TRPG General Chat

Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games. Anyone can ask...
Nov 15, 2019 20:59
I thought that spell would be much more powerful
Nov 15, 2019 20:59
I find myself extremely disappointed in Gutting Words
Nov 15, 2019 20:11
Nov 15, 2019 20:11
Nov 15, 2019 20:10
Drop them any distance and they die
Nov 15, 2019 20:10
Nah, they're pretty weak.
Nov 15, 2019 20:09
Excluding things like slow falling
Nov 15, 2019 20:09
Any fall that's over 100 feet I would be open to the rule that the player gets a Con Save to avoid dying, or going to the Dying state
Nov 15, 2019 20:07
More seriously, That seems more fair than just saying, "You fall 10 feet, take 1D6" versus "You fell 30 feet, take 3D6 3 times"
Nov 15, 2019 20:06
Ah, I see your DM saw the Ork shooting phase and thought, "I can have more dice than that" :)
Nov 15, 2019 20:05
100 samples, look for a normal distribution
Nov 15, 2019 20:04
Nov 15, 2019 20:01
[Context, the 1d100 is a percentile Dice for Dark Heresy, and my character has 1 skill they can only critically fail in because we are playing Ascension]
Nov 15, 2019 20:01
/roll 1D20 --> 4

/roll 1D100 --> 89
Nov 15, 2019 20:00
Just use RPBot, that thing hates me
Nov 15, 2019 19:56
"The problem with reaching space isn't that space is very high up, it's that space is very, very fast." -- Randall Munroe, xkcd What If?, I'm probably misquoting
Nov 15, 2019 19:54
But yes, it is referencing orbit
Nov 15, 2019 19:54
What I remember it from is Douglass Adam's Goodbye, and thanks for all the Fish
Nov 15, 2019 19:53
You can survive a fall at terminal velocity by missing!
Nov 15, 2019 19:45
@MikeQ If you slow down slowly enough, but enough that you are at a survivable speed at the end of the fall, you can do it tons of times!
Nov 15, 2019 19:44
Removing the necessity for that kind of GM override
Nov 15, 2019 19:44
At least, I think that's what an AL GM can do. Usually, an AL module will say something like that, though
Nov 15, 2019 19:43
I take that back; an AL DM can rule that if someone plunges 10000 feet, they die instantly, without having to roll the damage to see if they "might" survive.
Nov 15, 2019 19:43
Nov 15, 2019 19:42
I was talking about the "You can't play the same class twice in a row" rule
Nov 15, 2019 19:42
They don't
Nov 15, 2019 19:41
@NautArch That was more the GM's way of helping the obviously newer players, because this group was just starting up
Nov 15, 2019 19:40
@Xirema That is true. Also, there was once a man who fell out of a B-17 and survived because he landed in a roll on an icy lake, which was a crazy story
Nov 15, 2019 19:39
Or at least, that was the rule with one of the groups I played with, a former-AL group which decided to move into "pseudo-AL" after the Treasure Points system came out
Nov 15, 2019 19:37
Our rule was that newbies got first pick all the time. Me being more experienced, I would usually end up playing a magic user like a Warlock; something a little bit harder to play than a fighter because of the very limited spell slots

Also, side note: once a human being reaches terminal velocity, they're usually dead when they stop.
Nov 15, 2019 19:34
There's a reason people like to make Grappler builds, after all
Nov 15, 2019 19:33
Once you have someone Grappled, you can do a lot of things with them, including dropping them off a ledge
Nov 15, 2019 19:32
@NautArch True, but I think that's a lot less likely to come up if you treat it like a joke that the players laugh at rather than a tool to punish them with. Also, you might incorporate more Strength Checks. Really, though, Grappling is already a control build
Nov 15, 2019 19:31
Ah, true
Nov 15, 2019 19:30
Say, 1D6+1 bludgeoning
Nov 15, 2019 19:30
Especially if it only deals a relatively small amount of damage
Nov 15, 2019 19:30
Yeah, but it turns a punishing COMBOBREAKER into a comic-relief stunt
Nov 15, 2019 19:28
That's something that would be engaging and funny, but not punishing
Nov 15, 2019 19:28
At strongest, I might see a humorous one-off where the Golem grappeled the Cleric and then the next turn, if successful, threw him at the warlock, requiring a ranged attack with disadvantage and only dealing minor damage.
Nov 15, 2019 19:27
Regardless, you shouldn't have taken that much damage so quickly.
Nov 15, 2019 19:27
Well, the action economy in that situation are more reasonable, but I still think the making a save instead of rolling an attack (likely at a penalty) the fact that the DM would likely not give you the same benefits in your turn, and the treating of a very stupid monster as a hyperintelligent mastermind is a little problematic
Nov 15, 2019 19:25
I ran a fairly homebrewed version of Strahd instead
Nov 15, 2019 19:25
Don't think I read that far
Nov 15, 2019 19:24
I was going to run it but completely lost track and never did.
Nov 15, 2019 19:23
Really, that's applicable to any inter-personal conflict that you want to resolve in a good way.
Nov 15, 2019 19:23
Focus on the issue, which is the houserules and rulings. Make sure the DM knows you're there for the same reason he is, to have fun.
Nov 15, 2019 19:22
"How can we make this a little more fair and fun?"
Nov 15, 2019 19:21
"It robs the challenge for me and makes things harder on you."
Nov 15, 2019 19:20
Second, be willing to compromise in an informed manner; you should talk not only about the things that the DM does, but also ways you could break the campaign, in a helpful and friendly way.

"It seems to me that I or someone else could gain artificial advantages in encounters by jumping onto enemies, and I don't think that would be fun for either of us."
Nov 15, 2019 19:18
"I would like to see more of the NPCs rolls on things like this."

Things to avoid are saying, "Stop cheating," or other overly-zealous statements. If it feels more spiteful than honest, don't say it