@Matthieu It can be a way of generating revenue through ad campaigns. Hosting ads that, at least in part, pay based on number of views. Converting views to revenue collected from hosting advertisements.
Along that vein of investigation, I found a nice answer regarding choosing to fail a save. I liked it because it went through save by save and illustrated which are conscious contests a creature could choose not to participate in.
@Someone_Evil I've reviewed those. The problem of saying it's a saving throw that automatically succeeds is conditions like stunned are more specific rules that would make creatures immune to prone auto-fail the strength saving throw against a trip.
Is there are reason that compels you to play D&D 5e where immunity is an automatically successful saving throw, and do cases where more specific automatic saving throw failure effects come up?
In practice, it's more important as immunity is a pretty general rule, and if it means automatically succeed at a save, then there are more specific rules that cause auto-failures that would undermine immunity. E.g. tripping a stunned water elemental.
In a comment thread, a question came up regarding immunity and saving throws. Specifically, does immunity mean automatically succeeding a saving throw?
@order For an extreme example, stars can be seen from a great distance. They don't illuminate anything around you, and actually can be best seen when you're in total darkness.
For simple rolls, could just have the players type in the result and provide the link as proof. Could also require all genuine rolls happen in a specified dice room with a corresponding description.
@Shalvenay I concur. It also doesn't handle embedding the output of complex commands... e.g. implementing great weapon master + great weapon fighting. It shows up fine in the rolz dice room, but the embed doesn't show a result.
@Joshua LD50 is the amount that results in death 50% of the time. Usually for drug or material studies, but in this case it's aggressive kobold exposure.
@Trish I used to run simulations to determine the LD50 of kobolds for my player's characters. Wasn't as useful as I hoped it would be, but similar line of thinking.
Given the lack of activity in this channel, it might be better to turn off the feed. It currently makes it look like this channel is an attempt at making an RSS reader, and spreads out the human chat quite a bit.
@HotRPGQuestions I like a lot of these answers save for the weasel words like "probably" or "most likely". I like it when answers take a clear stance and show the evidence for it.
Further research and I think this is just a busted ass feature. As written, it's a magical object that lets the creator of it just cast a spell from it.
@Kerrick Regarding, hidden ace, it's behaving as a spell scroll or other consumable magic item in that you aren't using a spell slot. It's essentially a personal daily spell scroll.
@Catija It's less combat focused because combat was simplified and there's less volume of material dedicated to it. It's still a system where the majority of the text is about combat or getting to combat.
Orc and pie is few times a good scenario to go through all the stuff on the character sheet. Try to get the pie once using each ability on your sheet or a skill associated with it.