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Q: H-bridge motor driver high-side MOSFET problem

OliI'm trying to build a h-bridge motor driver with MIC4605-1YM: The problem is that as soon as I connect power the high-side MOSFET of the active side blows up. I have tested the signals without the MOSFETs and everything is fine. Vcc is 12 volts, MOSFETs are rated for 30A 40V and 20Vgs. I can't f...

Power supply voltage levels and links to data sheets please. If you redrew it with proper MOSFET symbols it might get more attention.
@Andyaka, Thanks for the recommendations, I have updated the post.
I can't see anything particularly wrong with that design - maybe a PCB error? Maybe faulty or fake parts? Maybe a short circuit? Maybe add a bulk capacitor from 12 volts to GND right at the H bridge itself. H bridges need this capacitor mainly.
@Andyaka I'm really confused, when the MOSFETs are not connected all the PWM signals are valid on the gate of the MOSFETs but as soon as they are connected the high-side MOSFET fails short. I'll add a bulk capacitor and build the circuit on brand new PCB with new parts. I have already burnt 6 MOSFETs :(
Well, hopefully with me stating that I can't see anything much wrong, someone might be enthused to spot something I didn't.
Does it blow up with the load (motor) connected, or with no load connected?
@bobflux, Yes it blows up when connecting any load, I tried large motor, small motor and no motor 5 ohm power resistor.
Is the bootstrap diode internal to the driver chip?
@user_1818839, Yes it is.
Please post scope plots of the gate waveforms, and note what the conditions (voltages, loads etc.) were when taking the plots.
Also, I recommend using a separate supply for the load and set it to 1V with a 200mA current limit. This will allow you to test without blowing stuff up.
@Aaron, Thanks, I'll take some scope plots and update the post.
I did not see any value for C13 and C14 (4.7uF) in data sheet ? Not too high ?
OK. So you say it blows with no load (no motor, no 5 ohms resistor, nothing). Without load, both halves of your bridge are independent. Do both top MOSFETs blow? Just the active one? If you always turn on the same one, it'll probably be the one to blow, but if you turn on the other side of the bridge, does the MOSFET on that side blows too?
You can also test by removing the gate resistor of the bottom MOSFET and soldering a bodge pull down resistor like 10R between gate and source to make sure it's always off. Or just short gate to source of the bottom FET with a solder blob. Also add a pull down resistor to the output like 100R to make sure the output voltage stays at 0V at idle so the bootstrap capacitor is charged. So only the top FET will turn on. This will eliminate turn-on of the bottom FET, and therefore cross-conduction, as a culprit.
Also please post layout and picture. MOSFETs with long inductive traces can oscillate and the extra dissipation in linear mode means the SO-8 dual FET will smoke.
@bobflux, Sorry for the confusion I said that it blows when connecting a load ; Unfortunately I blew my drivers by mistake too, I have ordered new parts and thanks to chip shortages it will take 2 weeks to arrive. Thank you for the recommendations, as soon as I get the new parts, I will update the post with all the tests and results and requested information.
@Antonio51, I have tested it with 1uF caps to with the same result, so I don't think that's the problem. I have 4.7uF because that's what I had lying around at the time.
OK so without load, it didn't blow, but with a load it did? Was the bridge fully on, or was PWM active with a duty cycle other than 100% when it blew?
Ok for the 1uF ... Did you try with a light load (100 Ohm) ? Did you try with a light load also between one output and ground (100 Ohm also) ?
@Oli Verify that outputs (PWM-LOUT or PWM-ROUT) of 74AHCT125 are really low when they are tri-stated (no parasitic pulse or glitch). Lower R5 and R6 if needed.

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