Wolfram Mathematica

Welcome! This is the main Mathematica chat room for mathematic...
May 23, 2019 12:24
@CarlLange I've followed the field a bit. Most good SDR software seems to be python-based and as you know, now, WL ...
Mar 5, 2019 14:10
@ChrisK. Yup. SW pretty much kept answers limited to his stated AMA topic:his infrastructure and the related blog post.
Feb 10, 2019 16:14
@Kuba Thanks. I had wondered if the $ was a by-product of the Demonstration-intake/publish process. A quick check of another Demonstration had no suffix$. The original Demo had local variables w/o the $ too.
Feb 10, 2019 15:52
I just saw some code in a Demonstrations Project that had a '$' suffix on many variable and function names. I found nothing in Documentation about this. Is it stylistic or does it serve a purpose? If style, what would it mean to a coder? example Manipulate[
Module[{NdXCorr$, dice$, number$, dist$, vals$, dXdist$, plotlist$,
lowertake$, min$},
NdXCorr$[dx_, nd_, list_] :=
Nest[ListCorrelate[ConstantArray[1/dx, dx], #1, {-1, 1}, 0] & ,
list, nd];
Jan 31, 2019 13:05
Is anyone else ticked that, as far as I can tell (emails to WR) Mathematica Annual Subscription now does NOT include updates/upgrades during that year - you need to add a Personal License or Service Pack to get those updates? I have no idea if even bug fixes are included. For sure, WR can set whatever terms they want for their product..but this change just seems out of step with what most people expect - or until recently received - under an subscription license. Is it just me?
May 30, 2017 23:56
In beta: Wolfram University. Video tutorials, a 'scratchpad' and supporting text alongside. Impressive see example
Oct 14, 2016 22:04
@William. Works for me m11, Ubuntu 14.04 and m10.3 same system
Jun 2, 2016 16:42
@Searke sorry, just saw your answer too. Argh Volume@Ball[]
Jun 2, 2016 16:42
@YungHummmma At the risk of being misunderstood, the answer is "balls". Mathematica calls the 3D (solid) a Ball, and not a Sphere. For example Volume@Ball[r] gets volume of unit object.
Apr 2, 2016 01:18
@ShutaoTANG @Shu It may or may not be what you asked but this article discusses matrix inversion johndcook.com/blog/2010/01/19/dont-invert-that-matrix
Dec 18, 2015 19:00
Anyone else tried Wolfram Programming Lab or Development Platform? I really want to like them but I find they break too often. Case in point- just tried WPL and it crashed as I tried to edit one of their examples - as the guide text suggests. I then tried to use the on-page feedback box but it has hung trying to send!
Oct 20, 2015 00:09
@J.M Well don't bottle it up on my account
Oct 20, 2015 00:07
@J.M. now you're going all "group theory" on my dodecahedron ;)
Oct 20, 2015 00:02
@MichaelHale @J.M appreciated. I baulked at even trying to plot them but now you've kindly parsed them, I can see clearer how they work.
Oct 19, 2015 23:55
@J.M. huh! N@, its is. Thanks!
Oct 19, 2015 22:56
Oct 19, 2015 22:56
(sample output)..{{-Sqrt[1 + 2/Sqrt[5]], 0, Root[1 - 20 #1^2 + 80 #1^4 &, 3]},
Oct 19, 2015 22:55
Wolfram support assures me the "slots' are correct. If thats the case, how do I turn the coordinate list into a plotable set?
Oct 19, 2015 22:54
PolyhedronData["Cube", "VertexCoordinates"]
PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "VertexCoordinates"]
Oct 19, 2015 22:54
PolyhedronData for a (unit) Cube gives nice, clean VertexCoordinates. But for a (unit) Dodecahedron (and many more) Mathematica returns coordinates with Slots.
Oct 1, 2015 12:11
@IstvánZachar thanks, @Pickett too. GeneralUtilities` requires v10.1. When I upgrade I look forward to exploring!
Sep 30, 2015 18:07
@IstvánZachar fair enough. btw- what does PrintDefinitions@RunProcess do?
Sep 30, 2015 11:50
@IstvánZachar Run["date > output.dat"] works for me on v10.0.2 on Ubuntu. The function returns '0' which means 'successful completion'.
Sep 29, 2015 19:11
@William if you are on Linux, the command line 'tail' can select n lines from the end. It can be accessed via Mathematica using the ReadList[... command. A quick google suggests there is a [Windows equivalent] (stackoverflow.com/questions/187587/…)
Sep 17, 2015 18:10
@halirutan ... I took another read of the Docs and I can see that the first variable in Quantity is a (numeric, absolute) magnitude and my passing Quantity in there messed it up. So, maybe not unexpected behavior, but just not what I was er, expecting.
Sep 17, 2015 17:53
@halirutan thanks for checking. Odd behavior (Quantity[Quantity... ] ) but your work around is appreciated! Even appreciated ^2 ! :)
Sep 17, 2015 14:42
gives 24 h (squared). Is it just me ?
Sep 17, 2015 14:42
On v 10.0.2 Quantity[Quantity[1, "Days"], "Hours"]
May 8, 2015 21:17
@blochwave. I am (v10.0.2, 14.04 LTS). Its running stable, no probs.
Mar 30, 2015 04:49
@kirma. I went and made a very crude parser that takes a limited set of Mathematica input (multivariate equations and variable definitions) and outputs a .z3 format text file than can be handed to z3 on the command line. It aint pretty (and I need to hand edit some things in the .z3 file) but it works and now saves time.
Mar 29, 2015 20:34
@kirma Do you know of a way to link Mathematica with the Z3 running on the same machine (e.g. bindings)? After your post I tried Z3 via rise4fun.com. In the blink of an eye Z3 solved a problem Mathematica couldn't handle.
Aug 18, 2014 15:07
@Karsten. Thanks. uT is smaller, for sure. As far as I can tell, perp isnt listed as a named character. +1 for the random monkeys!
Aug 18, 2014 14:52
hah! (random typing later).... its [esc] perp [esc]
Aug 18, 2014 14:48
Can anyone guide me if M has the special symbol 'eet' (basically an upside down T)? I cant see it in the documentation
Jul 29, 2014 17:04
@chuy thanks! I also like the use of outside brackets to turn Sequence into List.
Jul 29, 2014 16:57
Is there a way to feed back the result of a Reduce into the original equation? (toy example...) whereas Solve[x^2==16] gives rules { x->4, x->-4 }(easy to feed back into the formula), Reduce[x^2==16] gives x=4||x=-4 - I cannot see how to feed this back.
Jun 9, 2014 23:48
I think its often said, but worth repeating...Mathematica.StackExchange is a great site full of helpful people. Thanks to all !
Jun 7, 2014 19:18
Its not just a job search tool. You can find consultants, check out competitors, track who the HR-bod just got LinkedIn with to shadow possible job competitors. (+You're welcome).
Jun 7, 2014 19:15
I think it would be (better to create). It takes time to gather, build and edit a profile, and perhaps get some written recommendations posted (not 'skills' endorsement clicks).
Jun 7, 2014 19:09
@Kuba. It depends. Its interesting to track colleagues' colleagues..... 'competitive intelligence'. Its becoming spammy with the ''endorsements' (of your skills) by people who have only a passing acquaintance with you. The web-based portal allows you to tailor a sentence or two in introductions. But the mobile version shoots a generic, plain msg, making you look lazy. Useful..? Maybe, sometimes, although not a critical tool for me. But imho, its main game in town.
Jun 6, 2014 00:46
@halirutan. Done.
Jun 5, 2014 21:32
I've been working on the SAX approach but am stuck after standardizing and grouping datavalues and turning them into Strings. SAX then clusters them by string dis/similarity. The only built-in Mathematica String dis/similarity I can find is based on substitutions. I think the SAX approach requires that the difference between ABC and FBC isnt MMA's "1" (1 substitution) but "4" (letters different). Is there an alternate suggestion?
Jun 5, 2014 21:25
Can someone outline a good approach to group datasets, based on their plots having 'plots' of the same shape ? Extreme examples would be datasets that plot like: horizontal line, a diagonal line (uptrend), diagonal (downtrend) and a square wave.
May 4, 2014 21:04
@MichaelHale. Thank you! That's what I wanted.
May 4, 2014 18:57
for clarity, an ideal output would be { r[g[b]] , r[b[g]] }
May 4, 2014 18:56
@halirutan on your recent graph answer if we get a 'branch' with, say, relations r [ g[b] , b[g] ] how can I get (using a generic approach) each sub-branch r[g[b]] and r[b[g]] ? I tried various Maps and Applys
Apr 24, 2014 20:38
@MichaelHale Sounds like a bad case of WolfREM (TM)
Mar 28, 2014 21:24
@Szabolcs. I haven't tested but I wonder if the burden of ParallelTable is causing your laptop to emerge from some form of power saving and increase clocking to the CPU.
Mar 21, 2014 17:11
anyone interested in helping me on a quick Graph AdjacencyMatrix Q?
Jul 11, 2016 02:20
@user14717 In your answer you mention you solve equations for a living. I'm curious.. can you provide some general details about the type of problems you solve?