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A: Let $α$ be an ordinal and $A$ be a set of ordinals. Then $\sup\limits_{β∈A} (α+β) = α+\sup\limits_{β∈A}(β)$

Guillermo MosseAs you say, the $\leq$ inequality follows from the fact that $\forall \beta \in A, \alpha + \beta \leq \alpha + \sigma$, where $\sigma := \sup A$. For the other inequality, you can argue as follows: if $\sigma \in A$, then the claim is trivial to prove, so assume that $\sigma \not\in A$. Then ne...

Thank you so much for your answer! It seems to me that you meant $\alpha + \sigma = \alpha + \underset{\eta < \sigma}{\lim}\eta$ rather than $\underset{\eta < \sigma}{\lim}\alpha+\eta$, and $ \alpha + \underset{\eta \in A}{\lim}\eta$ rather than $\underset{\eta \in A}{\lim} \alpha + \eta$. On the basis of your answer, I have presented a detailed proof and posted it as an answer below. If you don't mind, please have a look at it. Thank you so much!
Thank to your elaboration, I got what that sentence's meaning. But I think the author's proof is not sufficient and not complete. Although he has proved that all ordinals less than $\sup\limits_{β∈A}(α+β)$ is also less than $α+\sup\limits_{β∈A}(β)$, he has done NOTHING in proving the converse direction that all ordinals less than $α+\sup\limits_{β∈A}(β)$ is also less than $\sup\limits_{β∈A}(α+β)$. As a result, he can not claim that Therefore the ordinals less than $\sup\limits_{β∈A}(α+β)$ and the ordinals less than $α+\sup\limits_{β∈A}(β)$ are the same. Thus he has not completed the proof.
@LeAnhDung, about the second comment, you are right! But the converse direction is easier, as you yourself noted. Maybe the author should have explicitely said that, anyway.
About the first comment, $\alpha + \sigma =\underset{\eta < \sigma}{\lim} \alpha + \eta$ by definition of ordinal addition for limit ordinals. (Of course, it is also equal to $\alpha + \underset{\eta < \sigma}{\lim} \eta$)
Honestly, I have not been able to prove the converse direction. I quite don't understand what you meant by But the converse direction is easier, as you yourself noted. Could you explain how to prove that all ordinals less than $α+\sup\limits_{β∈A}(β)$ is also less than $\sup\limits_{β∈A}(α+β)$?
I'll edit my answer.
Hello! Feel free to talk if you want to discuss the exercise
Thank you so much!
Although I have successfully proved the theorem, I do it by another approach, which is different than that of the author.
so, you are right, the converse direction is not the trivial one
right, I got that
But I'm still interested in the author's proof
you know, if you prove the converse inequality, i.e., RHS $\leq$ LHS, then automatically you have $RHS \subseteq LHS$
(RHS is Right Hand Side, and LHS is Left Hand Side)
Yeap, I got that. I'm trying to prove that
oh, you'd like to take $\beta < \alpha + \sigma$
and work from there?
OMG I'm able to prove it
sorry, $\gamma < \alpha + \sigma$
you can tell me if you want
In the same direction you suggested
I have finished typing my proof at If you don't mind, please have a check on it. Thank you so much!
ok! in an hour I'll take a look at it
Best wish for you!

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