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@EpicKip You clearly haven't fully read my response, as I addressed that the child should not be confronted by, as you succinctly "a weird stranger". it appears you're just digging in and being stubborn, maybe a chip on your shoulder because you don't like the idea of limitations in the name of common courtesy?
Note: I never stated what's normal and what isn't. That's a weasel word statement. I said don't impose your sense of normal on other people by forcing them to experience it when it's invasive, which I actually believe is the point you're trying to make, but are deciding to resist it when I make the same observation. We're saying the same thing.

Read: You missed the part about aspiring rapper on an airplane in business class loudly discussing his genitals and how people were upon them for his wonderful excrement. It's normal for him and his own to allow that many people are hanging
3 hours later…
@NOP If he (airplane guy) was talking loud but no cursing etc. it would still be annoying, why? Because he's not keeping it down. If he keeps it down he could talk about his 'excrement' all he wants.

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