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Apr 19, 2019 17:53
@ColleenV Thank you.
Apr 19, 2019 17:47
@ColleenV _ Can I get this question to be migrated to EL&U?
Apr 14, 2019 11:44
@santimirandarp "Are you still working? I'm up for having lunch." This seems more correct to me. But you should probably wait for other answers.
Apr 14, 2019 11:40
Thanks for the recommendation. It makes an excellent selection for passing time in Ramadan.
Apr 14, 2019 11:40
@userr2684291 I had actually several other questions about that topic but asked them on another site, and fortunately, received many great answers. It is really unbelievable how some people can be so nice and generous that make you feel nothing but sorry about yourself.
Apr 13, 2019 11:41
Sorry. I have misunderstood something.
Apr 9, 2019 00:04
@userr2684291 I agree with the existence of a range of various possible reasons for users when it comes to downvoting, but still, it is annoying when they don't be neutral and fair about it.
Apr 9, 2019 00:04
@userr2684291 Nice explanation; thanks! I knew from the start that you had something to say about that whole matter, but I didn't prompt you as it is up to you whether to write an answer/comment or not. However, this would help many other learners in my opinion...
Apr 8, 2019 22:17
Also, I would like to thank whoever got rid of the two downvotes on each of my recent two questions. I'm wondering when this "hit-and-run" approach would come to an end. For real, leaving feedback on a deserved-to-get-downvoted question is more helpful than marking it as a bad one.
Apr 8, 2019 22:17
@userr2684291 - I'm more than thankful to you for your concern about my question by bringing it out here. But that also doesn't mean that I don't recognize the current answer and "comments".
Apr 1, 2019 20:14
@ColleenV I would rather not do any of that. Maybe next time. Thank you^^
Apr 1, 2019 20:04
@ColleenV Yes, I already know that. What is strange is that the one-line answer stays and gets upvoted while my comment which I assume was more informative and helpful gets deleted?!
Apr 1, 2019 19:37
@ColleenV or anyone who can know- Why did my comment get deleted here?
Aug 30, 2018 15:01
@ColleenV No, it looks good. Thank you.
Aug 30, 2018 03:29
Or is it that instead of as?
Aug 30, 2018 03:28
I feel like ads in a youtube video. Can I use as here: "....I won't have a strong evidence against him or maybe worse as I won't have any evidence at all." ?
Aug 29, 2018 08:48
A quick question (which can't be posted as a complete question) What do I refer to "Kind of"? I know it is not a phrase, word, or thing. So, is it a term?