Looking at our list of abbreviations and terms... language theory uses way too many abbreviations

 The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for codegolf.stackexc...
yst 22:12
A child from a rich family goes to a school. All the other students are nice, perfect friends, and always an good example. Except they are all robots designed specifically to give her the perfect school experience. The teacher
is a real human though and as part of a plot she sneaks her real daughter into the school pretending to be a robot. The two children manage to dismantle the illusion and confront the parents and the company that makes these simulations.
yst 22:12
Movie Plot Idea:
yst 16:03
Isn't that just search replace?
yst 15:29
I'm not sure what type of challenge you are suggesting. Something about minecraft crafeting recepies?
Mon 05:58
@Simd Any way you can, at least for testing, copy the files to local? When you know it works you can upload it again
Mon 05:57
15 seconds
Sun 10:30
I guess for stack based language the difference isn't really that significant
Sun 10:03
If you wanted a second loop, I think do {} while() would probably be more useful than until {} (idk though)
Feb 15 19:23
Why do you need to load modules over the network?
Feb 15 18:25
I've never seen modules take any significant time to load, anything unusual about them?
Feb 15 18:19
No, it will load the entire module either way
Feb 15 18:04
It's a web API, so JS though it would probably work the same in WASM
Feb 15 11:57
Time to submit a blank pull request that fixes the issue
Feb 15 11:55
I change something, it works. Then I change it back, and it still works ?!?!. I have no idea what I'm doing
Feb 15 11:29
The exact order you set the event listeners and add the different metadata also seems to matter
Feb 15 11:26
And if it doesn't think your audio track is genuine enough it just doesn't receive the events and doesn't tell you why
Feb 15 11:25
All I want to do is get an event when someone presses the pause key, but to dot that I need to play a silent audo track on loop and then set album art and other stupid stuff
Feb 15 11:24
I love the media state API. It just doesn't work half the time and gives 0 feedback. It just doesn't seem to work with some specific audio files and some duration's for no reason?
Feb 14 14:51
A bio page typically allows around 1000
Feb 14 14:21
I remember like a decade ago someone crashed twitter by fitting an extreme number of emojis in a tweet, but I don't think many sites are vulnerable like that anymore
Feb 14 14:20
I'm guessing it's not very dense, so if there is a character limit you'll not be able to store much (depending on how characters are counted)
Feb 14 10:40
I wonder if any fonts have <3 as a ligature
Feb 14 09:53
Let me define what a heart should look like, a square with two circles on adjacent edges
Feb 14 09:53
Feb 14 08:20
Looks more like a face
Feb 14 08:20
Calling that shape a heart is a bit of a stretch but I'll accept it
Feb 14 07:00
CMC Draw an ASCII art heart for valentine's day
Feb 13 18:33
@mousetail Seems this is actually an 2 year old Electron bug github.com/electron/electron/issues/38876
Feb 13 15:49
(Oh pinging yourself does actually play the sound after a significant delay, interesting)
Feb 13 15:48
@mousetail Seems there have been several such bug reports in the past closed as "could not reproduce"
Feb 13 15:40
@devoid I do have one, but it's a bit unreliable inside code
Feb 13 14:40
I'm actually officialy diagnosed with dysgrafia, which effects my ability to spell
Feb 13 14:39
Thanks, I'm terrible at spelling
Feb 13 13:47
I do have both english (UK) and dutch language installed, maybe it doesn't deal with multiple languages well
Feb 13 13:45
Feb 13 13:45
Have you set it to american or british english?
Feb 13 13:44
Hmm I wonder if I have somehow configured it wrong
Feb 13 13:43
Weird. It didn't suggest "happiness" from "happyness" for example, even though it's just one replacement
Feb 13 13:42
Browser version or app?
Feb 13 13:37
Obsidian's spelling correction is kinda terrible, isn't it? It can rarely suggest the correct spelling even if I'm just one letter or two out
Feb 12 17:53
Feb 12 17:53
After that: Airplane copilot
Feb 12 16:43
Built half a castle, and a blueprint of the rest appears. Press tab to autocomplete it
Feb 12 16:42
Oh no, I can already imagine it
Feb 12 16:41
We need better antitrust regulations
Feb 12 16:41
Both force copilot ads on you
Feb 12 16:39
Though I'm essentially forced to use GitHub
Feb 12 16:34
That would require touching a Microsoft product, which is against my religion
Feb 12 15:57
For these situations, a printer would be useful