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@user14717 In your answer you mention you solve equations for a living. I'm curious.. can you provide some general details about the type of problems you solve?
@ff524 - That question about footnotes was perfect for Writers, thanks for sending it over.
@NeilFein Oh, good to hear :)
2 hours later…
Nice article, @ff524 :) The falling out between the two profs. (as described in the first question) is so unfortunate...it reminds me of why I hardly post anything on Facebook besides birthday wishes...
12 hours later…
Q: Please consider supporting arXiv trackbacks on the mother Meta

E.P.One long-standing feature requests for the Stack Exchange engine is the implementation of trackbacks for mentions of the arXiv on Stack Exchange sites. In general, if you have a blog and you blog about an arXiv eprint, you can send the arXiv a specially crafted http message, and then your blog ge...

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