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Dec 28, 2019 19:54
Can a picture be analog? I mean, a signal can be analog, but I heard my sister say "yeah that portfolio on my computer is for the analog one (for the analog portfolio)" But thats not analog. Analog doesn't equal "real world". Analog is analog... right?
Jun 29, 2018 13:16
@rob thats very interesting...

With losses you mean the efficiency right
Jun 29, 2018 13:02
I am really new to electricity so I get things a bit slow sorry :D
I didn't know that this is possible, so to have a specific amount of watt and just "play" (!?) around with it to adjust volt and amps.
Jun 29, 2018 12:59
Oh ok^^

That's interesting... So it increases the current to be nearly 15 Amps in order to lift the voltage up to 250k
Jun 29, 2018 12:54
And this wall socket is set to 250k voltage....right?
Because I might have gotten your sentence "These things are connected to the wall socket, which provides 120V at 15A maximum." wrong.

Because when a wall socket is always set to a given voltage (no more, no less), then 120V is to little for a tesla coil needing 250k, right?
Jun 29, 2018 12:49
@Jim ups
Jun 29, 2018 12:48
and your tesla coil is really connected to a wall socket?
Jun 29, 2018 12:40
I am relatively new to this stuff, I probably should read about that topic
Jun 29, 2018 12:38
Hmm... that might give me a different view on wall sockets.

In the US 120V (In my country its 230V) is the highest amount of volt a normal wall socket can give, right?
Or doesn't this amount matter as long as 1800W aren't exceeded?
Jun 29, 2018 12:26
@Jim so the resistance is just very huge
Jun 29, 2018 10:28
Ok yeah I thought so... thanks John!

I have a question to you if I may ask:

Do you consider yourself to know "a lot" in comparison to some others?
I know you might ask "who are 'some others'", but I think you know what I mean, so all those good physicists around the world which teach at universities or are "on the top".

Because arond 260k rep isn't little ^^
Jun 29, 2018 10:21
here, a additional resistance shurely had to be added right, as the body resistance cannot be enough....
Jun 29, 2018 10:20
Jun 29, 2018 10:20
Do you know the video "Should a Person Touch 200,000 Volts? A Van de Graaff generator experiment!"?
Jun 29, 2018 10:06
Dude you can buy the world
Jun 29, 2018 10:05
Oh I didn't realize that higher voltage causes a higher amount of ampere....

I am so new
Jun 29, 2018 10:02
So "how much goes through"?
Jun 29, 2018 10:02
But has Volt really a big influence? isn't it more about Ampere?
Jun 29, 2018 09:49
am I right? I really don't know :D
Jun 29, 2018 09:48
Yeah but the skin is the greatest resistance what I have heard and 20.000 volt aren't enough to let current flow through it...
Jun 29, 2018 09:46
... if its even right
Jun 29, 2018 09:46
I am so happy that I figured that out by myself right now
Jun 29, 2018 09:46
Well if we take one MegaOhm for my body than we need 1.000.000*0.5 volt to enable current to flow.

 The DMZ

A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
Dec 2, 2019 13:56
@MechMK1 In Austria I have never actually seen "teleworking" in action in a rather big company (freelancing yes, but teleworking no). I think its more common in young startups though.
Jun 23, 2019 10:26
@J.J you beast
Jun 13, 2019 07:57
Jun 13, 2019 07:57
Well how much do you know about computer networks? (protocols, server-types, network-devices and their behaviour, ...)
Jun 12, 2019 14:09
Hey hackers

 General Network Engineering recommend

Product Recommendations / discussion. This room has different...
Nov 30, 2019 10:49
@aderchox but I think he means justifying it to the RIR.
Nov 30, 2019 10:47
I want to delete this picture^^
Nov 30, 2019 10:33
Jun 27, 2019 10:29
Does anybody know what the number 200-125 mean in "CCNA 200-125"?
May 15, 2019 18:19
@RonTrunk thanks mr. trunk! I fortunately already have my CCNA, I think it's a good idea to go through the material again to say CCNA is exactly my level.
May 15, 2019 15:56
PS: the 1 year networking-break was because I had to go to the army
May 15, 2019 15:56
Should I study a lot before working in that company or learn the things step-by-step? Or are the expectations for a junior network engineer job from company to company totally different?
May 15, 2019 15:54
Ok, great!

So I am currently back from a nearly 1 year networking-break and don't have the same amount of knowledge anymore.

Now, I want to work at a company as a network engineer, but I do not know all that stuff I knew back then (And moreover, I was a student and therefore didn't have much practical experience). I am also not a freak or hyper interested in network engineering, I just like it.

Now I think that I am totally unqualified for the "junior network engineer job", as I may not know a lot of things which should be well known or logical...
May 15, 2019 14:53
Hey! Can I ask a non-technical question here? (About working in the networking-field with beginners and advanced people)

 Photography Chat

All-things photography related discussion.
Aug 7, 2019 10:18
probably not right^^
Aug 7, 2019 10:18
Does a monopod also fit for near-ground-photography?
Aug 6, 2019 13:46
thanks for your advice!!
Aug 6, 2019 13:24
sounds good... Someone recommended a gorillapod but I don't thinks its an ideal solution
Aug 6, 2019 13:17
@xenoid yes thats the lens I prefered too... but I thought that its really unconvenient to take macro-pictures with a tripod (for instance you have to follow small insects with the tripod^^)
Aug 6, 2019 10:40
Hey you all,

I want to buy a macro lens for my ASP-C Camera (Canon 500D).

The first option was the Canon EF 100mm 2.8 Makro USM Lens as it is just a good lens with a fair price (could get it for about 380€). Then I thought about buying the L-Version as it comes with an IS which I think is great as I won't always take pictures with a tripod.

Then I saw the Laowa 100mm 2.8 2x Ultra Macro APO which seems to be very very good for what it costs. But it doesn't have Image Stabilization and only manual focus ...
Jul 2, 2018 16:08
@MichaelClark but the video quality really stays the same (or nearly the same...)
Jul 2, 2018 14:53
So.... there must be A LOT of other things which influence the picture taken with a focal length of 2000mm that 18MP are "worthless"^^
Jul 2, 2018 14:48
@MichaelClark But the resoluation of the nikon p900 is 18MP... always... right? Or does the resolution change somehow when I zoom in optically?
Jul 2, 2018 10:19
only optical zoom of course (so fully 2000mm (83x zoom) focal length (357mm cropped))
Jul 2, 2018 09:41
Its a smaller sensor, thats why "2000mm" are achieved, yeah... but the image resolution should always be the same shouldn't it?
Jul 2, 2018 09:38
Wait. What? 1-2 MP? How can that be the case??

When data is fetched from the sensor, the image resolution is always the same right? (in the case of Nikon P900: 18MP)
Jul 2, 2018 09:36
Hey Guys! @MichaelClark

I now want to read about zoom/focal length/crop and so on to get to the truth behind marketing strategies :D

I've found this sentence written by a guy complaining a bit about the Nikon P900:

"Your P900 gives between 1-2 MP of useful image data when pushed to it's maximum focal length of 357mm -- yeah, they CALL IT 2000mm but it's actually 357mm -- it only APPEARS to be 2000mm because what they did was give you a TINY little sensor (1/2.3") instead of a full frame sensor. You put a 500mm lens on any prosumer grade camera with a Full Frame sensor and it will outpe