@AkivaWeinberger I don't understand what you are saying, but that seems like exactly the thing I'd like, some abstract definitions helping one to conceptually grasp the topic
one example. why does e^ix go in a circle? approach number 1: split the sum defining e in to halfs sin and cos respectively. approach number 2: take the derivative of e^ix, its ie^ix, i something turns it by 90 degrees, the slope always is the tangent of a circle!
@Daminark I think you have misunderstood me a little bit, to verify the correctness of a proof is the absolute minimum I would demand from myself. Its about feeling like I could have come up with them myself. to see the intuiton that binds together a group of theorems
@Semiclassical ok, a more practical question: how do I build up my skills with formulas the best? Just working through a hard book with lots of formulas in it?
do you manipulate formulas in your head or on paper? I do all the thinking in my head and write things down after that. however that doesn't really work with complicated formulas. but looking at them on paper doesnt seem to work for me either
@Secret that answers why one should find them useful and beautiful. however do you actually think about the 'meaning' of every formula you come across or do you just work with them formally?
Eh, I have a stupid question. How do you enjoy formulas? I'm finishing my degree in computer science and I really enjoy the theoretical side of it. However with formulas I'm much worse than with worded reasoning and its holding me back.
because these are the only people, I've met, wo opposed ZFC. these people brought god into it. it does not have anything to do with ZFC itself. just said that, because I wanted to make my emotional standing clear.