Dec 5, 2017 14:05
Yeah, let's hope so. :) Thanks for your input!
Dec 5, 2017 13:57
You might be right, but there have been a couple of crashes before. Not 95 % but in the same ball park.
Dec 5, 2017 13:55
note that I wrote "to 5 % of today's value", that is a drop of 95%. So this scenario would require a huge decrease in bitcoin value.
Dec 5, 2017 13:50
But if difficulty goes down to let's say 5 % of today's value, it might suffice to get in control of one of largest miners of today, no? Still expensive, sure, but maybe not for a certain goverment that would have large incentive to make the blockchain crash and burn...?
Dec 5, 2017 13:43
Yes, I agree as long as the total hash power in the world is huge and fully utilized.
Dec 5, 2017 13:41
Yeah, that's a true general statement.
Dec 5, 2017 13:39
And you can't change pow every time the difficulty goes down an order of magnitude.
Dec 5, 2017 13:39
What are the implications of everyone just knowing that it might happen?
Dec 5, 2017 13:38
My question is more about the integrity and robustness of the blockchain.
Dec 5, 2017 13:37
Do you mean a pow change such as a change of hashing algorithm rendering all mining hardware useless?
Dec 5, 2017 13:37
Yes, but isn't the case today that it is hard to amass the amount of hash power that you need for a 51 % attack? If difficulty goes down drastically, hash power is there, somewhere, and can be powered up easily for malicious reasons.
Dec 5, 2017 13:37
Well, yes, but it might be profitable for the wrong reasons, such as being funded by a government that wants to undermine bitcoin.

 Martin Sleziak's room

Miscellaneous (not suitable elsewhere)
Jan 9, 2017 20:42
Hi @Martin, I'd like to draw your attention to this question in case you haven't noticed it. I thought you might have something to add there. :) (I'm not the poster, and don't know them at all. I just stumbled on the question by chance.)

 Math Mods' Office

For informal chat with the site moderators about moderation, s...
Oct 11, 2016 11:05
@quid Ok, I went ahead flagged the question (only one this far).
Oct 11, 2016 06:55
If the former, is flagging the way to go?
Oct 11, 2016 06:55
Moderators: If bug reports that are fixed but not tagged as such are found, would you be interested to be informed about them or would it only lead to unnecessary bumpage of ancient questions and an unwanted increase of flags to attend to?
Sep 12, 2015 18:57
Ok, thanks!
Sep 12, 2015 18:39
As an aside, the question maybe should be protected?
Sep 12, 2015 18:38
How do you treat an answer like this one? It is technically (AFAIK) correct, but doesn't add any new information to this ancient question.
Jun 15, 2015 11:15
Maybe there is a stack app for this? Since the information appears to be openly available, it should be possible to make one...
Jun 15, 2015 11:14
@DanielFischer Ah, I see, thanks. And I agree about the edit reasons, I was actually more thinking about the timing of the editing.
Jun 15, 2015 10:43
Though in most cases, it's kind of obvious.
Jun 15, 2015 10:43
This would be practical at times when deciding if a question is worth editing for example. If I can see that it has three close votes already, there is no use trying to polish the turd.
Jun 15, 2015 10:42
Hi folks! Is there a way for a sub-3k user like myself to follow the close review progress of a question? I think the information is openly available, since I via a user profile page can go to their review actions and click on the links there. But there is no way I'm aware of to get to the progress from a specific question.
Apr 13, 2015 19:47
Hi @Arthur, another one of those meaningless scraper site links has been added to the latest blog post as a comment.
Mar 10, 2015 17:56
I think I addressed you, @ArthurFischer, about a similar issue a few weeks back and then you removed the comment iirc.
Mar 10, 2015 17:56
I'm not sure anything should be done about it, but there's a comment from a scraper site on the latest blog post. If it's not really breaking the rules, it appears to be more or less pointless and should be removed imo.


When should a tag be added
Jun 26, 2015 13:17
Thanks @Martin, sounds very reasonable. And the tag has been changed already.
Jun 26, 2015 12:04
And the description of doesn't really fit the question either.
Jun 26, 2015 12:03
It's clear that is a bit off...
Jun 26, 2015 12:03
Not sure this is the appropriate room, but anyway. How should very basic questions like this one be tagged?


For feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Undelete/Reopen/Edit...
Apr 14, 2015 20:28
Also, I'd appreciate feedback how to handle such answers. Is downvoting the way to go, or should I have flagged it?
Apr 14, 2015 20:27
I'll just let you guys "take care" of it as you please...
Apr 14, 2015 20:26
This answer should be deleted in my opinion, but I wasn't sure about flagging it. It's not LQ afaik and it looks like an answer, so a not an answer flag seems inappropriate.

 The Blog Room

For discussions about our community blog:
Apr 13, 2015 09:00
"This article looks hasty and poorly written. There is no motivation to a majority of the text and no exposition is given. There are some places where words are misspelled, letters are missing, or mathematics is off. It reads more like it has been copied from a textbook than actually written for a blog."
Apr 13, 2015 09:00
This blog comment sums it up pretty well.
Apr 13, 2015 08:59
I agree. And the typos are not the biggest problem with the post in my opinion.
Dec 16, 2014 09:34
@ArthurFischer Ok!
Dec 16, 2014 09:28
@ArthurFischer Ah, I see. But burninated they are!
Dec 16, 2014 09:02
The comments to the last blog post appear to be spam links.


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Dec 21, 2014 15:04
@DanielFischer Ah, I see. I wish I weren't too old and busy. Now it's impossible to take the time to understand a thing or two instead of just skimming the surface of deep subjects.
Dec 21, 2014 14:57
Hi @DanielFischer, thanks for commenting on my question about Weierstrass ( I have a followup question if you don't mind.

How does the fact that an infinite sequence of holomorphic function converge to another holomorphic function relate to the complex fourier transform? Does it mean that only analytic functions can be fourier transformed in the complex world?
Dec 11, 2014 22:04
@DanielFischer Oh, I see.
Dec 11, 2014 22:00
@DanielFischer Thanks! There must have been a deletion spree going on wiping out all om them at once, or at least in a quite short span of time. Strange...
Dec 11, 2014 21:55
Dec 11, 2014 21:55
Any 10k user out there that can be of assistance? Were they voted to delete or something?
Dec 16, 2014 09:03
@ArthurFischer [Off topic] The comments to the last math.SE blog post appear to be spam. (I wrote in the blog chatroom, but wasn't sure it would get any attention. I couldn't ping any moderators there.)
Dec 15, 2014 20:46
I was a bit surprised to see that the voting results were open during the primary. Is this also the case in the election phase?
Dec 15, 2014 20:35
Is there a grace period after which your vote is binding (as is the case for normal Q&A votes), or are you allowed to withdraw/change your vote until deadline?