Hello, I've a short question. I was told that quantum jumps/state transitions of an electron are random events. But I also have learned when a photon strikes an atom, a quantum jump occurs between energy levels. (And somewhere I also read that they would instantly emit a photons after absorbing a photon corresponding to their difference in energy level and be back to that original energy level). Then how come these be random? Won't an electron jump between states when it would be struck by a photon?
Can anyone help me with the PDF of Wiley's Mathematics for JEE (Main & Advanced): Trigonometry, Vector Algebra, Probability, Vol 2, 2018 or 2019 or 2020 edition? I actually have a PDF of this book, which I came to see very available on the internet. But there's a problem with the version I have (probably my version is before 2017), the problem is in Vector Multiplication chapter, there's quite a lot symbol missing and sometimes uses an ambiguous "x" symbol in the place of dot symbol.
Can anyone please give me the 2021 JEE Advance question and solution PDF? Plenty of them available on the internet but can't get access due to not living in India (because I need to create an account with Indian phone number).
@JitendraSingh Sure. I do when I desperately need help. But mostly I can do on my own but sometimes a little help may be needed to push an idea, that's when I come here.
Does anybody have JEE 2021 Advance solve papers? Quite a lot is available on the internet but can't download any since it requires an Indian account ownership.
@Koro It's actually from my question where I want to understand how equation (i) (which is the general equation of conic) represent a circle. So, as an ellipse become a circle when e=0, if I put e=0 in that ellipse equation I would get 0/0. Then my question is how does that general equation represent a circle?