
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Oct 10, 2019 09:23
I think it's maybe best to ask this multi-part question in the Math.SE itself...
Oct 10, 2019 08:36
I know, my description looks messy. I'm just confused, how can we plug d_xi /\ d_pi (which looks to belong to T_(x,p)^T^M) with TM?
Oct 10, 2019 08:30
In an easier case, one has covector p from T_x^M and it can be paired with vector v from T_x M. But how do things work in the bundle level?
Oct 10, 2019 08:27
A new try. I have seen notations for the canonical two form like d_xi /\ d_pi, so the two form is constucted from the cotangent bundle's coordinates. I don't see, how the two form can map vectors from TM (which are tuples (x,v)), if the two form is NOT constucted from T_x^M, but rather from T^M.
Oct 10, 2019 08:19
Ok, I cant type T^M as T star M.
Oct 10, 2019 08:16
I'm confused about symplectic forms and Hamiltonian dynamics. If our configuration space is manifold M, then we our phase space is TM. A point q in TM is a tuple (x,p). Now, TM is 2n-dimensional. The question is, where does the symplectic form belong to? Does it map tangent vectors from T(TM) to real numbers or tangent vectors from TM?
Oct 10, 2019 08:12
Since it's quiet here, I might ask my second question.
Oct 10, 2019 06:55
I would still have another question regarding to differential geometry, but I think I have spammed stupid questions enough...
Oct 10, 2019 06:53
Ok, thanks a lot!
Oct 10, 2019 06:52
That's what I was thinking about. But if we forget now that it's a misleading vector field and say that we indeed assign R^# vectors on each point of the manifold (which do not belong to T_p), are we then handling with vector bundles?
Oct 10, 2019 06:48
Thanks, I'm a beginner at these topics. I still wonder, what is going on in the Wikipedia image, if it cannot be a vector field (some of the vectors are almost perpendicular to the manifold)?
Oct 10, 2019 06:44
Where do you refer to?
Oct 10, 2019 06:37
Now those vector fields look like to be on TM!
Oct 10, 2019 06:35
I'm very new at differential geometry, so is $S^2(\subseteq\Bbb R^3)\to\Bbb R^3$ a vector bundle?
Oct 10, 2019 06:33
That's what I wonder. So each vector v should be indeed at T_p? If the vectors are not on T_p, does that image then illustrate then a more general vector bundle than a vector field?
Oct 10, 2019 06:25
Thanks for the reply! But I don't understand, how can the vectors on the equator be in T_p, if they point outwards? I don't see now something...
Oct 10, 2019 06:16
So if that's not a vector field on S2, then what is it?
Oct 10, 2019 06:16
Hello. I wonder, if the figure about vector fields on manifolds on Wikipedia is incorrect: I thought that vector fields "live" on tangent bundles.
Jan 29, 2019 08:24
Hello. Is it possible to obtain an approximate solution with method of multiple scales to a nonlinear ODE y''(x) + a - 1/\epsilon*y(x)^2 = 0? I can't get the scales "match".
Jun 20, 2018 05:56
Hello. I don't understand the difference between tensor product and Kronecker/outer product. Here ( it is said that tensor product of two tensors of order 2 makes a new tensor of order 4. But how is Kronecker product still "tensor product" and it produces still a matrix?

 Electrical Engineering

A place to talk with friends from the EE community about vacuu...
Apr 17, 2018 18:13
I decided to purchase MCP6041s, again thanks for the Octopart suggestion
Apr 17, 2018 17:10
Seems to be available at internet shops and has low input bias
Apr 17, 2018 17:10
Found this with Octopart MCP601
Apr 17, 2018 16:14
OPA4342 is more rare
Apr 17, 2018 16:10
MCP6024 has very low offset voltage and bias current. I think this could be a good op amp for photodiodes! Thanks
Apr 17, 2018 16:08
Hmm, both seems to be DIPs, so thah's good
Apr 17, 2018 15:50
Can anyone suggest affordable and common rail-to-rail op amps (RRIO) for low bandwidth usage (DIP case)? By low I mean bandwidths at most 100-200 kHz. Operating voltage should include 5V - 0V.

It would be great if bias input current and bias voltage could be as low as possible so the op amp could be used with photodiodes.