The Unhandled Exception

 The Frying Pan

Sometimes hot, always heavy. (
Jun 18, 2021 15:42
Got it, I accept that this is my opinion and that my answer should have been deleted
Jun 18, 2021 15:28
And yes the other part was "is it safe to not wash mushrooms" and maybe there's a regional difference. Doesn't matter too much to me, we wash mushrooms and cook them as described and find them delicious, so we'll continue to do so 🙂 Others can cook as they want
Jun 18, 2021 15:26
But I am a developer, not a chef, so 😂 I'll leave my answer deleted
Jun 18, 2021 15:25
@rumtscho That's correct, as my biggest issue with the original question is that there shouldn't be water left over when cooking
Jun 18, 2021 15:22
Seems like not really
Jun 18, 2021 15:22
I was just wondering if people thought it contained useful information and I should try and salvage it somehow
Jun 18, 2021 15:21
@Stephie apologies, I wasn't asking for you to change the basic rules of the site. While I don't agree (I feel my answer was a frame challenge to the question) I accept that it's deleted and wasn't asking for it to be undeleted
Jun 18, 2021 14:50
@rumtscho I thought my answer here contained useful information. I understand you feel it didn't answer the question... do you think instead it would be better if I asked and self-answered a different question to share knowledge wiki style, or do you just feel it's a bad answer and should remain deleted?
Jun 18, 2021 12:47
Found it, here's the video which changed how we cook mushrooms in this house, and it's a definite improvement:…
Jun 18, 2021 12:32
Here's a better one. For the science, rewind (I have it queued right to the cooking part)
Jun 18, 2021 12:27
(though we don't use a microwave; I can find their actual video on cooking mushrooms later)
Jun 18, 2021 12:24
@StianYttervik never had any problem cooking mushrooms after washing them, but the way we cook mushrooms over here is very different to how @Tetsujin and that question described. We typically steam them in a pan with water until all the water is gone, and then add oil and fry them
Jun 18, 2021 12:23
Clearly says "wash before use"
Jun 18, 2021 12:22
Maybe the "don't wash" advice is regional? Because this is what the mushrooms in my fridge look like:
Jun 17, 2021 20:31
Maybe supermarket mushrooms are cleaner where you are but in stores around me they are downright filthy and I always wash them thoroughly. Especially if eating raw. Just my experience!
Jan 22, 2021 00:44
Are you in the USA? If so, the USPS Informed Delivery app combined with checking at 5PM (or whatever the last time mail is delivered) may be a much easier solution
Jan 22, 2021 00:42
@DKNguyen NOAA disagrees with you: Scientists defined “mild” weather as temperatures between 64 and 86 degrees F. But regardless of the definition of "mild," unless OP is keeping his house at <45F, using electric resistance heating when it's 25F or below is going to be very expensive
Jan 22, 2021 00:42
25F is not “mild”, that’s below freezing, and electric resistance heating is very expensive. Sounds like that’s a major factor.
Aug 23, 2020 20:35
After discussing it with others @LPH it's clear not all agree with me. Political correctness aside, it's not the term I'd use (doesn't carry the right connotation to me...) but I can understand a point of view on how it can be used. (My downvote is locked in because it was over an hour ago, but I could remove if you edit the answer)
Aug 23, 2020 20:35
More cultural references than political correctness @LPH. I’ve winced when hearing characters in movies and TV use the term to describe casual encounters. But that’s just my personal opinion
Aug 23, 2020 20:35
I downvoted because the word "conquest" is sometimes used as an inappropriate objectification for sexual partners; more technically the term can be defined as "sexual conquest", but is often shortened to just "conquest", and is considered to be derogatory...
Mar 11, 2020 17:37
Tips for housekeeping staff is expected in US hotels, yes.

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
Nov 17, 2019 16:30
@Wrigglenite Got it. Thanks for the advice and the tag cleanup!
Nov 17, 2019 16:27
Should I mention the platform in the question body if I'm unsure if the platform matters? Sometimes the port of a game differs from one platform to another, and I have no idea if that's true in my case
Nov 17, 2019 16:26
It's tricky -- having not played this game on any other platform I don't know if the platform matters...
Nov 17, 2019 16:26
Thanks. I just found… which appears related
Nov 17, 2019 16:24
hey @Wrigglenite I saw that you removed the nintendo-switch tag from my recent questions... Does that mean that I should not be tagging questions with the platform I'm playing on? (I thought that was a thing on Arqade)
Nov 3, 2018 20:19
@DavidRiceregarding your comment "When you picture a child learning english, you think they're taught to never use 'they' as an ambiguous singular?" yes, as a child and teenager in the 1990s in the USA I was specifically taught not to use "they" as an ambiguous singular because it is a plural noun. "What would their teacher say?" I was taught that he/she or "one" is the proper usage and (s)he is the more informal correct usage. We would get corrected (and possibly marked down) for using "they/their" to refer to a singular person.
Aug 4, 2018 18:01
I have never seen “whatever you have to hand”, only ever “whatever you have on hand”
Jul 18, 2017 14:45
I have a meeting for work, so I will finish reading/responding to the transcript later
Jul 18, 2017 14:45
@Chris The more time I spent as a mod, the less I got concerned with the fact that we're still in beta. Despite my initial panic that many betas were shut down, it also seems like many betas just stay beta for a long time; CogSci is one of them
Jul 18, 2017 14:42
@mfloren Agreed -- Any question across the stack exchange network that can be answered by a LMGTFY link should probably be closed, they don't add value. A good Stack Exchange question becomes the top result in Google, not the other way around.
Jul 18, 2017 14:40
Flyers in universities, advertisements to TAs and undergrads, etc might help. If we could get a few professors onboard that might rally help. This is an area I can't help with at all, not being in the field
Jul 18, 2017 14:39
@StevenJeuris to this point, you and I spoke a number of times about ways to attract that audience. Being all-includisive didn't seem to do it, but if we get more closed, we need to look at ways to advertise the site to experts. Outside programmers, very few people seem to know about Stack Exchange (though that's growing)
Jul 18, 2017 14:37
That's why I think the Incubation question is good -- it's based on a real phenomenon, it's asking for more information so further research can be done on that phenomenon, it's popular, and it's a hobbyist/non-expert question which attracts visitors, but has an expert answer
Jul 18, 2017 14:36
@ArnonWeinberg I agree with this point, and that's part of why I personally have wanted this to be an all-incluside site. The other wise of this, that I saw as a mod, is that being popular attracts pseudo-science which is definitely a red flag for experts
Jul 18, 2017 14:30
Ah, it's all good. New job, new house, etc. Things keeping me very, very busy!
Jul 18, 2017 14:29
@YvetteColomb glad to hear it. I'm doing OK thanks, the past 3+ years have been crazy for me!
Jul 18, 2017 14:28
@mfloren to your point, in the case of that question I knew there was a name, because Dr. Kandel was talking about it, and he just failed to mention the name before changing topics. But you make a good point, "Is there a name for x?" questions can be a slippery slope
Jul 18, 2017 14:26
I remember :) How are you?
Jul 18, 2017 14:26
I am, yes
Jul 18, 2017 14:26
Also, while I was a mod on the site, I'm not a professional, just very interested in the topic
Jul 18, 2017 14:24
@YvetteColomb thanks, I'm glad you think that's a good example. I will note that I posted that question as somewhat of a "seed" question early on, designed to help bootstrap the site. (It was a legitimate question, but also something I crafted specifically from a source I thought might attract Google questions, I.E. Dr. Eric Kandel speaking on the Charlie Rose Brain Series)
Jul 18, 2017 14:20
@StevenJeuris et al, I'm really sorry, I had a personal situation come up yesterday and was unable to attend. I'm reading through the transcript now and will post comments
Jul 12, 2017 14:00
Haven't been in the TL for years, sadly. But yes, maybe Anna Leer or ask Shog9
Jul 12, 2017 14:00
Sure thing -- I still get pings from chat and comments on my phone, and I'll join to respond :)
Jul 12, 2017 13:59
@StevenJeuris perfect, that's the best way to list this event
Jul 12, 2017 13:58
(I saw comments about me leaving because I was bored -- that's far from the truth!)