Jun 19, 2013 12:59
does anyone use sublime editor for their latex work? I'm trying it out, but I've got so used to texmakers structure panel; does sublime have an alternative to this?
Jun 19, 2013 11:21
@DavidCarlisle interesting I didn't know that!. It's not so much the stys, but these custom commands that I have declared there you see.
Jun 19, 2013 11:17
@Nasser maybe not: i'm using texmaker and in the structure panel I'd like to see like an icon I can click to access that chuck of code in the preamble.
Jun 19, 2013 11:14
this may sound like a weird question; but is there a way to put divisions in a preamble? You see I have so much stuff in there I'd love an easy way to just access the points via some sort of label via the struture tree.
Jun 15, 2013 20:14
@egreg ah don't worry. a \raggedbottom fixed it !
Jun 15, 2013 19:57
Is there a way to stop \section from making huge spacing between mboxs on the first page? It seems the only way for me to get around this is by placing a \newpage straight after the \section. Thanks
Jun 15, 2013 14:17
% Page Layout
\usepackage[margin=1in, paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{xparse}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xparse
\usepackage{varwidth}% http://ctan.org/pkg/varwidth
\usepackage{perpage} %the perpage package
\MakePerPage{footnote} %the perpage package command: it resets footer counter every page
% Footer help: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Footnotes_and_Margin_Notes
Jun 15, 2013 14:02
I've tried adding a \vspace but it caused a massive destruction in the whole document. How can I sort out this issue?
Jun 15, 2013 13:38
How can I prevent it from causing so much huge gaps between the paragraphs?
Jun 15, 2013 13:38
I've added an mbox; and the surrounding tex seems displaced by the mbox.
Jun 15, 2013 10:08
thanks David, I'll play around here now
Jun 15, 2013 10:01
% Page Layout
\usepackage[margin=1in, paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{xparse}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xparse
\usepackage{varwidth}% http://ctan.org/pkg/varwidth
\usepackage{perpage} %the perpage package
\MakePerPage{footnote} %the perpage package command: it resets footer counter every page

% Dual Convo Command:
% Dual Left Command:
\NewDocumentCommand{\ldboxbrace}{s O{\{} O{\}} O{0.05\linewidth} m O{0.4\linewidth} m}{% \lrboxbrace[<lbrace>][<rbrace>
Jun 15, 2013 10:01
i'm trying an alternative to the braceket thing, but defing two bracket command and merely attempting to use them together, but I cannot get them to be on one line together. How can I do that? Should I post this to my original thread?
Jun 15, 2013 09:30
would anyone know where I can start with solved my bracket problem? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/119163/… I'm trying to figure out if its to do with dealing with the code here:\NewDocumentCommand{\dboxbrace}{s O{\{} O{\}} O{0.05\linewidth} m O{0.4\linewidth} m }{% \lrboxbrace[<lbrace>][<rbrace>][<lwidth>]{<ltext>}[<rwidth>]{<rtext>}
Jun 15, 2013 07:46
Good morning all! Werner! I've been playing around with your code. I was wondering if you'll have an idea how to approach this modification of your command: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/119163/… I've spend a good bit of time trying to get it sorted. I wish I knew how to create custom commands meself!
Jun 14, 2013 19:52
is there a resource that can teach how to create custom Tex commands like in Werners code here tex.stackexchange.com/questions/110391/big-brackets-around-text? I ask because I'd really like to learn to solve my own problems; particularly in the current one here!: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/119163/…
Jun 14, 2013 12:50
right thanks
Jun 14, 2013 12:48
hi everyone! does anyone have an idea to solved a bracket command? It's in edit 5: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/110391/big-brackets-around-text