May 22, 2024 22:51
At a past job I had, whenever someone left their computer unlocked a department wide mail would be sent. But instead of something insulting it a was promise to treat the department. Sometimes ice cream was promised, sometimes afternoon snacks, you name it. People which this happened to usually actually got the treat, the ones who didn't (we're not forcing you to spend money) would hear about it for weeks (so when's that ice cream coming Gary?). Fun, harmless and very effective.
Oct 19, 2021 15:35
@njzk2 Not slowing down != driving through you. In the specific example of making a turn right in front/to the side of a cyclists then fair enough.
Jun 22, 2021 21:13
@acpilot If affordability is key then I'll just say this: comparatively its not affordable. And multiple people already gave you examples as to why its unaffordable eg. middle-class paying more then a months salary as Todd said, you'd call that affordable? Where I live I pay around 150 euros a month and most is included (you can choose to not include dental for example), if I make very high costs I'd only have to pay a specified number I agreed to (called "own risk" if you translate it), that number isn't very high and can even be 0 but that would mean your monthly payments go up.
Mar 20, 2020 08:29
So buy a cheap phone with no plan from amazon or something and get a prepaid card, whats the big deal.
Mar 20, 2020 08:29
I also dont understand why people are saying you can't get a phone for cheap in the USA. If I do a google search for USA prepaid phone plans I get plenty of results.
Mar 20, 2020 08:27
Also pay as you go usually requires a contract, prepaid does not.
Mar 20, 2020 08:26
@StephanBranczyk Pay as you go is not by definition pre-paid. If OP just needs to be reachable you could (in my country) get a 10 euro prepaid card and put money on it once every 2 years I think (or else they discontinue the number). This would be very cheap and the cost per call doesn't matter as OP just has to be reachable.
Mar 19, 2020 11:32
I'm sure you're telling the truth but I can't find a country that widely uses phones but do not have pre-paid plans.
Dec 18, 2019 09:58
@MakorDal I don't know who you're responding to but bullying != violence. So no one is "excusing violence" here. And in a hypothetical situation (not the one in this question) where someone feels bullied but clearly isn't how would this apply. (edit I see something went wrong with my previous comment but I can't delete it)
Dec 18, 2019 09:55
@MakorDal I don't know who you
Dec 18, 2019 07:08
@Beofett Yes that makes sense. I was only talking hypothetically of course but you explained it well either way :).
Dec 17, 2019 17:08
@MakorDal I think I understand what you mean but I am not entirely sure if I agree, if I feel bullied by you it does not make you a bully by default. Lets say (just as an example) child A does nothing notable and child B says 'I don't want to go to school because of 'A'', does that make A a bully? I know in this case there is certainly wrong behavior in play but hypothetically.
Dec 17, 2019 17:08
I'm at a total loss. Everyone is talking about harassment and bullying. Telling someone the seat is taken (by a doll) doesn't sound like harassment to me, same for the pencils. The child should certainly learn sharing but other then that I don't see a huge problem. If anyone could take the time to explain this to me? I don't have children myself which may be why I don't understand.
Dec 4, 2019 14:33
@Voile "I don't care"... well clearly
Nov 27, 2019 04:50
@JonathanReezSupportsMonica the benefit of being able to work and live in the country with the largest GDP in the world That does little for you, especially considering they don't have the largest GDP per person only as a whole, lets use the economy in china as an example, its nr2 GDP but that doesn't mean you'd want to live there or that the country is doing well for that matter. I'd get higher number with hundreds of millions of citizens compared to 18/19 million where I live now.
Sep 19, 2019 16:49
If responding doesn't work for you (sometimes their reaction is pretty much just 'sue us'), you could use a claim agency, they usually take x % of your compensation, no costs up front and no costs if they fail*. (*Source: I work at one of these places)
Dec 20, 2018 07:54
@ErwinBolwidt It explains what the paradox is but I don't see how this answer wouldn't be good after reading that.
Dec 20, 2018 07:54
@orlp Instead of just a statement, please explain why not.
Sep 26, 2018 06:37
@NOP If he (airplane guy) was talking loud but no cursing etc. it would still be annoying, why? Because he's not keeping it down. If he keeps it down he could talk about his 'excrement' all he wants.
Sep 25, 2018 09:26
@Nop So you decide what is normal and what isn't? Unless he's actually harming people or being too loud with his cursing (I knew cursewords as a kid too, pretty normal afaik) you shouldn't intervene. Other then that, a child is usually not going to listen to a weird stanger that start conversations by bossing them around (don't do X).
Sep 24, 2018 12:43
@NOP There are plenty of things "not acceptable", if its not your child, just ignore it. People need to mind their own business.
Sep 19, 2018 15:52
@DavidRicherby My point is that swearing is never by default offensive. I swear all the time when I'm with certain people, they do too. No one means it as an insult or anything and no one takes it as such. So yeah it's a choice....
Sep 19, 2018 15:52
@DavidRicherby Note the word kept. I don't get offended easily but if someone keeps screaming (no matter what) I'm bound to get pissed.
Sep 19, 2018 15:52
@DavidRicherby Yeahhh... No... It is always the choice of the listener to take offence. If someone yells swearwords randomly I wont get offended, if they yell them at me I get offended because someone is yelling at me. The words dont really matter if someone kept screaming HEY YOU RICE CRISPY at me I'd be just as pissed as with swearwords.
Jul 6, 2018 23:29
@LeopoldT In terms of security that is really bad
Apr 29, 2018 21:41
Why would you debate but I'm putting 10 balls and removing 1 ball at each time. It's impossible there will be zero balls at the end... Its actually true.
Mar 2, 2018 16:28
@Arqan Please update us in a week or so!
Dec 11, 2017 09:15
@ZeissIkon There was no sale prevented.... If they really wanted your book they would have bought it. Maybe you even get new "fans" from these torrents. If you're not making enough to pay the bills that's not because of torrents, just get a different job in that case...
Dec 5, 2017 06:16
Shutting off your monitor has nothing to do with shutting off the pc....
Nov 13, 2017 23:44
@Granny That rule only really goes if you built the computer yourself (more € = more power). But yeah whatever all I can say on the dad part is just tell him as I said :P
Nov 13, 2017 23:44
@Granny My point was you can't come off as non-spoiled if you're spoiled. I program for a living on a cheaper pc. But to the point of the question, just tell him you made a mistake on the macbook and that you have a "solution" (selling, he might not see this as a solution) and cheaper alternative....
Nov 13, 2017 23:44
Macbook €3199,- Dell XPS 15 €2599,-???? You should be able to work fine on a €1500,- laptop... So you not coming off as spoiled is a far shot. Just don't open so much shit at once. 16GB is more than enough ram for photoshop + chrome
Oct 14, 2017 11:24
For me this is the answer. What the company is doing is indeed very wrong, and I doubt they will change their ways if they already started to blackmail (big red flag, get out!).
Sep 19, 2017 14:46
Just chiming in here only for the comment by @badjohn. So @badjohn is the hair (fur) the biggest issue? If it is you would not have issues near LabraDoodles (a race practically made for allergic people). Not starting a discussion only stating it as you may not have known yet
Sep 13, 2017 14:17
Alright, pleasure discussing with you :) I shall leave this room now. Thanks and have a good day
Sep 13, 2017 14:10
I did not think about the context but just about the message. Took it a bit too literal I think
Sep 13, 2017 14:09
You don't have to clarify it for me but I did not see it like that so thank you for explaining!
Sep 13, 2017 14:02
But it isn't being fizzbuzzed it has already been fizzbuzzed (in OP message). So I would figure this is also part of UX because the message means a lot of different things to different people
Sep 13, 2017 14:00
@KamilDrakari The No: Fizzbuzz the main Foo anyway implies (to my understanding) that the Fizzbuzzing of the main foo has not been done yet. This is not the case in the OP the message states it has been done. But its not necessarily a disagreement, UX is different for everyone so I would like your view :)
Sep 13, 2017 14:00
@KamilDrakari For my pov he's asking about the second foo so yes/no/cancel would apply to that, not undoing the first as (it is in dialog, not sure why) the operation isnt about that.
Sep 13, 2017 14:00
@KamilDrakari But not doing x or y wouldn't mean undo an action, but that might just be my interpretation. Thanks for your view
Sep 13, 2017 14:00
May I ask why you think: No: Fizzbuzz the main Foo anyway, the message says it has already been done with no indication of you being able to undo it.
Aug 5, 2017 18:21
@Blaszard They have those costs in the Netherlands as well, except on less products (not on soda cans etc. only on larger bottles). Thought you'd like to know ^^
Jun 28, 2017 18:22
@StrongBad that's why I said, let's say actual teaching is 1/10th of the work. Look at the calculation in the comment again. And as many people here have said. 100 isn't that much
Jun 27, 2017 14:17
100 hours is to my knowledge nothing. most people work that in 2.5 weeks. Lets say 1/10th of your job is teaching it should be done in 25 weeks technically.
Jun 26, 2017 13:26
@JoeStrazzere As I said its been proven plenty of times that not eating and drinking will worsen the situation. Its not a guess, its something I know will contribute.
Jun 26, 2017 09:41
@JoeStrazzere Its been proven time and time again that (especially with hot days) not eating and drinking will have a negative effect on your body and mind. So he actually does know the reason for poor attention to detail. Even if it is not the full reason, it does make the issue grow.