Brian Rushton

May 4, 2014 12:38
@quid Posted another one that got a few thousand views ovrrnight
May 4, 2014 00:43
@quid I had a couple that didn't do good, but I'm still trying, but less often. The ones that do really well are ones that students can identify with or have strong opinions about, and I haven't seen that many recently.
Apr 29, 2014 13:15
Apr 22, 2014 01:24
@AlexanderGruber I got some good answers from both of my questions tagged [series]
Apr 19, 2014 00:28
This questions is only ~500 views from being the next 'famous question'.
Apr 19, 2014 00:27
Q: How to handle the situation where a student insists I am wrong during the class?

kathleenI had one very vocal student in my Calculus recitation last year. Sometimes she would point out if I made a mistake in the lecture. However, sometimes she would insist that I had made a mistake, even if I concluded it was NOT a mistake after careful consideration. She would continue to contradi...

Apr 12, 2014 10:40
Congratulations! I was just coming here to post this. Good question and answers!
Apr 7, 2014 03:06
Apr 7, 2014 03:06
We just got our second question with 4000 views
Apr 5, 2014 13:08
Well, I made a math mistake :p. Many jobs on gets ~600 applicants each. Now, I know that people apply to dozens of jobs, so it's not an accurate count; perhaps there are 10 times as many phds as research positions. And I guess a research position to me would be one where the primary focus of your evaluations for promotion and tenure is your research capability.
Apr 3, 2014 17:45
but noone's getting them
Apr 3, 2014 17:45
so the jobs may be great
Apr 3, 2014 17:45
The point is, there are like 100 Math PhD's for every research position
Apr 3, 2014 17:45
Ya got me
Apr 3, 2014 17:25
The numbers they gave are for large public universities, so probably more like the california schools or UT Austin
Apr 3, 2014 17:24
In industry, the average salary for a research mathematician is $100,000
Apr 3, 2014 17:23
Those numbers are for the bigger universities, though'
Apr 3, 2014 17:22
It's not huge, but you get summers off and have very flexible schedules
Apr 3, 2014 17:22
A new hire at a research institution makes around $80,000
Apr 3, 2014 17:22
Yeah; a full professor can make over $200,000
Apr 3, 2014 17:21
it's the ones that just do teaching that don't get paid much
Apr 3, 2014 17:21
Honestly, research mathematicians get paid a lot
Apr 3, 2014 17:20
I was pretty shocked at the difference between a job at a PhD institution vs. a Bachelor's institution
Apr 3, 2014 17:19
I know it's a joke, but I looked this up after you said that:
Apr 3, 2014 17:19
Apr 3, 2014 17:07
The funny thing is, though, that 'teaching' mathematicians outnumber 'research' mathematicians at least 10 to 1, and maybe 100 or more to 1
Apr 3, 2014 17:07
Because the research is so precise, even really focused questions on teaching feel 'chatty'
Apr 3, 2014 17:06
Yes, that's exactly what I think it meant. It's so interesting that mathematicians split their time between mathematical research (which is so exact and precise) and teaching (which is so ambiguous). I think you mentioned something like that in one of your posts.
Apr 3, 2014 16:37
I wonder what your mom would think of it… if she says something like "I wish they had questions about _______" you should pass it on! lol
Apr 3, 2014 16:35
A lot of people wanted to ask questions about how to teach math and about education in general (tests, chalkboard use, etc.) and wanted a place for it.
Apr 3, 2014 16:31
I think this question is what started the site proposal:
Apr 3, 2014 12:30
@JonEricson Now that we're out of private beta, I'm interested in knowing; what did you guys expect coming in? Did it seem like this might be a problem site? If you can't say, that's okay.
Mar 26, 2014 11:43
That's a great idea! I type on a Nook and it gets frustrating.
Mar 24, 2014 16:01
Mar 23, 2014 13:45
Haha, someone retagged one of my questions with the 'homework' tag. I thought, 'hey, that's a bad tag!', and tghen I realized that it means very different things on MSE and MESE.
Mar 20, 2014 23:20
Though the questions are lower, because of the answer ratio we had more total posts than them before they went public.
Mar 20, 2014 23:19
I also think it's impressive that the total number of questions and answers is comparable to expatriates SE; that the number of visits a day and the number of high-reputation users at all levels is higher; and that the answer ratio is much higher.
Mar 20, 2014 12:38
I think this site does have great potential. One of the reasons it started so quickly is because a lot of us heavily advertised it. Once it hits public beta, I plan on advertising it strongly for the first few weeks. There are people on other websites wondering how this proposal is doing. Even on stackexchange, I saw people posting math ed questions. They were told to wait a few days till this site starts.
Mar 20, 2014 12:35
Hi skullpatrol
Mar 18, 2014 20:38
@JonEricson Thanks; I've been secretly worried that the private beta will get killed off as not viable. It seems to happen occasionally, and because there have been so many subjective questions, I've wondered if we're on the blacklist. So it's reassuring that a public beta is in the future.
Mar 18, 2014 18:17
Since we haven't heard anything similar, does that mean that they're not as pleased with us?
Mar 18, 2014 18:17
I saw this post on Expatriates…
Mar 17, 2014 19:53
I'll repost it on Meta here.
Mar 17, 2014 19:53
Mar 17, 2014 19:53
@MarkusKlein if there are no hiccups, it should last 7 days from the time it began, so I would expect it to become public on Friday if the overlords are pleased.
Mar 17, 2014 14:15
@skullpatrol It's so that any weird issues can be workedout in private. Also, it allows people to build up enough reputation to moderate the site once we start getting more visitors. It should only last a week.
Mar 16, 2014 01:37
Hello, mathed chat! This area is a place to go when comments are getting too long or you want more of a discussion.


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