Sep 26, 2023 20:56
I guess that they don't care about the format as long as the result is good and they are not involved in edit that format. If you require a direct help from your supervisori it could be a blessing do it LaTeX if the superwisor is a LateX expert, but a curse if the opposite case. Better ask before ...
May 16, 2022 16:19
Try .tex to .html with pandoc. The HTML code produced is not absolutely minimal, but probably much better that you showed. Otherwise, use the same tool to convert to markdown, that is almost plain text, but hopefully will maintain important text structures of your document (headers, list, figures, tables, etc.) hat you will lost with pdftotext. No only is the best format to simplify a messed HLML or LaTeX, also is the best source to convert your text in different formats (HTML, PDF, etc.) with comparable outputs.
Jun 24, 2017 17:41
@Schweinebacke I would agree to close as too broad in the actual form because the lack of specifications of usual elements (graphics? colors? etc.) except taking seriously my first comment (smiles) but anyway, is not a duplicate (more smiles).
Jun 24, 2017 17:41
I do not think it's a duplicate if the OP ask for a "small most minimum" template.
Jun 24, 2017 17:41
@ubuntu89234 Refine your question reediting , not adding comments.
Jun 24, 2017 17:41
Jun 24, 2017 17:41
\documentclass{scrbook} \begin{document} Hello \end{document} ?
Sep 23, 2012 13:27
Hello everybody, Jooshep, Benrt, sorry for the delayed reply. It Is a storm day here and I lost the connection several times.