Jun 17, 2017 20:52
@MishaRosnach, that is the point.
Jun 17, 2017 20:52
99% of Americans would say don't say that unless you want someone to take it literally.

 VBA Rubberducking

This chat has moved to Discord: discord.gg/MYX9RECenJ
Jul 15, 2016 17:51
does rubberduck work with VB6?
Aug 10, 2015 12:55
I agree the standup part could/should have asked in project management. But the main part of my quesiton was dealing with people.
Aug 9, 2015 00:45
@LightnessRacesinOrbit, yes it starts out with: I have a call at 9am. The call is with persons x,y,z. X,Y,Z are the managers of the datacenter. We are going to talk about blah, hoping to achieve blah. We will probably have a followup meeting after....
Aug 9, 2015 00:45
@JeffO, heck yes. we don't stand up. we don't answer the three key questions. These meetings have been happening in this fashion before I arrived to the company a few months ago. Nobody was a scrum master. they just go around the table and say what they feel is necessary to say. I came from a company who did agile/scrum correctly.

 The Water Cooler

General chit-chat for workplace.stackexchange.com. Feel free t...
Aug 5, 2015 21:36
the other question is about normal business meetings not development meetings
Aug 5, 2015 21:36
I have read this question, but my issue is a little bit more specific: how do I get one person to not talk for as long in a scrum? I'm the scrum master.
Aug 5, 2015 21:36
I did that.
Aug 5, 2015 21:28
because if it is number 2, I already used your resolution
Aug 5, 2015 21:27
so @gnat, in your opinion did it fall in your point 1,2, or 3
Aug 5, 2015 21:20
@JoeStrazzere, @JaneS, no incident occured that I know of. But it was a comment on http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/135/encouraging-people-to-explain-downvotes

that people Could retaliate if they new who downvoted them. I assume the person would then go look up all the questions and downvote the opposing persons questions.
Aug 5, 2015 21:15
@gnat, how is my question a duplicate?
Aug 5, 2015 19:40
I feel as this is the least negative stack exchange site, but it still exists.
Aug 5, 2015 19:39
If everything I did went correctly, I wouldn't be on stackoverflow. haha
Aug 5, 2015 19:37
+1 @JoeStrazzere
Aug 5, 2015 19:32
I guess the whole retaliation thing is why.
Aug 5, 2015 19:02
And the token down vote has been hit. This is why I hate stack overflow. A legitimate questions gets downvoted. It should be required to comment why you are downvoting
Aug 5, 2015 18:11
Q: scrum member speaking to long

crh225I have read this Link However, my question is little bit more specific: How do I get this one person to not talk as long? What can I say during the meeting that isn't rude to let her no she is going way too long? I will need to tell her in person. We have a person in our daily stand up/scrum m...

Aug 5, 2015 17:50
Ok. I posted it. The title is(until someone edits it): scrum member speaking to long
Aug 5, 2015 16:42
Do you think it is a worthy quesiton? to many times I would ask a question and then it gets downvoted for whatever reason
Aug 5, 2015 16:09
I feel as if the person has to over compensate and tell everyone how much they work because they have to work weekends/nights when most people arent working and using the systems.
Aug 5, 2015 16:09
We have a person in our daily stand up/scrum meeting that takes at least five minutes to say what they feel like they need to say. They give almost an hour by hour play of what they did yesterday, and what they plan on doing today. Everyone else takes about twenty seconds. What is the best way to get the person to make shorter updates. They are the release manager.
Sep 20, 2014 18:54
My problem is for me to leave my current job, it has to be near the top
Sep 20, 2014 18:52
so should they pay at the top of their budget?
Sep 20, 2014 18:50
I am
Sep 20, 2014 18:48
@enderland I havent yet. I was going to mark everything with numbers out and just leave my name and company name. I decided that wasnt the best idea
Sep 20, 2014 18:46
so now, instead of outsourcing work, we are "insourcing" them for eleven month contracts
Sep 20, 2014 18:44
because they outsourced it
Sep 20, 2014 18:44
My internal sites look more awesome than the companies external site.
Sep 20, 2014 18:42
I liked working on internal sites, so when someone said it does work on ie7, I could refer them to the company standard
Sep 20, 2014 18:39
I like it because I learn something new everyday, and it takes care of all responsiveness
Sep 20, 2014 18:37
@jmort253 to me, with bootstrap, the entire internet is going to minimalism. Even Apple updated their site to look like bootstrap
Sep 20, 2014 18:35
@jmort253 i watched season 1, then i lost hbo
Sep 20, 2014 18:32
Sep 20, 2014 18:30
I feel like with the name slack, my boss would roll his eyes (I do apologize if this is your company)
Sep 20, 2014 18:27
WOW! Is the company software I can share with my boss?
Sep 20, 2014 18:25
do they let you work remote?
Sep 20, 2014 18:21
@jmort253 What motivates you to stay in the same company?
Sep 20, 2014 18:19
What is your biggest skill/technology that has helped you get to where you are/want to be?
Sep 20, 2014 18:15
@jmort253 I am as well
Sep 20, 2014 18:13
@jmort253 have you ever worked in hr or recruiting?
Sep 20, 2014 18:06
How do I find out specific benefits, such as co-pay for insurance and time-off? I read on forbes not to ask in initial interview.
Sep 20, 2014 18:03
Is it ok to ask about vacation time? Mainly because I am getting married in a month and already have time off at my current company
Sep 20, 2014 18:02
I was going to open up with the answers to typical interview questions
Sep 20, 2014 18:02
My shortcomings are that I am impatient...
Sep 20, 2014 18:00
How about this one: What are my shortcomings for this particular position?
Sep 20, 2014 18:00
The beauty of linkedin is that I can see a few people only worked there a few months, so stability is important to me.
Sep 20, 2014 17:59
I have some questions written down: Are theses off putting?

Can you describe what my career path will look like?
What is the turnover rate company-wide and for this and similar positions?
Would you describe your salary review and performance review processes?
Sep 20, 2014 17:57
Thanks. Im in a pickle cause I have the best benefits in my state, and I would be going to an awesome job with no benefits. I need all the fuel for them to offer the top part of the range. I am aware that my skills get me there