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Q: How would an order of Monks that renounce their names communicate effectively?

Celestial Dragon EmperorIn my fantasy world there exists an order of monks known as the Noncara/Non Cara (haven't decided which form looks better). The Non Cara practice a theology based solely on works. By this I mean: they believe in works/deeds alone. How this manifests is the Monks renounce their former selves, liv...

Unsolicited unqualified random opinion: I think "Non Cara" looks and sounds awesome as a name for a monk order, and I prefer it to the alternate version.
I have no idea what Non Cara is supposed to mean. In Latin it would be "not expensive" or "not valued", nominative/accusative plural neuter. And please, reality check: Christian monks and nuns renounce their worldly names when taking their vows, and receive a monastic name, unrelated to their former worldly name. It's not fantasy.
I hope you are also keeping the reader in mind. I for one am wondering how I keep these people straight, if they don't have names.
This question is a good example of cultrual worldbuilding.
@Alexp I used a occtian dictionary. Means literally "No name"
@chue x that's why I asked the question, XD I couldn't figure out myself how to distinguish between them without using symbols (past the single symbol they use)
"Occitan": I would be very surprised if the normal word for "name" in Occitan was cara. I'd expect something like nom. (Why? Because the Latin word nomen is pan-Romance -- it has been inherited by all the Romance languages.) The Occitan Wiktionary agrees and gives the alterative spelling noum.
@Alexp it gave multiple options Nom being one of them. I just prefered the sound of cara
Do you have a link to a source stating that cara means "name" in Occitan? I would be very interested to read the etymology. Romance languages which continue Latin carus (e.g. French cher, Italian caro) have the meaning "dear" (both "expensive" and "darling").
This sounds like the perfect place for a troublemaker. How do you identify a bad seed in the organization if all labels are gone? You can't, except by breaking the rules of the order itself. Wouldn't take much to destroy this order from within. Remember that recognition is a useful thing for more than just accolades.
@AlexP my bad I just realized Cara means face. I'm reference to their masks. My mistake.
@Corey I assume the monks would find a way to sort out genuine recruits and people trying to escape justice. Overall the order could allow rogues to hide. Maybe the genuine converts the order would hide away.
Why can not they take sacred names? It is often the case that Catholic religious set aside their given names and take a new name upon entering an order. Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, for example.
@elemtilas they don't want recognition or fame for their deeds mainly from people outside their order who they have contact with. Easiest way to do this in their minds is to not have names someone can attribute works too
I understand they don't want recognition or fame. I guess I should be clearer: in what way does a name that's really only useful within the monastic community equate to seeking fame and recognition? Nobody outside will even know a monk has a name
@elemtilas these monks actively help the communities they live nearby so they'd interact with the peasantry and common folk often.
How about Agent47? I mean Monk47
"You are Number Six"
"No name" is much less of a barrier to communication than "No talking" is...
As described, this is exactly what most real-world monks do. Do you mean they also don't take any new names?

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