Apr 16, 2024 22:48
Please help with this question that is closed: skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/56899

 Discussion between J.D. and Grim

Imported from a comment discussion on dba.stackexchange.com/qu...
Aug 17, 2023 10:50
@BillerBuilder This bounding can be ignored if you store the binary data in the db.
Aug 8, 2023 22:45
Maybe tomorrow
Aug 8, 2023 20:40
Did you noticed the files have the same path and name? I like to be sure that this fact did catch your attention. Uniqueness, you are bound in absolute-file-paths in every os (almost every I guess).
Aug 8, 2023 20:38
hi, sorry I am late
Aug 8, 2023 20:04
Please do not compare your incremental backups with my full-backup. I can do incremental backups in postgres faster too having the same speed as your incremental backup. About find using os-specific commands, how do you differ entry #1 having filename "/a.txt" (2 bytes) from entry#2 having filename "/a.txt" (9 bytes)? You can not using file-references. You need os-specific-commands as well as a path is os-specific c:\t.txt and /t.txt differ. You can not order them, you need to use os-specific commands. Please do not be rude, I am new at dba.
Aug 8, 2023 20:04
I agree that a incremental backup might be faster. I am not trolling. If you think I am trolling, you should report this to a admin.
Aug 8, 2023 20:04
general professional consensus is a sophism (argumentum ad verecundiam). too much subjectivity & incorrectness is a sohpism (ignoring the counterevidence). what you said 2x a sophism (special pleading).
Aug 8, 2023 20:04
List files in Windows is dir in linux is ls. Do you agree? Its os-specific. How do you find files in linux? find -name "t.txt" or locate t.txt. in windows find "t.txt"(without -name). You see, they differ, thats your best prime example? It does not matter what os the sql-db runs in, you always use the same SQL, it might even not matter what vendor the sql server is. A backup that include sql and the files is as fast as backup them seperatly, but less work-complex and less error-prone and you are not forced to store ownership/perm and path.
Aug 8, 2023 20:04
You dont need a complex secure and backup plan than "just backup the db", you automatically have a network-filesystem, you have easy statictis source for the overall-storage-requirement, you can balance the datasource across nodes easier than on file-systems, you can order, index and find files by name or/and size without having os-specific find commands faster and easier. You can consistent guarantee no ambiguity in a db but never using files. A unique filename is no precondition in the same folder. Windows does not create unexpected thumbs.db files, linux does not create .trash-folders.
Aug 8, 2023 20:04
My dbs queries does not going slower. I would not say it bloats the database, I would say it sovles the single-source-of-truth. I am happy with the fact that a backup of the database also backups the referenced files, so the backup have no broken-file-references, let me phrase it as corrupted foreign-keys. The redundancy is a db-design problem. A file forces you to solve the owner/permission-problem, it is not acid since its there (or not) indepnednendly of the commit, it forces you to have a directory, it forces you to think about vulnerability (unpack petabytes in a 1kb zip, ADS bullshit etc
Aug 8, 2023 20:04
Why do you think a filesystem is better for files? I see only downsides.
Apr 26, 2023 20:23
For me a system is considered to be finished booting when the system has successfully finished compleatly runlevel 2 but not even a bit touched runlevel 3.
Apr 26, 2023 20:23
@MarcusMüller Wait, only the boot-sequence is slow. After booting everything else is fast as hell!
Apr 26, 2023 20:23
You said: "oha! that's not good. It should take fractions of a second to start postgresql", yes, it took under one second. And that was the slowest candidate. You asked for the slowest. I answered correctly: postgres was the slowest.
Apr 26, 2023 20:23
I added the output of sudo systemd-analyze critical-chain multi-user.target.
Apr 26, 2023 20:23
I added the storage device benchmark to the question.
Apr 26, 2023 20:23
The boot lags from beginning. And it does not lag in ubuntu-desktop 22.10. And it is only a 1 Megabyte database. I think this is going into the wrong direction.
Apr 26, 2023 20:23
Its a 1 megabyte database, I dont think that the first step in boot is to make sure postgres is working.
Apr 26, 2023 20:23
@MarcusMüller Most time took postgresql.
Sep 5, 2018 19:45
@Duga Yea but there is a bug in the community does not let me post questions even if I have only positive reputations.
Sep 5, 2018 16:39
In a genetic alg. I have no accepable results in 450 generations. My mutation per generation is to change only one command of a command-block of about 200 commands.
Sep 5, 2018 16:38
I maybe can ask here?
Sep 5, 2018 16:36
"Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more."
Sep 5, 2018 16:30
Hey fellows. Why can I not ask questions anymore?
Jul 7, 2016 10:15
@ThomasOwens Thank you. AFAIK some think about rename programmers.stackexchange to swarchitects or something.
Jul 7, 2016 09:48
Thank you
Jul 7, 2016 09:47
Picky hm? I had +15 by 3 times upvote.
Jul 7, 2016 09:45
Hm, while opening a new question i got a message what i guess i did not get before: "Wait! Some of your past questions have not been well-received, and you're in danger of being blocked from asking any more.". Maybe your upvote did the trick.
Jul 7, 2016 09:38
Jul 7, 2016 09:37
@Mast No, its my private one who noone else has access to. But meta.stackexchange.com/q/86997/269301 already told me to not share computer because of ipbased userfilter. So your hint is a duplicate of the message i really really read carefully!
Jul 7, 2016 09:32
Yes. Still odd.
Jul 7, 2016 09:30
"No deleted recent questions"
Jul 7, 2016 09:29
oh, not sure, i mean yes
Jul 7, 2016 09:28
Jul 7, 2016 09:28
Nope, 2 upvotes
Jul 7, 2016 09:27
Ok, why?
Jul 7, 2016 09:27
Jul 7, 2016 09:27
Not accepting questions from this account anymore
Jul 7, 2016 09:27
Jul 7, 2016 09:27
Hi there, any idea why i can not ask questions anymore?
Dec 8, 2017 17:16
It is not allowed to have a embassy there en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…