
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Mar 21, 2013 06:50
that's awesome @karl
Mar 9, 2013 19:29
@JacobBlack are you talking in third person? :P
Mar 9, 2013 11:51
Mar 9, 2013 11:41
@JayeshBadwaik I would appreciate your participation. The thread is not edited in full.
Mar 9, 2013 11:33
@JayeshBadwaik In regards to resolving the issue, 5pm gives the only plausible solution.
Mar 9, 2013 11:32
@JayeshBadwaik I'm not suggesting a resolution to this problem. I realize we can't have uniformity in dealing with these issues. What I'm proposing is we embellish our about statement. I think we should have a different expectation in regard to dealing with questions from students, although I do not posit that we need any sort of uniform practice in dealing with these issues.
Mar 9, 2013 11:08
@JayeshBadwaik I have made some edits to the main post and I was wondering if you would feel inclined to read them.
Mar 9, 2013 10:46
@JayeshBadwaik Unfortunately now it's no longer on the community bulletin board :(
Mar 9, 2013 10:44
@JayeshBadwaik I just renamed the question: 'Curtailing a student's potential'
Mar 9, 2013 10:40
@JayeshBadwaik In that spirit, I should probably rename the question.
Mar 9, 2013 10:37
@JayeshBadwaik The student needs to develop their own rapport with mathematics, and that won't happen if he or she doesn't discover things. Logical leaps are what brings them closer to trusting their own faculties. They need to experience continual success attributed to their own efforts. By providing a full answer to a low quality question, (or demand), we perpetuate a dependency cycle. This action isn't fostering academic independence.
Mar 9, 2013 10:33
Giving a full answer can hinder the learning process and create dependency cycles.
Mar 9, 2013 10:32
I'm more concerned with the act of compulsive answering, (I'm no longer concerned with cheating)
Mar 9, 2013 10:31
uhh but no.
Mar 9, 2013 10:31
@JayeshBadwaik 2. is my biggest concern
Mar 9, 2013 10:28
@libjup how would it be any different from 2D? That's what you should ask yourself
Jan 30, 2013 06:00
I have to take general chem, physics with calculus, philosphy of morality and english literature
Jan 30, 2013 06:00
yeah triple major
Jan 30, 2013 05:45
like all 100 levels
Jan 30, 2013 05:45
i am taking all the lower level shit I put off
Jan 30, 2013 05:44
this is my last semester, i finished the math program and the spanish program
Jan 30, 2013 05:44
Jan 30, 2013 05:43
idaho is the state eh
Jan 30, 2013 05:43
boise, ID
Jan 30, 2013 05:43
and his contemporaries
Jan 30, 2013 05:43
I studied under him
Jan 30, 2013 05:43
have you seen Andres Caicedo on this website?
Jan 30, 2013 05:42
I am from Idaho
Jan 30, 2013 05:42
Mar 9, 2013 19:50
@BrianM.Scott Tutoring won't always be perfect but it's a step in a new direction for the site. Every new beginning has an associated risk.
Mar 9, 2013 19:49
Mar 9, 2013 19:49
Mar 9, 2013 19:48
@BrianM.Scott That doesn't look to bad.
Mar 9, 2013 19:16
@BrianM.Scott As I thought, the excitement about the proposal is indeed spreading like wildfire.... I don't even know why I bother.
Mar 9, 2013 19:01
oh "his question" i read "this question"--I can't read today
Mar 9, 2013 18:54
@BrianM.Scott Which question? mine? Hmmmf. Well I hope good listening is occurring.
Mar 9, 2013 18:50
@BrianM.Scott Yes, exactly. Tara B. asked that I start such a proposal, if you hadn't already seen.
Mar 9, 2013 18:44
Mar 9, 2013 18:44
Having both options would be a good compromise.
Mar 9, 2013 18:43
As in if students identified stackexchange with tutoring, as well as answers.
Mar 9, 2013 18:42
The reason being: I believe it could have a greater tutorial potential if the community saw fit to provide this option to students.
Mar 9, 2013 18:41
I'm still inclined to propose an embellishment to the about section, (Even though I feel it will be in vain).
Mar 9, 2013 18:40
And as to the point that you were making. You're right, for the established mechanism that math.SE is, it is a question, (As in it agrees with the standards set forth in the about section). I see your idea of how we should assume nothing about the questioner and I think that in itself is good practice.
Mar 9, 2013 18:36
I really hope that I'm doing my part to make stackexchange a welcoming environment. If the community would have me leave for my ideals or principles, I would gladly leave in favor of a more harmonious stackexchange. I really do apologize and hope that everyone feels that I'm not trying to cause such a consternation.
Mar 9, 2013 18:33
@BrianM.Scott "I also suspect that some simply lose heart when they read the often rather harsh comments on badly posed questions and decide that the game’s not worth the candle." ---- I'm merely proposing that the student who loses heart by the severity of the comments is not at fault for losing heart. The community is at fault for providing for an unwelcoming environment.
Mar 9, 2013 18:27
@BrianM.Scott I know where you're coming from because I tutor for a living but those questions aren't their questions, they're somebody else's questions that they've copy/pasted. In that case, we should be answering the creator of the question. If the comments are harsh, then it's not the questioner's fault if they get discouraged and give up their pursuit of an answer--it's the fault of whoever left such a derisive comment on behalf of the community.
Mar 9, 2013 18:27
@BrianM.Scott +1, for your perspective on how it is punitive, I can see it being discouraging. However-- if they fail to heed the comments then that's either their deliberate disregard or extreme obliviousness to a feature of the website, including the very poignant red notification they receive from a comment. Often they've plenty of time to even attempt an adequate change. Also once closed, they've the possibility of a re-open in exchange for turning their post into a question. If they feel they've been wronged, they've the right to protest and be heard on meta, in chat, or through e-mail.
Mar 9, 2013 18:27
@BrianM.Scott For every thesis there is an antithesis. In this reality we are the arbiters. Your opinion and reputation drive the future of this website. Why not reject today's reality? How much value does the commenting system retain then anyway if the questioner, more often than not, doesn't heed the comments? We've got to give them the benefit of the doubt don't you think? And can you 'quantify' improve? Any improvement in the question is significant, otherwise it's not an improvement now is it? In any case, the kind of Q's that 5pm is talking about aren't real Q's to begin with
Mar 9, 2013 18:27
@5pm I've got a ways to go before I can vote to close :(
Mar 9, 2013 18:27
@5pm I have included a 'resolution' to my original question, I would be interested to read what you have to say about it.