Sudhir Sharma

Jun 21, 2019 19:25
@whiskeychief yes
Jun 21, 2019 19:25
Jun 21, 2019 19:25
The hotel does not provide only Wi-Fi, it also provides breakfast. Is this sentence also a not only but also structure or is it different?
Jun 21, 2019 19:24
I want to know if the rule of parallelism applies only to not only but also Structure.
Jun 21, 2019 19:21
Jun 21, 2019 19:19
not only then a verb..but also then again a verb...its the right way to use it...a verb and a adjective combination will be wrong, for example.
Jun 21, 2019 19:19 your current answer the examples you have used are different from not..but also. So, are they correct?
Jun 21, 2019 19:19 have used 'it' and 'it also' intentionally in the example sentences? I am asking that because not only..but also requires same kind of word after each of them. That is if we have used a verb after not only then we have to use a verb after but also. But in your example sentences this rule is not followed.
Jun 21, 2019 19:19
@whiskeychief...thanks for the answer.

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May 9, 2019 02:45
@geekahedron Is there any way i can message you personally.