowed to skip that one.
Jan 8, 2015 20:37
@billinkc @billinkc I knew there was a joke in there somewhere. Glad you found it.
Jan 8, 2015 20:31
Jan 8, 2015 20:28
My first question was "what kind of restaurants?"
Jan 8, 2015 20:27
anyone see the latest #sqlhelp question? a screen shot for some mysql insert?
Dec 11, 2014 19:48
@ypercube The MySQL docs totally do describe how to use the WHERE condition. It's an expression. It points directly to the expression page dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/expressions.html which includes the IN clause he was curious about. I'm surprised he missed it, or like Aaron suggested, because lazy
Dec 9, 2014 20:28
I was teasing here :-)
Dec 9, 2014 20:27
@swasheck :-)
Dec 9, 2014 20:25
I believe you just called my stuff common :-)
Dec 9, 2014 20:24
query hashes are super useful
Dec 9, 2014 20:24
@swasheck I made use of hashes in my top 20 resource hogs: michaeljswart.com/go/top20
Dec 9, 2014 20:20
@MaxVernon They can be reused if the plan is the same. But aside from that I think the plan handle is based on some sort of hash function. I've always counted on a plan handle uniquely identifying a plan and I've never had trouble.
Nov 28, 2014 21:32
@Lamak Any kid (like yours truly) who played lightsabers with sticks as a kid got to realize the need for a lightsaber cross guard to avoid "ha ha I just sliced off your hand". My question would be why don't all other lightsabers have crossguards. My guess when I was a kid is that when lightsabers clash, they're sticky and can't slide over eachother.
Nov 27, 2014 20:06
Just a few non-Americans
Nov 27, 2014 20:05
Wow, tumbleweeds around here.
Oct 7, 2014 15:47
@Lamak He helped by agreeing with you. "Lamak is correct on all accounts." You can't object to that :-)
Oct 7, 2014 15:35
A: How do I Continue After a Failure in SSIS

Michael J SwartSo Jamie Thomson's Verify A Connection Before Using It was helpful here. I replaced the Test Connection task with a script task. The script task was almost exactly like Jamie's script except that I Only used one connection manager, not all of them. the task result was always success I set a n...

Oct 7, 2014 15:35
@billinkc Hey Bill, I've managed an answer. Thanks for your help
Oct 7, 2014 14:45
Okay, thanks guys (over and out)
Oct 7, 2014 14:43
Okay, I see. we adjust these precendent constraints as an expression rather than success/completion/failure