Sep 12, 2022 11:03
@DavidCarlisle Ah thanks for clarifying.
Sep 12, 2022 01:39
funny enough when I manually call pandoc it generates a file with line breaks in the arguments also, but it does compile.
Sep 12, 2022 01:35
I exported to markdown first and then to latex, seems to run fine now. Have to find out if there are some predefined settings somewhere, thanks tho
Sep 12, 2022 01:30
It might just be Manuskript causing this though Ill have to try and export to markdown first and then try again through commandline manually call pandoc and see if the same happens.
Sep 11, 2022 23:43
But I think the line breaks are the main cause of these issues. Not sure why pandoc adds them. Also don't know if there is an option for it.
Sep 11, 2022 23:41
I was trying out manuskript, a novel writing app, which has pandoc output export.
Even outside of manuskript i tried to convert a markdown to latex and even those failed to compile in texmaker. I think I had one success by calling pdflatex in the cmd but not sure what was different then.
Sep 11, 2022 23:39
@MarcelKrüger I don't it's just what pandoc produces for me.
Sep 11, 2022 20:54
Hello I have a question. I use pandoc to convert file formats to latex and try to run them in TexMaker.
This is what it outputs but doesn't compile:




Unless I rewrite it without the enters:


Can someone explain?

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
May 1, 2018 12:15
Does anyone know what might cause indexing to fail? I've selected the directories on my secondary harddrive but windows refuses to collect them or something
Dec 17, 2017 15:34
meaning that there are specific spots that are xcluded?
Dec 17, 2017 15:32
e being my secondary drive
Dec 17, 2017 15:32
Dec 17, 2017 15:31
yeah just did that, no effect
Dec 17, 2017 15:31
ill check
Dec 17, 2017 15:30
I've done it a while ago, just reminded me it never worked
Dec 17, 2017 15:30
2 months
Dec 17, 2017 15:28
Not sure if this is the place to ask but I have a specific folder in which I put stand alone executables. But when I windows search they aren't found ( windows key -> type to search ). Added it to indexing but with no effect. Anyone have some advice?
Apr 18, 2018 02:23
It's definitely more telling when you try to apply American politcs to European politics.
Apr 18, 2018 02:22
So nij, fyi. I'm not white. But thanks for showing your true colors and your pathetic attempt at an agenda.
Apr 18, 2018 02:21
@mtraceur It seems to me that Sidar would not consider it a "key fact" that the meanings of words evolve over time, I nowhere implied that. But by who's standard do you get to change the very definition of racism? What Nij is doing here, like so many other people, is try to take the word and redefine what it means to tip the balance. That's what this is about. But if you start granting people privileges to be racist you're just making matters worse. Nij definition of it is ill defined. It gives black people immunity to racist behavior. Why anyone wants this is beyond me. I said my piece. 🖖
Apr 18, 2018 02:21
@mtraceur Meanwhile, Nij believes that word refers to the race-related sociological effects Words have meaning, they give context and it matters. Racism is well established and clearly defined. By his/her own version of it black people are incapable of being racist in America ( and apparently Europe too?). This by itself is discriminatory and to a certain extend racist.
Apr 18, 2018 02:21
@Nij My response is that you provide no evidence or reasoning to support your statement You need evidence over a word that is well established? But hey you keep doing what you doing. Im out.
Apr 18, 2018 02:21
@Nij God forbid that we change our understanding as new information no. That's not how words work.
Apr 18, 2018 02:21
@mtraceur It's irrelevant. There is a clear cut definition of the word itself. And you don't get to twist it just to have your say.
Apr 18, 2018 02:21
@mtraceur and you're claiming that it's possible for everyone to be y no, we are talking about the same thing. Racism.
Apr 18, 2018 02:21
@mtraceur It doesn't matter. Nij is claiming that's impossible for black people to be racist. Which only does more harm. It gives them a shitty excuse at being racist themselves. I'm not buying it. There is no "traditional definition of racism". It either is or isn't. Not some special case because it fits your narrative.
Apr 18, 2018 02:21
@Nij 1. it has nothing to do with what I said, and 2. is still not racism but you see it had everything to do with your "point". You're trying to shift the definition of racism and im pointing out that black people CAN equally be racist as much as white people. You don't get to change words because you followed a tumblr entry level sociology class.
Apr 18, 2018 02:21
@Nij That's not how Racism works. Dear god, learn reading some dictionaries. Racism is clear cut. Your statement by itself has racist implications. It's ok, cause they white.

 Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development...
Apr 9, 2018 20:36
anyone know articles on how translate visual programming nodes into code?
Mar 18, 2018 00:04
So you're saying we shouldn't have a clear understanding of the situation before giving her advice on how to approach the two men? That's rather ill advised. But I digress, I just wanted a better understanding of the situation not try to invalidate what happened.
Mar 18, 2018 00:04
correction : more than that day*
Mar 18, 2018 00:04
@Spagirl She said that indeed, but not that the two men giggled more than once at her cleavage. Feeling like the odd one out does make you perceive things differently and peer pressure makes it worse. Perceiving things such as stares being "nasty"are common among these things. I don't believe my question to make sure we understand the situation correctly is irrelevant or insulting. I think you're just projecting now. If she confronts the two men who happen to feel differently about how they behaved ( as in that she misunderstood ) it could potentially make the situation worse.
Mar 18, 2018 00:04
@Spagirl It's important to know whether OP has a tendency to make things personal, she said that they didn't behave the same around the others. I think it's very relevant to how she experienced the situation. It's not me dismissing her experience, just asking questions. Also nowhere does she imply it happened to her before.
Mar 18, 2018 00:04
Is there a chance that you're seeing their behavior differently because you feel like it was directed at you? Are you sure they were giggling at you over your cleavage and not some thing they discussed before? I can understand that if things get more personal you're more sensitive to your surrounding.
Mar 2, 2018 14:54
@NajibIdrissi It isn't a matter of opinion. Why do you hire someone that doesn't speak fluently German? If you are going to communicate work cases you need to be sure there is no miscommunication. Because if you do, not only do you undermine his work, you will lose time and the company loses money. If OP is hired on the idea that it's an "international culture" then I at least expect them to speak English. If not, then OP is duped. I'm a programmer, if I join a company that doesn't speak English, but was told it does, ill be leaving the next day. It doesn't take effort really. It is EXPECTED.
Mar 2, 2018 14:54
@Edgar I think he means discriminatory not racist. If you speak in english and then get a reply in German I do feel like they are doing it on purpose. Obviously. Consistency is key though.
Mar 2, 2018 14:54
They don't have to do that I mean sure, if you want to be counter productive. OP clearly has difficulty putting things in order. If someone asks me to speak in english instead of dutch I'd happily comply to prevent any miscommunication you might have. It's a business after all, not much room to make many mistakes.
Jan 24, 2018 01:43
I said all I had to say. Don't really care. Not posting an answer of my own doesn't mean I have to agree with yours.
Jan 24, 2018 01:42
You're asking me to give benefit of doubt to a person who shits in their house? Nah. If Sarah doesn't get it on her own someone needs to point it out. What is more damaging to Lou is allowing her behavior to continue. What about his needs and wishes?

Being upfront about your needs and wishes isn't something that will cause "damage". If it does then the people living there are feeble creatures and you want to cut those out of your life asap. I don't know what kind of benign or whimsical solution you're looking for. But being able to stand up for yourself is a IPS.
Jan 24, 2018 01:38
Being able to stand up for yourself is crucial. If Lou ends up in a similar place for longer he needs to understand that "hacks" aren't gonna cut it.
Jan 24, 2018 01:35
@JesseBarnett you're upset because I think your solution is bad and you telling me I'm spamming? I'm simply responding to people.
Jan 24, 2018 00:19
@Jesse I get that, but I hope people don't forget to stand up for themselves. Luo being the newest tenant doesn't mean others shouldn't respect him either. I'm not trying to argue much here, just that I find from a social point of view this to be an abysmal approach to just scoff off what Sarah is doing. Her conduct is ridden with disrespect. Buying ashtray isn't an IPS you develop, it's just shoving it under the rug. But I digress, just sharing my opinion.
Jan 24, 2018 00:19
@Spagirl ‘perfectly fine’ and ‘deranged’ are hardly two sides of the same coin My use of deranged = perfectly fine not that being deranged is fine. The opposite is true. And I'm not being facetious if you don't have the courtesy to not put your ash on peoples property then perhaps there is something wrong with you. I just think that Lou should be clear about it rather than accommodate her smoking habits. She doesn't even pay rent. I'd point her the door. If his apartment complex sees problem with pointing out nasty habbits, then Lou should consider finding a new place imo.
Jan 24, 2018 00:19
@Lou Don't be afraid to express your wishes tho. Being upfront about something doesn't mean you will be in a complicated situation afterwards.
Jan 24, 2018 00:19
@Spagirl no deranged is perfectly fine. You rationalized it with "well you can wash it off". It's still filthy behavior. Their smoking habits should not be Lou's problem. You don't know where to put your ash? Don't smoke, it's simple.
Jan 24, 2018 00:19
I don't understand this solution. Why should others be the solution to her behavior? She just needs to be told not to be disgusting. Her personal issues and filth ridden behavior should not be anyone's problem. Sarah is deranged in her behavior and for people to "accept" it is even more absurd. Maybe I'm just more confrontational with this stuff but I would have put her in her place ( verbally of course ) every day until she understand her way is disgusting. But the fact the whole complex is scoffing it off would make me gtfo as fast as possible.
Nov 24, 2017 13:31
It's also fair to say that there aren't many Castlevania games like Symphony of the night outside of castlevania. Neither are there many games like metroid outside of 2D metroids. So when you say Metroidvania it's pretty clear cut what you can expect. Upgrades, bosses and Backtracking in a similar fashioned mapstyle.
Nov 19, 2017 00:33
so if you get familiar with haxe you could play around with kha like this. But I definitely suggest you try out several things. Godot, OpenFL, Kha, Unity, Unreal etc.
Nov 19, 2017 00:33
this is done with Kodegarden, which is like shadertoy but runs haxe and kha in the browser
Nov 19, 2017 00:32
This went a little out of scope thanks to @Hexvalues and his 3dBackround code.Try @kodegarden at #haxe #yeswekha