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Jan 2, 2015 05:07
Hmm... I bet that's it. Thanks.
Jan 2, 2015 05:06
Okay, thanks that makes sense. Then where was I getting that linear combinations of solutions to Schrodinger's equation are also solutions? Am I just misremembering something...
Jan 2, 2015 04:16
I have a quick QM question that I should really know the answer to -- having a brain fart here. Any linear combination of solutions to HΨ = EΨ is also a solution, correct? So any linear combination of energy eigenstates is also a solution. So assume you put the Hilbert space in a basis of the orthonormal energy eigenstates. Now any function can be represented as a linear combination of basis functions, right? But not every function is a solution to HΨ = EΨ. So where am I messing up here?


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Apr 1, 2013 21:44
@Expert, thanks
Apr 1, 2013 21:42
@Expert, are you there?
Apr 1, 2013 21:40
I thought dot product was only defined between two vectors.
Apr 1, 2013 21:40
But then what does it mean to do a dot product with a matrix?
Apr 1, 2013 21:40
So, I guess direct multiplication of two vectors (length 3) results in a 3x3 matrix.
Apr 1, 2013 21:40
Where ∇ and u are vectors, p is a scalar, and * is the dot product
Apr 1, 2013 21:39
Let me retry that: ∇ *(puu)
Apr 1, 2013 21:38
Apr 1, 2013 21:38
@Expert, so I have an expression $\vec{\nabla}\cdot(\rho \vec{u} \vec{u}$
Apr 1, 2013 21:36
Wait, so the expert isn't a bot? Crap, I had a strange conversation earlier then...
Apr 1, 2013 21:35
Is there someone on here who wouldn't mind helping me with tensor multiplication?
Mar 18, 2013 03:37
Thank you for the help!
Mar 18, 2013 03:37
I just modified the question
Mar 18, 2013 03:32
Yes, that's correct.
Mar 18, 2013 03:31
Alright. And I suppose my last bullet-point was kind of general, but would you happen to know the answer to that off-hand? You seem to know this place fairly well so I imagine you have insight into it.
Mar 18, 2013 03:30
My second-to-last bullet point is very specific (so I imagine it has not been asked on here), and it is also probably the most important one.
Mar 18, 2013 03:30
Can do that too.
Mar 18, 2013 03:29
Okay, I can see that. I will do so.
Mar 18, 2013 03:28
Hi, yes I posted that question.