Jonathan Dickinson


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Jun 23, 2018 07:32
factoradic(73) = 30010, 0010 doesn't appear unless factoradic(1)=10 appears first
Jun 23, 2018 07:30
for the experiment to hold, 1 has to be a prime
Jun 23, 2018 06:59
(there would be false positives, but not false negatives?)
Jun 23, 2018 06:58
i.e. to find primes, you'd need to find the factoradics of previous primes. take the last N-1 digits and ensure that your current prime ends with those digits.
Jun 23, 2018 06:56
another pattern: the last N-1 digits of each factoradic group appear always as the last digits in the next group
Jun 23, 2018 06:45
as does 5! (so far as I have taken the experiment)
Jun 23, 2018 06:44
4! also always ends with either 210 or 010
Jun 23, 2018 06:44
the entirety of 4! never contains a digit of more than 4 (same with 3 and 2).
Jun 23, 2018 06:42
there is a pattern there too. (note the repetition of 210 at semi-regular intervals)
Jun 23, 2018 06:40
so I got thinking about triangular numbering systems, and factoradics came to mind immediately
Jun 23, 2018 06:39
@student… - it's not a paper, by any stretch of the imagination, but it is compelling
Jun 23, 2018 06:35
I'm not sure if you saw the post regarding primes and how they curiously form fractal patterns when distributed in triangular structures?
Jun 23, 2018 06:33
Anyone keen to go on wild tangents regarding primes?

 Computer Science

General discussion for
Aug 26, 2016 20:07
My twitter handle is up on my exchange profile.
Aug 26, 2016 20:02
I know full-well it could be nothing.
Aug 26, 2016 20:02
I can't just give it away like that. That's why I'm looking to find out if anyone is willing to put my name on the paper. I'm cautiously optimistic, I only grokked Tarjan's Strongly Connected Components Algorithm a few months back.
Aug 26, 2016 19:56
It's based on existing work, which took me weeks to digest :). There's a difference between reading it and writing it.
Aug 26, 2016 19:55
For descendants-of and ancestors-of?
Aug 26, 2016 19:54
The same applies to the matrix (albiet skipping over empty cells)
Aug 26, 2016 19:54
So, adjacency list: each list is essentially a list of nodes that need to be recursed to (while memoizing nodes that you have visited). So a pointer dereference, and then a recurse.
Aug 26, 2016 19:52
It's also sparse (unlike the matrix)
Aug 26, 2016 19:50
Depending on the exact configuration, it can be queried both fowards along directions and backwards. It can by cryptographically hashed.
Aug 26, 2016 19:50
It's high entropy: 4 ints are used for each edge. It consists of two structures, one is length N, the other length E. Each element in each structure has a constant length, no pointers to additional arrays or such: flat. It supports cyclic graphs, with far less recursion than you'd expect with an adjancency matrix or list (it tends to iterate: good for the cache)...
Aug 26, 2016 19:42
A binary heap for graphs, if you will.
Aug 26, 2016 18:47
Otherwise it iterates
Aug 26, 2016 18:46
An adjancency list doesn't have constant element length. An adjacency list recurses once per node, where-as this representation recurses only when it encounters a forward edge, back edge or cross edge.
Aug 26, 2016 18:08
Hey all. I've found a way to store a cyclic directed graph in a flat array with constant element length. Recursion happens (obviously), but it's near the optimal amount (FEs, BEs and CEs cause it).

I have no applicable formal tertiary education, would any of you be able to help me get this information out?

 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...
Mar 12, 2013 19:22
it's short-hand, syntactic sugar
Mar 12, 2013 19:22
the multiplication sign is implicit between the 2 and the parenthesis
Mar 12, 2013 19:19
that's breaking the rules cerberus, brackets (*B*ODMAS) come first
Mar 12, 2013 19:18
doesn't really matter though, multiplication and division are commutative
Mar 12, 2013 19:17
according to the mnemonic (BODMAS) division comes first
Mar 12, 2013 19:10
It might be a pipe blockage, I came in half-way through the conversation and they were trying to figure out what the word to describe the situation is
Mar 12, 2013 19:09
Sounds like he is going to be living off that for a while :)
Mar 12, 2013 19:08
Still any ideas regarding that irony, whether or not it is the case
Mar 12, 2013 19:07
You are talking about Foehn winds? We have that in South Africa as well (Berg Winds)
Mar 12, 2013 19:07
Mar 12, 2013 19:05
In one of the towns there, apparently. Speaking to someone who lives there right now.
Mar 12, 2013 19:03
Mar 12, 2013 19:02
cosmic irony came to my mind, but someone here is convinced there is a more succint term for it
Mar 12, 2013 19:01
Hi everyone, I have a really quick question. I am looking for the specific word that describes the type of irony currently being experienced in Holland. They walled off the sea and are now having a drought. Any ideas?

 Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development...
Nov 12, 2012 21:28
anyway off to bed
Nov 12, 2012 21:28
Honestly not our fault!
Nov 12, 2012 21:27
Oh we do very deep integration, that dates back to SP2003. Fixing things is possible (and documented, and it's not like we stuff it up, it's SP doing it's random HAL2000 thang), but from a dev perspective it's far easier to roll back and do it again.
Nov 12, 2012 21:25
@ToddersLegrande in our case it's how easily you can ruin your SP installation. having a snapshot is a lifesaver.
Nov 12, 2012 21:24
I work for a SP company, and when they tell me to look at something to do with SP I tell them to go to hell. That's saying something.
Nov 12, 2012 21:23
@GriffinHeart the only thing is that most SP devs use a VM. So you need significantly more.
Nov 12, 2012 21:22
(and yet, it does that quite poorly compared to other document solutions)
Nov 12, 2012 21:22
Nov 12, 2012 21:21
Effectively, but Microsoft never really stipulated it...