Nov 8, 2017 08:19
Well when I see a new question AND an accepted answer I am less likely to put the effort in answering the question. YMMV
Aug 9, 2017 21:11
The Aliens want to eat humans because they are invasive/unchecked? Humans also impact the natural order/balance of animals and insects. While North America has lost it's huge buffalo (bison) herds, they numbered an estimated 60 Million head in 1840 vs 98.4 million cattle in 2015.
May 2, 2017 02:58
@Sirama I hope you have a great in-world reason for that vault-builder having "One and only one key, that I will never lose or break, lest my precious be trapped forever in that vault".

 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...
Sep 8, 2016 03:36
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Thanks for the answer. I guess it's minimalist, but it does answer the question. Oh well I'm learning
Sep 8, 2016 02:12
Is this the right place to ask 1) why this answer was downvoted (not my answer) and 2) if I upvoted it would the "balance" out.