@GeneralGrievance It doesn't rise to the level of what I, subjectively, would consider to be spam on Stack Overflow. But it is off topic for Stack Overflow. And for any SE site, it needs more focus and needs to be self contained. So deserving of being promptly closed. But other sites that are more academic / research focused might see it as spammier.
I notice a lot of the support spams include numbers whose digits are mixtures of regular ASCII digits plus homoglyphs of them, e.g. U+1D7F4 instead of 8.
@JeffSchaller Would a VLQ flag go through, since there's no explanatory text available for that flag? The answer might not look VLQ in isolation. It took me a while to figure out what was going on with that answer. Well, I'll try and see what happens.
I stumbled across a sort of "frankenstein's monster" answer where the answerer copy/pasted code from the question + a couple other answers and included some nonsense text as well. Is that plagiarism or rude/abusive?
@dan1st I don't know who confirmed it, but the comment thread suggests it's a troll post. So I wouldn't call it a false positive, even if we're not sure it's a true positive