Hi @Laxmana,Project Manager here, previously it was the developer. Let me give some more details, we have developed an online shopping store for a client, which is only running on Cash On Delivery at the moment, now; our client's courier company which is dealing with the logistics affairs has given us an XML file which has an API, and they have asked us to integrate it in the site, the purpose of this API is to automatically inform the courier service about all the received orders on the site. That's all. I hope you will provide the best assistance now. — Muhammad Shahroz6 hours ago
For some reason the answer turned out good. Would not have expected that either. If you got a locked downvote on that question, I would like to suggest that you file an edit to fix the question and really help the user. He wanted to share knowledge (which he showed he can), but was unable to ask properly.
@Darth_Vader I know, but arguing with someone with that stance and no idea of the scope of this site is counter productive and pointless, so I simply do not do it.
@ChristineCooper @MarkKaplun Regex makes no sense if you are a visual person, but there are some nice regex-tester sites out there that make visual groups. That is like kick-starting understanding them.
@CoderSte There are actually three options: 1. The official one that you can download in the admin UI 2. The fixed official one from wecodemore https://github.com/wecodemore/wp-importer 3. The unfinished one from Humanmade https://github.com/humanmade/WordPress-Importer
@Darth_Vader Regarding this answer: wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/520/385 You got voting arrows, you got the possibility to comment. The answer is not completely wrong (and deletion-worthy), just insane in a production environment.
So I can assume (and tell) that this is an issue that will be gone with a later version? Do you already have a target version/ assigned milestone for merging those PRs?
Do you by any chance know of problems with WPSEO_Utils::cleanup_sitemap_database_cache()? Got that on some requests several times and those requests take a pretty long time.
Hey, people! This is the third time in a pretty short period where I try to get our close vote queue to zero. We have been at it twice this year and every time we are there, everybody stops caring and we are above 100 two days later again. Could you please make some use of your precious daily votes? Thanks in advance.
This is a one time explanation: Please, do not flag someone just because you disagree. Flag for serious (sexual, racism, etc.) reasons only. A flag notifies every single user with 10k+ reputation on the whole network and asks for interaction. Please: Don't.
Quick question as I could not figure it out for that stack: I wanted to ask about marriage traditions in Sicily/ Italy. We are going to travel there and do not make mistakes. Just not sure if that fits the scope of this site.