Nov 18, 2021 16:43
@Antonio51, I have tested it with 1uF caps to with the same result, so I don't think that's the problem. I have 4.7uF because that's what I had lying around at the time.
Nov 18, 2021 16:43
@bobflux, Sorry for the confusion I said that it blows when connecting a load ; Unfortunately I blew my drivers by mistake too, I have ordered new parts and thanks to chip shortages it will take 2 weeks to arrive. Thank you for the recommendations, as soon as I get the new parts, I will update the post with all the tests and results and requested information.
Nov 18, 2021 16:43
@Aaron, Thanks, I'll take some scope plots and update the post.
Nov 18, 2021 16:43
@user_1818839, Yes it is.
Nov 18, 2021 16:43
@bobflux, Yes it blows up when connecting any load, I tried large motor, small motor and no motor 5 ohm power resistor.
Nov 18, 2021 16:43
@Andyaka I'm really confused, when the MOSFETs are not connected all the PWM signals are valid on the gate of the MOSFETs but as soon as they are connected the high-side MOSFET fails short. I'll add a bulk capacitor and build the circuit on brand new PCB with new parts. I have already burnt 6 MOSFETs :(
Nov 18, 2021 16:43
@Andyaka, Thanks for the recommendations, I have updated the post.

 Discussion between Oli and jonk

Imported from a comment discussion on electronics.stackexchang...
Jul 13, 2021 08:34
Sure, thanks for helping me out.
Jul 13, 2021 08:33
Thank you, I'll read that too.
Jul 13, 2021 08:32
I have learned a lot too
Jul 13, 2021 08:32
Thank you so much
Jul 13, 2021 08:32
someone in the comments recommend a book by Douglas Self about audio amplifier design. I have started to read it, and I think I'll need way more study to be able to design a "standard" high power audio amplifier.
Jul 13, 2021 08:29
I have got this one OPA454AIDDA
Jul 13, 2021 08:29
but seeing how complicated it is to drive it otherwise, I'll go with an op-amp
Jul 13, 2021 08:27
I didn't want to because they are really expencive
Jul 13, 2021 08:27
I'll use an op-amp
Jul 13, 2021 08:26
I know I'm forcing it do what I want, but I really don't have much option other than buying one. I am a beginner when it comes to amplifier design or even analog electronics
Jul 13, 2021 08:23
also gain of each BJT is around 50 minimum
Jul 13, 2021 08:21
there is absolutely no distortion any where at any frequency from 1Hz to 20kHz
Jul 13, 2021 08:20
I'll upload some screen shots of my scope so you can see it your self
Jul 13, 2021 08:20
no that happens when there is no input connected
Jul 13, 2021 08:19
I'm only saying what I saw on my scope
Jul 13, 2021 08:19
the thing is that the gain is so high even me touching it makes it go loud
Jul 13, 2021 08:18
I can upload scope screen shots if you need
Jul 13, 2021 08:18
me too :D
Jul 13, 2021 08:18
Jul 13, 2021 08:18
well it did have some problems near the rails at first but after adjusting the pot it got fixed
Jul 13, 2021 08:17
Yes I did and it worked really good with no problems near the rails
Jul 13, 2021 08:17
As this is my first design of an audio amplifier I was expecting it to be bad
Jul 13, 2021 08:16
I know don't worry
Jul 13, 2021 08:16
Also I have built the AB stage physically
Jul 13, 2021 08:15
As I said it doesn't need to output full power all the time, as long as it sounds good and loud, it'll do the job. I guess I'll try my stupid design with a high-voltage op-amp as driver stage with negative feedback and see if it works.
Jul 13, 2021 08:12
I just wanted to make something that "works", Apparently it's not gonna happen :(
Jul 13, 2021 08:11
@jonk, Okay Thank you for letting me know. The voltage rails of the of the "of the shelf amp" are provided by it's own DC-DC converter which converts 12 volts to +- 32 volts.
Jul 13, 2021 08:07
@jonk, I'm trying to do it with a class-AB amp. I have looked at my other of the shelf amp it also works by using a AB output stage
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@jonk, Thank you. I am driving a 2 x 2 ohm subwoofer at 800 Watts, I need +- 32 volt at output to be able to push the current through 2 x 2ohm coil of the subwoofer. I have written them in question too.
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@Jonk, How can I fix the problems? This is my first amplifier design. Can you point me in the right direction ?
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@Audioguru, I'm not using the class-A because of the distortion. There is no negative feedback because there is no driver stage for my class-AB Amp.
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@jonk, I know it's bad which is why I'm asking for help, sorry if it's terrible but somehow it works. My load is 2x2 ohm subwoofer at 800W RMS, and I have tested it with all the frequency range at max power and there is no distortion.
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@jonk, I had totally forgotten, those are supposed to be 10uF not 10 farad. My bad, I will fix them right away. I'll also update the post with class-AB stage schematics.
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@DaveTweed, No It's not homework and I'm not a student. I'm trying to build a high power Class AB amp and I have made it and tested it with my scope the only problem is that my Class AB amp requires the input signal voltage to be amplified since it is a emitter follower.
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@Colin, Thank you for helping and recommending the book. I'll try to make one out of discrete components. and update the post with results.
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@Andyaka I have changed the voltage values so all of them are the same. I believe I have mentioned what is my input voltage level and what I require at the output.
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@DaveTweed, I knew it would be inefficient but not as much. Is there a better circuit that I could use to amplify the input ? besides using high voltage op-amps.
Jul 13, 2021 08:05
@user_1818839, Yes I forgot to include that in my calculations, Thank you. but it doesn't solve the problem.
Jun 20, 2021 07:04
Does any one have any idea why the current is 180 degrees out of phase with the voltage ?
Jun 19, 2021 12:01
@winny, peak current rating is 40 amps. I did add a snubber with C=330 nf and R=100 ohms but it still failed. In your circuit was the resistor in series with the TRIAC ?
Jun 18, 2021 17:55
@TonyStewartEE75, The cap is in parallel with the air compressor motor, I think it should be the same with the AC unit because I think they are there to improve the PF of the motors. I will have a look at the voltage and current phase on the scope and update the post.
Jun 18, 2021 17:55
@Kartman, Thanks for the recommendations on the code I wasn't sure if Arduino had changed anything or not and wanted to be sure. I did end up adding a crude snubber on to it with R = 100, C = 300 nf but I don't think that is the problem since I cannot see any voltage spikes on the scope with the air compressor also, I don't think I'm exceeding the TRIACs specs since I cannot see anything on the scope. I measured both the AC and air compressors resistances and they where both around 6.5 ohm. maybe there's something else that is happing with the AC and not with the air compressor but I doubt it.
Jun 18, 2021 17:55
@ErikR The problem with that idea is that it requires a huge resistor. For example to get around %50 less amps by having 11 ohm resistor passing around 7 amps through it would be 539W of power loss for couple seconds!