Nov 25, 2019 12:25
Don't know why people are confused. 99% of jobs are 8 hours a day 5 days a week. The only thing within your control is how taxing the job is during this time. You can make it easier on yourself by taking less responsibility. Most employers wouldn't instead let you work 3 or 4 days so you have to make it up with less responsibility.
Oct 4, 2019 21:11
Have your team vote on how the money should be split giving the options you just listed.
Jun 14, 2019 08:39
"You realise most people here would kill for a one hour interview that resulted in a job offer the next day, right?!" - I'm sure he does realise this, which is why he thinks it may be a red flag..."too good to be true".
Jun 5, 2019 15:21
@ConorMancone thanks for explaining, it makes sense and I agree.
Jun 5, 2019 15:21
@ConorMancone surely as a business owner, anticipating ways in which employees may hinder your business model is just sensible business? I'm not sure if you're suggesting employers should inherently trust their employees before they've even met them, but this sounds like very bad advise to me.
May 30, 2019 16:37
I will happily discuss these issues at work - I know that my beliefs come from a place of productivity. If someone misconstrues my intentions and I end up in court, so be it, it's a good learning opportunity for the person who filed the complaint. They will end up being publicly embarrassed. I employ other people to not let superficial work politics affect their integrity.
May 2, 2019 08:52
@osuka_ it's entirely possible the documentation is wrong or out of date, as unlikely as one may wish to believe.
Nov 28, 2018 06:04
Stackexchange likes to pretend this isn't the case so asking here is a bit pointless.
Nov 19, 2018 14:35
@Mystagogue OP's partner sounds very childish. immature, and selfish, and she is definitely taking advantage of OP. Is she really abusing OP? She just sounds like a horrible person who wants OP to adhere to a certain way. You need to be very careful when throwing the word "abuse" around with regards to domestic disputes.
Nov 7, 2018 23:37
@JTPenguin Well at least where I'm from before you are accepted into any University you must pass a face-to-face interview which is presumably at least somewhat used as a character judgement; that along with your transcripts should be more than enough to determine whether or not a potential student can be trusted to learn how best they see fit without being treated like a child.
Nov 6, 2018 15:45
Everyone here seems to forget that OP is paying for a service and is expecting to be able to utilize that service the way they see fit, so long as they do not disturb other people. Anyone attacking them for this imo is simply pompous.
Oct 30, 2018 16:36
@AzorAhai the pressures put on socially probably outweigh any potential legal ramifications that could ever be enforced, hence I do not consider myself to have misunderstood anything and I stand by my original comment.
Oct 30, 2018 16:36
I just want to point out that a tip by definition is not mandatory. If there is some form of payment that is required at any point for a product or service, the word "tip" is an incorrect word to use. This causes great confusion in the US where they refer to a mandatory wage supplement as a tip, as people very reasonably assume it's optional since they call it a tip. Calling it what it is, a mandatory wage supplement, would remove much of the confusion.
Oct 10, 2018 06:34
Sounds like the temp workers are not skilled enough to be doing work at the level you need it to be done. You have to convey this to your boss. Paying them to do work which you then have to fix yourself, taking more time and money, is quite clearly a very stupid way of working.
Oct 2, 2018 05:53
"If you had to be racist, who would you be racist against?" "dipshit interviewers"
Sep 23, 2018 18:32
@Beofett your amended comment seems perfectly fair to me. My comments about an objective morality and insincerity were based off the initial point that was made. Apologies for any disclarity.
Sep 22, 2018 03:57
@Beofett Didn't mean to come off as getting personal - but if someone claims "I would never intervene a situation because I don't want to impose my morals on others", but this claim is qualified by certain parameters where the claimer assumes everyone shares a certain set of morals, then in my mind the claim was not sincere, and it implies you believe there are an objective set of morals everyone should follow
Sep 21, 2018 00:17
"since every scenario I can imagine on short notice would involve me protecting someone else from having morality imposed on them by a third party" which you deem to be immoral so you would hence intervene. Its easy to say things like "I wouldn't impose my morality on others" when you believe certain things are objectively moral and shouldn't be included in your claim as they go without saying. Morality is 100% subjective, one person's "extreme" is another person's norm.
Sep 20, 2018 23:58
@Beofett to me it sounds like all you have to do is qualify your statement with "when illegal".
Sep 20, 2018 23:58
@Beofett if you say "I'm against people "intervening" when they see something they deem to be immoral, because I deem imposing one's morality on others to be immoral.", then call my first example a strawman, then you were clearly not sincere with your original claim, which is what I was trying to demonstrate with my "strawman" example.
Sep 20, 2018 23:58
@Beofett a slippery slope indeed, as you are now implying you would also not intervene if you saw someone being attacked, or robbed, unless you want to argue that certain things are objectively immoral.
Sep 20, 2018 23:58
@thumbtackthief you are against people intervening when they see something they deem to be immoral?
Sep 20, 2018 07:32
@jpmc26 I shit you not, one time I was looking for the solution to a problem, and Google showed just 1 result that was several years old. It was me, asking the same question years ago, with no response. I wish I could remember the context.
Sep 13, 2018 03:00
"they do show that the idea that you can only sell something if you paid somebody for it first isn't at all true". Nobody here has questioned this claim, OP's question was specifically about selling research papers you didn't pay for.
Sep 12, 2018 15:50
@Kilisi I have large influence over the decision maker, and although I may not be held accountable for any problems, since I will be working with the codebase for some time and I have the best intentions I would like to do what I can to ensure the new codebase follows strict practices that are known to scale, as I believe it is best for the product.
Sep 12, 2018 15:50
@Kilisi I mean it can't be saved; it's a write-off. It's still in use, but to fix it would take probably 3-4 times the amount of time and effort to rebuild it from scratch. It's unmaintainable and riddled with disease. That's all I meant, demise wasn't the best word.
Sep 12, 2018 15:50
@AdrianoRepetti thanks so much for your help.
Sep 12, 2018 15:50
@AdrianoRepetti to try and remain as impartial as possible, I may not necessarily know that what is being suggested is bad, I just know there's no way to know if it's good, so what this really boils down to is me not wanting to gamble unestablished ideas, and rather stick to things that have been shown to work. Am I wrong for wanting to play is safe and stick to established ideas/conventions?
Sep 12, 2018 15:50
@DonFusili Well, I tired to infer in the OP that the reason for the existing codebase's problems is likely due to these whimsical decisions rather than fully thought out planning, so I'm trying to avoid the same thing happening with the new code base. Perhaps I should be trying to argue that strictly sticking to an established guide would be better, rather than brainstorming, because we are all relatively new to the technology we are using, so brainstorming uninformed decisions and sticking to them seems plain irresponsible to me, even if I can't prove that it isn't a good idea.
Sep 12, 2018 15:50
@DonFusili I agree this seems somewhat contradictory. I guess what I meant was, from looking at the codebase of similar large projects, and reading blog posts about architecture using the technologies we are using, no one else is doing some of the things that are being suggested, and using the header-footer folder example, no one else has done this, yet almost every project will have a header and footer. But I have no concrete data to suggest that having a "header-footer" will harm us, or won't benefit us.
Sep 12, 2018 15:50
Thanks @AdrianoRepetti. You talk a lot of sense. It can be tricky though, because sometimes I may dispute something because there is no evidence to suggest it is a good idea, and the idea did not come from anywhere other than the lead's head. In such scenarios, if I say "this seems bad because there's no evidence that it will benefit us", how can I back this up? Short of trying and failing, or trying and succeeding, there is little way to know, and I don't want to gamble with our codebase.
Sep 12, 2018 15:50
@Snow communication is generally done face to face in person. Occasionally Slack.
Sep 12, 2018 15:50
@AdrianoRepetti a decision to not do something there is no evidence for doesn't seem whimsical to me. My goal is to stop whimsical decisions being made, and disputing a whimsical decision doesn't seem whimsical at all.
Sep 7, 2018 21:13
@JaredSmith the point holds if the assumption of it being based on a large enough group of people is a fair parameter on which to afford benefits. There may be other reasons to afford benefits to people because of their culture that shouldn't also apply to religious groups, such as supporting your economy by buying local produce instead of imported goods.
Sep 7, 2018 21:13
@DonFusili but we are enabling such large numbers by by affording them special treatment. Without this enablement, which would also be supported by large numbers of people, perhaps the numbers would reduce to the extent that they would no longer affect others. It's basically a case of "the rich get richer".
Sep 7, 2018 21:13
"they prevent a powerful religion from oppressing members of a less powerful faith." So? My rival Call of Duty clan is more powerful than mine, should we put laws in place that affect people who don't play Call of duty to prevent that from happening? Of course we shouldn't. (disclaimer: I don't actually play Call of Duty)
Sep 5, 2018 05:21
@Chris no one gets paid to write code. People get paid to solve problems for clients. When I am coding at home, I am not delivering any solution to any client problem, therefore what I am doing is not "work".
Jul 11, 2018 10:29
@Sneftel you underestimate the power of boredom, social media and persistence.
Jul 11, 2018 10:29
Please provide me with the name of the airline so I can investigate - as a UX developer this is unacceptable and I take personal offence to such horrible experiences.
Jun 25, 2018 10:32
@Damon I do agree with you, but even then, you shouldn't throw the word pedo around willy-nilly as it diminishes the severity of the word. Also, to be frank, pedophilia is pedophilia regardless of context (something can't be pedophilia on one person's phone, but "fun" on someone else's - that isn't how it works) and 15/16 year olds do absolutely not constitute as pedophilia, so again, throwing the word around to describe this scenario only takes away from the actual severity of pedophilia.
Jun 25, 2018 10:32
@Damon pointing the "pedo" finger at someone to diffuse this situation is extremely inappropriate.
Jun 18, 2018 22:21
Not a fair analogy at all - people who do not engage in side projects are clearly triggered by this question. It has absolutely nothing to do with "free labour" as the top comment in this thread implies. Also comparing creative work to manual labour is frankly insulting. A more fair analogy would be "Would you ask your dentist if they floss?" and the answer would be a definitive "yes".
Apr 29, 2018 15:24
@L_Church that's like saying you should have no issue with colleagues the same level getting paid more than you as long as you're still able to "pay the bills".
Apr 27, 2018 10:18
"It might be genius, but it's unmaintainable." - this is all that needs saying. Imagine if you stumbled upon some React.js code in a world where it wasn't open-source and was undocumented - it would make no sense and be unmaintainable, despite being genius.
Mar 20, 2018 16:33
@JAB I disagree that it would be unethical to take legal action. I am not a vegetarian or vegan - I love meat - but how would you feel if you accidentally ate cat or dog, because of someone else's mistake? Would it be any more ethical to press charges in this instance? Because it shouldn't.
Feb 7, 2018 15:16
When I'm at work and I encounter a problem I have previously solved, would it be unethical of me to employ the same solution I have previously learned to fix the problem? why should it be any different in this context? Exams are supposed to test ones ability to apply knowledge, not ones ability to look up information.
Feb 5, 2018 10:37
@MorganMeredith You are asking how you can take advantage of an employer's diversity policies to stand a better chance over a male. So clearly males are more likely to care whether or not this is appropriate to be asking so blatantly. That's what I meant by flipping the tables...the rest of your comment seems unnecessarily provocative.
Feb 5, 2018 07:42
@MorganMeredith That really shouldn't be surprising considering most feminists are female. Quite obviously when the tables are turned it will be males who express displeasure. Not that interesting of an observation in my opinion.
Feb 5, 2018 05:16
There are no two ways about it. You are asking how you can utilise your gender for your own personal gain. I don't blame you, fighting fire with fire can be an effective solution. Keep in mind what you are doing will not help sexism, it will only help yourself, and will probably in fact only contribute more to sexism issues. I can't stress enough that I would be doing the same thing, though.
Nov 9, 2017 10:12
@MartinBonner so whether or not you would work on the weekend depends on how you were asked? Not sure a tech lead should be so ego-driven personally...