Celestial Dragon Emperor

Nov 28, 2019 18:40
@John I added how faeries work. Do I need to add a bit more? (Sorry for so many comments)
Nov 28, 2019 18:40
@John I didn't want to add how the fearies work because I thought to much backstory would lead to it being labeled off topic
Nov 28, 2019 18:40
@elemtilas same here. I'm a bit confused why this was closed. At first I didn't have criteria for the answer but I added that.
Nov 28, 2019 18:40
@elemtilas I understand. I didn't want this question closed so I edited to try and fit the two answers I had already.
Nov 28, 2019 18:40
@John I don't personally think it's a duplicate because that question is about making cold iron. Mine's about why it harms faeries
Nov 28, 2019 18:40
@John I'll try and think of some criteria
Jun 24, 2019 14:38
@elemtilas these monks actively help the communities they live nearby so they'd interact with the peasantry and common folk often.
Jun 24, 2019 14:38
@elemtilas they don't want recognition or fame for their deeds mainly from people outside their order who they have contact with. Easiest way to do this in their minds is to not have names someone can attribute works too
Jun 24, 2019 14:38
@Corey I assume the monks would find a way to sort out genuine recruits and people trying to escape justice. Overall the order could allow rogues to hide. Maybe the genuine converts the order would hide away.
Jun 24, 2019 14:38
@AlexP occitania.online.fr/aqui.comenca.occitania/en-oc.html my bad I just realized Cara means face. I'm reference to their masks. My mistake.
Jun 24, 2019 14:38
@Alexp it gave multiple options Nom being one of them. I just prefered the sound of cara
Jun 24, 2019 14:38
@chue x that's why I asked the question, XD I couldn't figure out myself how to distinguish between them without using symbols (past the single symbol they use)
Jun 24, 2019 14:38
@Alexp I used a occtian dictionary. Means literally "No name"
Jun 5, 2019 20:08
Might be ethnocentric but isn't the UAE kinda like this? Ridiculously rich minority and then impoverished majority
May 29, 2019 03:36
@Noah you could do what alien isolation did and just pick a city name (Sebastopol) although the name they picked was Ukrainian but it's still Slavic. Personally naming an area after the towns or maybe region your people originally came from would be cool. Although don't slap on "new" on every name, :P
Feb 14, 2019 10:43
I believe this more of a social then biological issue. From what I've seen female athletes can compete on par with male ones. I will grant you that gene splicing might help even the playing field further.
Feb 11, 2019 20:57
@abarnet. Thanks for the help btw! Also good to know that the Hegemony shouldn't smell evil overall.
Feb 11, 2019 20:57
@abarnert is it weird to say both? Like the Hegemony all and all is the good guy in my sci-fi, but since I'm doing post cyber punk I feel that making it slightly authoritarian is the way to go nothing Orwellian or fascist, but enough to ruffle some feathers to have debates in universe, however I've made most of the authoritarian bits either out of necessity or with good intentions. But also I thinking having a clear global language might require someone to stamp their foot down.
Feb 11, 2019 20:57
@ChrisW that is true. But Mandarin was the language of well the Mandarins imperial officials across China. I think it's that way today with Mandarin being the language of the government, but not the majority of people in China.
Feb 11, 2019 20:57
in most cases the Hegemony is laid back and rather supporting of local cultures and customs, but a few things like national language they step a little bit into authoritative. In their mind it's due to a clear single language being beneficial across the board. However on the streets of the Hegemony you would have signs in mandarin, people speaking korean, hear Spanish music, etc. Think of it like how mandarin was used in Imperial china: the language of the bureaucracy, but in this case also the language of the education system. Although I'd assume exceptions would be made here and there.
Feb 11, 2019 20:57
personally when it comes to a global government I don't think requiring one national language to be too repressive. In my mind it would be kinda like the examples you gave so instead of hiring translators and what not to attend school away from their local state they just learn Common.
Feb 11, 2019 13:38
@Chronocidal I have, but that's a joke and not an actual attempt to simplify spelling. I think slight changes like of to ov (and any other f that sounds like a v), all hard c's changed to k's, and maybe maybe removing a soft X and replacing it with a Z or vice versa ex: xylophone to zylophone or the opposite effect Zebra to Xebra. So a more series and still funny attempt at making English not as crazy
Dec 21, 2018 20:22
@Ivo the average for the Hegemony is 1 or 2 with some people having more via birth credits
Dec 21, 2018 20:22
@eyeballfrog let's say it's about 1,000 dollars. Is that really worth uprooting your life? For some people sure, but I assume not the majority.
Dec 21, 2018 20:22
@eyeballfrog yes but I doubt they would uproot their life just to not pay a small fee for having a third kid.
Dec 21, 2018 20:22
@Anoplexian oh! Now I feel stupid because that joke went over my head
Dec 21, 2018 20:22
@user6760? Okay?
Dec 6, 2018 05:42
@Grandmaster the idea in my head is "last chancers" will work harder then regular people to keep their job especially if only HAL will hire them.
Dec 6, 2018 05:42
@SZCERZO well unemployment can be limited to certain sectors so the oil fields might be laying off massive numbers of people while say a hydro plant is still hiring. The Hoover Dam was built in the middle of the great depression.
Dec 6, 2018 05:42
@StephenG I'd argue that you have some low standards for ex-convicts
Dec 6, 2018 05:42
@SZCZERZO The idea is oil became horribly expensive too use so you have to invest into alternatives like nuclear. Basically the masses would need power due to the fuel and energy crisis.
Dec 6, 2018 05:42
@L.Dutch. HAL provides power to regular customers as well. They also use hybrid nuclear energy (fusion is slowly being built up by their rival company)
Dec 6, 2018 05:42
@Shadowzee I never said I didn't train them.... All I said is I recruited from the disenfranchised. I don't really know why you would assume they wouldn't be trained.
Dec 6, 2018 05:42
@RonJohn in the u.s. you have a few uncompleted dams or areas protected by national parks that could become hydroelectric plants. I think I forgot too mention that a fraction of the workers would stay behind (maybe after they finish a term) while the rest move on too the next construction sight
Dec 6, 2018 05:42
@StephenG I don't see a problem with hiring ex-convicts. It's more then likely they just made a mistake they regret and now are having trouble getting employed because of it. HAL notices that a: they can be trained for roughly the same cost b: good for PR and c: if HAL is the only company that will hire them.and have a decent salary they'll probably work their ass off
Oct 12, 2018 02:16
@James because that insinuates that they're not human or somehow lesser by making them into a separate race.
Jul 12, 2018 13:52
@Gryphon I've been pretty good making a card for my gf's bday mainly.
Jul 12, 2018 12:50
How has you guys been? Btw later today I'll drop that discord link I finally got around to making it. It's actually a ccustom world (which to me means that the members help build it up from the ground up)
Jul 12, 2018 12:48
Dang its been a long time guys! I got busy for a few days and have been focusing on a project.
Jul 3, 2018 03:21
It just looks like they never learned and just asked the same "what would this look like" questions
Jul 3, 2018 03:10
And then complaints that one of his questions gets closed out of his 55 in total
Jul 3, 2018 03:10
Asks a question and when they give him a good example he just goes "umm, your an idiot"
Jul 3, 2018 03:09
What a prick, tbh.
Jul 3, 2018 03:06
What's his deal?
Jul 3, 2018 03:05
That last one, ouch
Jul 1, 2018 21:38
I'll check it out as I await responses on my latest question
Jul 1, 2018 21:25
Yeah I read it. It was interesting and intriguing enough for me to want to see where it goes
Jul 1, 2018 21:24
Can have my lightning chucking giants
Jul 1, 2018 21:23
Jul 1, 2018 21:23
Dang grim reaper whooped those dogs