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2:31 AM
posted on November 27, 2023 by Steph C.

Looking for some interesting books to help get your tweens and teens into reading? Check out this list that’s all about chapter books and graphic novels (not game books) that feature RPG themes to tie into their other interests! Continue reading “TTRPG and D&D themed chapter books and graphic novels for tweens and teens”…

1 hour later…
3:34 AM
Q: Does an Opportunity attack allow a monk character to use their unarmed bonus attack if they still have it and it’s still their turn

dairytacticianroaHi I’m theory crafting a new character with a buddy and we’re debating that if we have a monk with access to the dissonant whispers spell from something like fey touched and if when they use it as their action on their turn when right next to an enemy and it works, the enemy runs away letting you...

4:22 AM
Q: Optimizing Animate Objects spell against nonmagical damage immunities

RuralAirSuppose I am a Wizard who likes to cast Animate Objects in combat. At my present level, I am likely to encounter foes with resistance or immunity to nonmagical physical damage. As detailed in this answer, my fifth-level spell is indirectly subject to the same taxation as that imposed upon mundane...

1 hour later…
5:31 AM
Q: Help with AnyDice for custom system

atohmikCan someone please provide guidance on how to make my system work within AnyDice? The gist is: player stats dictate how many dice in a pool of d8s are rolled, if they have gear or skills proficiencies, the bonus is applied to the lowest dice roll in the pool. If the player has a 0 in a stat and a...

3 hours later…
8:35 AM
Q: Do ghouls receive Feeding Ground bonus when being subjected to Predatory Aura on regnant's territory?

Steve RedkaFeeding Grounds (VtR2e 112): Feeding Grounds (• to •••••) Effect: Your character has fertile feeding grounds, whether officially granted or not. Dots in this Merit represent the ease of hunting in that territory. Add the dot rating to any hunting rolls, and to starting Vitae rolls (see p. 95). I...

14 hours later…
10:21 PM
Given the lack of activity in this channel, it might be better to turn off the feed. It currently makes it look like this channel is an attempt at making an RSS reader, and spreads out the human chat quite a bit.
Q: Can I spend additional ki points to make additional attacks with my Flurry of Blows bonus action?

FlynxerI just re-read the rules about monks and I wonder how to interpret this from the PHB: Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action. Can you spend additional ki points to make additional attacks as part of the F...

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