Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development...
Nov 25, 2012 04:31
that stuff
Nov 25, 2012 04:31
karmas a bitch
Nov 25, 2012 04:31
what goes around coems around
Nov 25, 2012 04:31
if you feel you have downvoted a post in error, nature will find a way of restoring the balance
Nov 25, 2012 04:30
votes in stack overflow are neither created or destroyed, they only change form between up/down and 0
Nov 25, 2012 04:30
for every upvote there is an equal and opposite downvote
Nov 25, 2012 04:30
you wont have problems finding bad answers
Nov 25, 2012 04:23
just downvote ppl whenever you get upvoted
Nov 25, 2012 02:42
all my programming has gone into stuff you cant see when u start the game
Nov 25, 2012 02:42
i dont have much to show.. just my source control lol
Nov 25, 2012 02:41
yea i currently just print stuff to the console
Nov 25, 2012 02:37
hey guys, do u guys create a "log" type class for your games, that generates log files and stuf like that? should i bother doing that?
Nov 22, 2012 05:35
hey every1, i created a book mark of some chat here but i cant figure out how to access my bookmarks... any1 know how?
Nov 21, 2012 04:05
o :(
Nov 21, 2012 04:05
how do i upvote your messages?
Nov 21, 2012 04:05
well thank you for the help youve given me a couple ideas on how to get started with this solution
Nov 21, 2012 04:04
good idea
Nov 21, 2012 04:04
ok good call
Nov 21, 2012 04:02
and then wheni finish both branches ill flip a coin
Nov 21, 2012 04:02
i will make a branch for both approaches
Nov 21, 2012 04:02
Nov 21, 2012 04:02
ok but then when my server gets a standby command how can i be sure that it is the local client that sent it and not a rogue user?
Nov 21, 2012 04:02
i will try doing that but just curious what way would u write it?
Nov 21, 2012 04:01
that sounds like a good idea
Nov 21, 2012 04:01
Nov 21, 2012 03:59
so it doesnt wait at all it just checks to see if any request came in since the last time it checked
Nov 21, 2012 03:58
peek for any connection requests.. none? ok


Nov 21, 2012 03:58
the loop for the server is like
while (true)
Nov 21, 2012 03:58
thats what i was trying to avoid lol
Nov 21, 2012 03:57
but i mean in a real game scenario the server will be doing all of its serving duties so it isn't sitting waiting for connections... it just polls for any connection requests when it has time to
Nov 21, 2012 03:56
but it is not limited by any kind of sleep or anything... so it will run as fast as possible right? eatup allmy cpu?
Nov 21, 2012 03:56
the reason being identical is so i dont have to change any code
Nov 21, 2012 03:55
i wnat the server to pretty much identical to a dedicated server though... the dedicated server would just loop continuously looking for connections.. if my server isnt running then i have to figure out someway to start it before i can send connection packets to it right? this is assuming i put it in a seperat eprocess
Nov 21, 2012 03:54
o yes that is true
Nov 21, 2012 03:54
but it would have nothing to do
Nov 21, 2012 03:54
well it will have its own continuous loop running eating up cpu i would guess
Nov 21, 2012 03:53
because if the server process doesn't eat up resources then i hav no problem having it running all the time while i play on some remote server...
Nov 21, 2012 03:53
but what i wanted to know is if its possible to run say a client and a server process, but now have the server process eat up resources?
Nov 21, 2012 03:52
i mean it was my choice to do so....
Nov 21, 2012 03:45
my design was to start a client only, because if you want to join a dedicated server, i dont want to have a local server running all the time because it would waste resources... or can i make the server process sleep somehow and not take away any performance when im connecting the client to a remote server?
Nov 21, 2012 03:43
but im not sure how to do that from the client... i would have to go back up to the engine and request it to be done right?
Nov 21, 2012 03:43
the biggest issuei have right now is that from the client, you can create a new server in its own process.. like if you decided to host a game for example
Nov 21, 2012 03:42
Nov 21, 2012 03:39
but then that means the engine and client for exmple will be strongly coupled, because the engin creates a client and the client has to store a pointer to the engine that created it.... thats bad right?
Nov 21, 2012 02:49
hey every1, i have an engine class in c++ that when run either creates a server or client. i have some engine functions that iw oudl like to call in the server/client, but dont want to store a pointer back up to the engine. would it make sense for the server and client to inherit from the engine?
Nov 19, 2012 04:46
where should i put this function: int randomInt(int low, int high)? i dont know the best place ina project to put this, using C++
Nov 18, 2012 02:38
i have a child process in win32 which inherited a pipe handle.. i did this by setting the child's stdout to use the pipe handle.. is there another way of passing the pipe to my child without overwriting stdout/stdin?
Nov 17, 2012 23:34
anyone here used anonymous pipes in the windows api ?
Nov 17, 2012 23:02
package your game with matlab
Nov 17, 2012 23:02
it rocks in matlab