
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Nov 24, 2020 19:16
Can somebody explain to me the concept of codistribution in differential geometry, or link me to a good source where it is explained clearly? I am a real beginner in differential geometry. Thanks in advance.
Nov 23, 2020 17:09
Hi, do you know if there is a chat for control theory? Thanks in advance.
Nov 23, 2020 15:41
yes I have been working on this a lot, but I cannot find a way to solve this problem
Nov 23, 2020 15:39
I will try to put a different tag. Thank you for the suggestion
Nov 23, 2020 15:37
I have posted on the forum ,I don't know if I am doing wrong asking it here, it is the first time I write on this chat, so in case please tell me. The probem is the following:…
Nov 23, 2020 15:33
Hi, is there someone that can help me with a control theory/robotics question? I am really stuck. Thanks in advance.

 Dynamical Systems and Chaos Theory

Discussion on differential equations, dynamical systems, chaot...
Nov 24, 2020 18:52
I have been on this a lot, but I can't underatand what I am doing wrong
Nov 24, 2020 18:36
sorry, I have sent the wrong link. It is…
Nov 24, 2020 18:12
I hope it is coherent with dynamical systems. Thanks in advance.
Nov 24, 2020 18:11
I am using a Lyapunov function to design a controller for a system. I have done this before, so I am sure it is the correct way of working, but it does not work now. I have been on this for long, but I really don't see my mistake.The problem is the…
Nov 23, 2020 16:48
Hi, I am trying to solve a problem about control theory/robotics, but I am really stuck. Can I ask here?

 The h Bar

General chat for Physics SE ( For M...
Nov 23, 2020 18:17
yes, you are right, I will try to keep the essential. Thanks for the suggestion.
Nov 23, 2020 18:09
Hi, I am working on a problem and I really cannot move on. It is not really physics, so sorry if i post it here, but in case you want, could you please give it a check. Thank you in advance. The problem…
Nov 23, 2020 17:07
I will try thank you. I hve tried ask it on mathematics stack exchange because it seemed more a mathematical problem, but I will where you suggested .Thank you.
Nov 23, 2020 17:05
Hi, I don't know if it is correct to ask here, but is there someone that can help me with a problem about control theory\robotics?