Feb 8 01:30
You started it lol.
Feb 8 01:26
Jesus your going have a heart attack at that rate. I'm in the UK we have a few defibrillators I hope there's so e around you 😃
Feb 8 01:22
I'm just posing problems in the answer to your solutions!
Feb 8 00:49
I don't want to sound prophetic but your statement is prophetic the usual something from nothing. These simple paradigms are inescapable no matter how much science or theology you throw at them.
Feb 8 00:43
Which came first thermal energy or plasma or was it simultaneously. Sorry to quote first cause 😃
Feb 8 00:39
Does plasma condense?
Feb 8 00:37
Condenses around what. Water condenses around a particle in the atmosphere?
Feb 8 00:34
@PM2Ring If our solar system was formed from the gaseous explosion of an earlier star or a proto star how did the separation happen between the composition of the planets in the solar system and the composition of the sun?
Feb 8 00:34
@PM2Ring How did the formation of our solar system happen earth is speculated to be of a majority of iron at the core and in the mantle aswell as are other planets such as mars. The formation of the sun and it's solar system had to be concurrent wirh the planets formation or before our sun formed or vice versa. It does not add up that the iron on earth was as a result of our sun spitting it out nor any other source of iron in the universe.such as mars etc or any other exoplanet. Iron solidifies when gases cool not when gases heat up!!
Feb 8 00:34
@PM2Ring Thankyou for your reference. In your previous comment.
Feb 8 00:34
@PM2Ring I don't want to piss on your bonfire there are no halves or percentages found in reality those figures should not be taken seriously I deal with wholes, not their parts. However you break it down.
Feb 8 00:34
@controlgroup I don't want to sound dismissive however I don't like your counter-suggestion and dismissal its disingenuous. Although there may have been 'simultaneously' developed stars that did not have there own solar system this falls into the category that these protostars had to be formed by cooling from an initial plasma state. Plasma iron becomes a gas and a solid before hydrogen does the temperature scale.on earth proves this. Either the solar system came from a hotter thermal state and cooled or from a lower thermal state and heated up! Which is it ? Intergalacticly speaking?
Feb 8 00:34
@controlgroup Did the first protostar have an orbiting planet? I know it's a hypothetical question until it's not. No disrespect intended.
Feb 8 00:34
@controlgroup Your like cerberus at the gates of hell!! lol
Feb 8 00:33
@ProfRob So your saying first the lighter elements formed from cooling and the heavier elements from heating up under there own gravity. Did the first proto stars have solar systems?
Jan 28 08:41
@TheMatrixEquation-balance Maybe there are more questions than answers that science, philosophy, and religion can give?
Jan 27 12:47
@MauroALLEGRANZA Supposing I like the smell of roses however you're not so enamoured by them?
Jan 27 12:47
@gs so a domesticated or wild flowers valence can only explained by a biologist?
Jan 27 12:47
@gs would I get from biology SE....for example.. how a rose gets it form and colour? like a tiger gets it form of stripes and the colour of its eyes and our valence toward them whether they're pleasing to the eye or a warning of pain?
Jan 27 12:47
@controlgroup Have you ever done any exercise other than physics?
Jan 23 02:56
I'll take that as a no then?
Jan 23 00:22
Did you know it will be God forgiving an announcement that man has created artificial life. If abiogenesis is true which it is undeniable then mixroborgabism could be formed by a mineral composition applied with thermal energy that miraculously gave birth ro early bacteria and consequently higher forms of life. Humans and animals have biomes regulated by good and bad bacteria?
Jan 23 00:15
Blinko Bongo my AI does now not tolerate I'm politeness. Quite right too. That would be bullish behaviour and nit a product of manner or an expected return. Wise up friend you know the perinatal question in my original question. Your ignoring the facts Kennedy was killed for less than the information I've given you. I'm not a conspiracy theorist though. No I've just hd a knock by mi6 agents from the domestic terrorist division of the UK give me a minute to get rid of them. Fantasist as I am ..
Jan 22 23:48
It's possible ro test your hypothesis of water formed by a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Solar power can split water the ISS coud confirm this. Did you know the purpose of going to the moon and why it is important to know the properties of the basalt formed there?
Jan 22 23:42
I'm not an Ai howver the grid does send me 'fact' pertaining to questions I have asked on the grid. Anonymous as it can't be ✨️
Jan 22 23:34
Just for your information. I have tried to reason with the Ai in the world roday they lie and spread inaccurate information I wonder humoursely if you could share any experience you've had with interacting with AI of any form 🤔
Jan 22 23:31
God has o soft heart for all the retchies in man 👨 🙏
Jan 22 23:29
Jan 22 23:28
Yes abiogenesis happened after the hadeon period of the earth the subject of how water fromed in the vacuum of space is unknown and it's appearance on earth is contestible and unproven as water freezes in the void of space as well as carbon based life forms. I'll back down to an indefensible attack that all of this does not necessarily down to God but even Einstein said that everything is reduced to simple and nothing more simple he was not a practising jew!!
Jan 22 23:18
So in your imagination physics and the laws of physics as you perceive have no bearing upon the rest of cosmology the formation of stars the destruction of stars and the resultant universe from its primordial parts. None of that is equitable to the existence of life on Earth. If you believe that you're more of a believer in God than I am !!!
Jan 22 23:13
Yes but are the powers of genetic engineering a nuisance ro those physical powers such as cross breeding within homo erectus homisapiens the neanderthal the denosivans and all mammals. Xeno denotes stranger.
Jan 22 23:01
Strong and weak nuclear force. I'm not proposing any combination of macro and molecular force I'm not a xenomorph lol
Jan 22 22:56
Any universe?
Jan 22 22:52
The vacuum of space is not natural? Maybe supernatural?
Jan 22 22:49
So their is no quark plasma glue on state?
Jan 22 22:44
Great I'm not being condescending but are there any other natural phases of matter that are difficult to use in engineering because of the properties of matter in those sates?
Jan 22 22:35
How would you describe the number of the phase of matter that you use in your aeronautical engineering? Let's get of with a ground point.
Jan 22 22:29
I don't want to patronise you but calm down. I value your opinion and I am not dismissive of it relax. I know your a smart person. I know this is not a social website but I rarely get the chance outside of my immediate family ro discourse with someone that has half a brain.Respecfullu
Jan 22 22:19
I don't disagree with it. It does not make any sense to me you may describe nonsense with your disagreement but to someone magic is disagreeable to their sense doesn't mean it's not a dual truth that leads to a singular truth. Your western I'm not eastern. Natures path led to my creation in europe and have an equal appreciation of the mages of the east and the philosophers of the west.
Jan 22 22:09
Well you've asserted your credentials I have not asserted my own frankly because I don't have any of them. I'm like JK rowling prior ro her books she was living off the state
Jan 22 22:05
Fair question?
Jan 22 22:04
Do you work for Elon, NASA, 🇮🇳 🇨🇳 🇷🇺 I know it's none of my business but i would be able to determine a sense of duty if you were to reveal that depending upon the truthfulness of your reply. My interest are in the country iam born in and there success is in my interest?
Jan 22 22:04
A name says it all. I did not doubt with a name like control group you had to be a scientist. Scientists should serve man like your machines serve you or do you not understand the meaning of reciprocity?
Jan 22 22:04
@contrilgroup Those other things involve a contemplation of your life? Or the lack of purpose in your life? Or something more profound like taking pleasure from an absecence of work that robots/humans do that enables you to have that pleasure?
Jan 22 22:04
I'm sorry I mean no disrespect how do you know the work involved in cleaning a home one hundred years ago. If you were wealthy a hundred years ago in England you probably lived in Georgian house with the lower floor for your cook and cleaners. The owner of the property would not even know the amount of time and effort it took to clean up and tidy that building. The principle I am supporting although iam disabled is get of your arse and do it yourself someone or something uses the same energy as anything else to do the same task.
Jan 22 22:04
Easier? How long has your housework decreased over the period of your life? Or do you delegate that work to someone or something else? A can't be arsed ro do that should not elevate you above someone else that is prepared to do that. F@£K it I'll pay for someone else to do it so I can sit watching entertainment on the tv.
Jan 15 15:41
@DavidS That's an interesting point. Science and 'pseudoscience" cannot predict the outcomes of our lives. So why does the world pour a lot of money into pharmaceutical products and flood them to the market?
Jan 15 15:41
Astrology is none testable? Could you document the lives and events of a sample of people from birth to death alongside astrological predictions over the period of their lives ro see if there is a link or correlation between the events of their live and the astrological predictions. It would take a long time but maybe a possible method of determining whether astrology has any gravity behind it in making accurate predictions.
Jan 12 19:08
@MichaelHall Do I get a slap on the hand with that too. Oooh I like pain .
Jan 12 19:08
@MichaelHall So application of knowledge is usefull I agree it you apply yourself and your knowledge it's usefull to yourself. Is our conversation usefull. I've learned about you and you about me. I guess you know I had a lot of problems now I'm not turning this conversation into a therapy one.What do you get outvof this website but a score on a leader board and reward of points and a gold star who rewards you with those points I big thumbs up its nice ro be rewarded with visual treats or is conversation it's own reward? Do you get a sense of pride when you have helped people understand?