For feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Undelete/Reopen/Edit...
Jul 18, 2020 13:29
I feel that my question is wrongly marked as duplicate. Could you @amWhy please have a re-check on it?
Apr 16, 2019 14:08
Honestly, such act on my question really hurts my heart.
Apr 16, 2019 13:59
My question was answered almost 1 month ago. Honestly, I feel this question is clear. I could not understand why it is closed recently. At first, it received 3 upvotes. In recent days, it has received 3 downvotes.


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Apr 29, 2020 20:38
3 , 4 , 5. Could you please have a look at them and give me some suggestions?
Apr 29, 2020 20:37
Recently, I have asked some questions about continuous-time Markov chain and received no attention. 1, 2 ,
Jan 22, 2019 04:35
Hi everyone! I have asked a question about a closed formula of Cantor set here. It seems to me that nobody is interested in this question. Could someone help me resolve the question? Thank you so much!

 Constructive Feedback

Feedback and advice to help users improve their questions and/...
Apr 29, 2020 05:10
Recently, I have asked some questions on continuous Markov chain, but none of them receives attention.…,…,…. Is there any problem with how I ask the questions?
Mar 5, 2020 07:26
It's very ridiculous to me that we have a tag that can never be appeared.
Mar 5, 2020 07:26
How can I get just proof-verification?
Mar 5, 2020 07:26
@lonestudent, I picked just proof-verification.
Mar 5, 2020 07:26
Why there are two tags although they will be changed to just solution-verification?

 The Crusade of Answers

Our menace: the Unanswered queue. Our goal: total annihilation...
Jan 22, 2019 13:06
Hi everyone! I have asked a question about a closed formula of Cantor set here. It seems to me that nobody is interested in this question. Could someone help me resolve the question? Thank you so much!

 Martin Sleziak's room

Miscellaneous (not suitable elsewhere)
Jan 22, 2019 13:04
Hi everyone! I have asked a question about a closed formula of Cantor set here. It seems to me that nobody is interested in this question. Could someone help me resolve the question? Thank you so much!
Nov 6, 2018 14:34
Best wish for you!
Nov 6, 2018 14:30
I have finished typing my proof at If you don't mind, please have a check on it. Thank you so much!
Nov 6, 2018 14:29
Nov 6, 2018 14:19
In the same direction you suggested
Nov 6, 2018 14:19
OMG I'm able to prove it
Nov 6, 2018 14:17
Nov 6, 2018 14:17
Yeap, I got that. I'm trying to prove that
Nov 6, 2018 14:15
But I'm still interested in the author's proof
Nov 6, 2018 14:15
Although I have successfully proved the theorem, I do it by another approach, which is different than that of the author.
Nov 6, 2018 14:14
Thank you so much!
Nov 6, 2018 14:13
Honestly, I have not been able to prove the converse direction. I quite don't understand what you meant by But the converse direction is easier, as you yourself noted. Could you explain how to prove that all ordinals less than $α+\sup\limits_{β∈A}(β)$ is also less than $\sup\limits_{β∈A}(α+β)$?
Nov 6, 2018 14:13
Thank to your elaboration, I got what that sentence's meaning. But I think the author's proof is not sufficient and not complete. Although he has proved that all ordinals less than $\sup\limits_{β∈A}(α+β)$ is also less than $α+\sup\limits_{β∈A}(β)$, he has done NOTHING in proving the converse direction that all ordinals less than $α+\sup\limits_{β∈A}(β)$ is also less than $\sup\limits_{β∈A}(α+β)$. As a result, he can not claim that Therefore the ordinals less than $\sup\limits_{β∈A}(α+β)$ and the ordinals less than $α+\sup\limits_{β∈A}(β)$ are the same. Thus he has not completed the proof.
Nov 6, 2018 14:13
Thank you so much for your answer! It seems to me that you meant $\alpha + \sigma = \alpha + \underset{\eta < \sigma}{\lim}\eta$ rather than $\underset{\eta < \sigma}{\lim}\alpha+\eta$, and $ \alpha + \underset{\eta \in A}{\lim}\eta$ rather than $\underset{\eta \in A}{\lim} \alpha + \eta$. On the basis of your answer, I have presented a detailed proof and posted it as an answer below. If you don't mind, please have a look at it. Thank you so much!
Sep 27, 2018 23:54
Don't bother you any more, feel free to do your work @Holo
Sep 27, 2018 23:53
When I finish my textbook, i will come back to your problem and give it a try
Sep 27, 2018 23:50
too much for me
Sep 27, 2018 23:50
Great! I have seen a proof that requires finite character before and I stay back ^^
Sep 27, 2018 23:47
It seems to equivalent to AC
Sep 27, 2018 23:46
I heard that theorem some times on MSE
Sep 27, 2018 23:46
Oh I see, we build $\Bbb R$ by axioms, not constructively
Sep 27, 2018 23:44
Your questions is out of my reach in the meantime :)
Sep 27, 2018 23:42
It's hard for me to understand that. I meant how do we actually understand the theorem that every bounded sequence has a limit without knowing the completeness of $\Bbb R$
Sep 27, 2018 23:37
It seems to me that we can not understand Analysis without knowing how to build number systems
Sep 27, 2018 23:37
You know actually my I just study Set Theory as a stepping stone to study Analysis and Topology. I hope that I will soon finish it to get to the main courses
Sep 27, 2018 23:34
I have a close friend who is a manga fan but he does not know that movie
Sep 27, 2018 23:33
But you did know that movie, that's interesting
Sep 27, 2018 23:31
^^ You are in the opposite polar to me in that respect
Sep 27, 2018 23:30
I love that name
Sep 27, 2018 23:30
Bravo Yes it is
Sep 27, 2018 23:29
Do you know character Akira?
Sep 27, 2018 23:29
Good catch! You have seen that comment before I realized that mistake and deleted it
Sep 27, 2018 23:26
I'm very curious about how you know Akira is acutually me
Sep 27, 2018 23:25
Thank your for your sympathy :)
Sep 27, 2018 23:24
It's now a tough period of time and i hope that i will soon get over it. After that all things will become as usual.
Sep 27, 2018 23:22
I know it's not fair to do so
Sep 27, 2018 23:20
6 questions per 24h, and 50 questions per 30 days
Sep 27, 2018 23:19
Oh ^^ Since you don't need to ask questions like me ^^