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A: Technological Utopia?

controlgroup If the tokamak were to be realised and be a sustainable sun on earth without the thermal heat destroying it's parts. Would this source of fussion energy enable us to have a society that has untold energy that can be used to power machines that could feed and serve man indefinitely. A point of c...

Easier? How long has your housework decreased over the period of your life? Or do you delegate that work to someone or something else? A can't be arsed ro do that should not elevate you above someone else that is prepared to do that. F@£K it I'll pay for someone else to do it so I can sit watching entertainment on the tv.
My housework has gotten much easier over the course of my life, and there’s certainly much less to do than 100 years ago, and more ways to delegate it to machines now. All I mean to say that tech - like robots - doesn’t usually elevate our understanding of our place in the universe, just makes specific tasks easier.
I'm sorry I mean no disrespect how do you know the work involved in cleaning a home one hundred years ago. If you were wealthy a hundred years ago in England you probably lived in Georgian house with the lower floor for your cook and cleaners. The owner of the property would not even know the amount of time and effort it took to clean up and tidy that building. The principle I am supporting although iam disabled is get of your arse and do it yourself someone or something uses the same energy as anything else to do the same task.
Well-designed robots are, as it turns out, actually more efficient than humans at most things. A calorie is a lot of energy. If I spend 10% of my daily energy on chores, that’s almost a megajoule of energy - keep in mind that’s equivalent to around a fourth of a kWh. I would much rather have a robot spend less than a tenth of a kWh vacuuming my house than do it myself and spend much more; the difference is, if the robot does it, no human has to do it, and I can do more things that would otherwise not get done.
@contrilgroup Those other things involve a contemplation of your life? Or the lack of purpose in your life? Or something more profound like taking pleasure from an absecence of work that robots/humans do that enables you to have that pleasure?
It is nice not to have to do work that you don’t want to do, tautologically. I like my work as a scientist, so that is not really “work” for me. Conversely I don’t like having to vacuum and do dishes and such; I would rather washing machines and vacuum robots do that for me. I find plenty of meaning with my current workload.
A name says it all. I did not doubt with a name like control group you had to be a scientist. Scientists should serve man like your machines serve you or do you not understand the meaning of reciprocity?
I would argue that I do - I am working on aerospace engineering projects that will make space launches easier (for example, for exploration, satellite positioning, physics experiments, etc) and in the process I’ve also developed tools for others to use. I fail to see how this is related to clarifying my answer, though. Scientists are also the only reason your phone, your cell service, your water filters, your medications, your house insulation, your car, and every other piece of technology you own works. Has that not all been in the service of humanity?
Do you work for Elon, NASA, 🇮🇳 🇨🇳 🇷🇺 I know it's none of my business but i would be able to determine a sense of duty if you were to reveal that depending upon the truthfulness of your reply. My interest are in the country iam born in and there success is in my interest?
Fair question?
Neither - I do independent physics research. Technically speaking, unless I do some patents or something (not really sure how those work), JAXA or ESA or NASA or SpaceX (preferably not SpaceX) could use my results, but I don’t work for any of them. This also has nothing to do with clarifying my post, which is what comments are really for, hence this chat.
All the tools I build I release with minimal copyright (MIT or similar when possible) anyway, so those are for anyone to use.
Well you've asserted your credentials I have not asserted my own frankly because I don't have any of them. I'm like JK rowling prior ro her books she was living off the state
Okay, that’s all fine, doesn’t matter much to me. Is there anything about my post that needs clarification? If you just disagree with something subjective that’s ok, but the comments are for improving posts, not debating with their authors.
I don't disagree with it. It does not make any sense to me you may describe nonsense with your disagreement but to someone magic is disagreeable to their sense doesn't mean it's not a dual truth that leads to a singular truth. Your western I'm not eastern. Natures path led to my creation in europe and have an equal appreciation of the mages of the east and the philosophers of the west.
What exactly does not make sense? Where in my post did I lose you?
I don't want to patronise you but calm down. I value your opinion and I am not dismissive of it relax. I know your a smart person. I know this is not a social website but I rarely get the chance outside of my immediate family ro discourse with someone that has half a brain.Respecfullu
I’m not mad - genuinely trying to help you understand here. You’re just saying “It does not make any sense to me you may describe nonsense with your disagreement but to someone magic is disagreeable to their sense doesn't mean it's not a dual truth that leads to a singular truth” which doesn’t ever specify what thing in my post I can help you understand.
How would you describe the number of the phase of matter that you use in your aeronautical engineering? Let's get of with a ground point.
On my own, my experiments typically use some solid structures/devices plus occasional pressurized gas, so two different phases of matter. Theoretically, you could use plasma instead of gas, but that’s not strictly necessary. Note that existing aerospace tech (e.g. jet and rocket engines) typically use at least three, when you include SRBs and liquid engines.
Great I'm not being condescending but are there any other natural phases of matter that are difficult to use in engineering because of the properties of matter in those sates?
All phases of matter are inconvenient in some subfield of engineering. Gas production in nuclear reactors is indicative of something being terribly wrong in some cases (see Chernobyl) and in general gases are hard to contain safely; liquids showing up can also mean something important just melted (see Challenger) and they tend to seep through stuff; solids can just be generally hard to work with because they don’t bend when you need them to or bend too much when you don’t want them to.
The only three natural phases are solid, liquid, gas, and if you count stars, plasma. How does this relate to my post?
So their is no quark plasma glue on state?
Natural phase? Quark-gluon plasma is not natural. No natural event, save neutron star collisions, produces QGP in any meaningful quantities, and when it is produced, it lasts for infinitesimal time periods.
A poet would say that nature abhors QGP almost as much as it does a vacuum.
The vacuum of space is not natural? Maybe supernatural?
The vacuum of space is literally the simplest possible case for any physical model. It’s difficult to come up with a simpler system, except by just removing spatial dimensions.
It is perfectly natural - it actually comprises the vast majority of “nature”.
If by “natural” you mean “arising by natural/spontaneous processes”, then it obviously is, given that it forms automatically in any Universe with an anisotropic mass distribution.
Any universe?
Any universe with any sort of gravity.
In fact, even electromagnetism would do the trick. It just has to be a long-range force of some sort (i.e. not finite-range like the weak and strong forces).
Strong and weak nuclear force. I'm not proposing any combination of macro and molecular force I'm not a xenomorph lol
??? What do you mean? The forces of our Universe are a combination of strong/weak/electromagnetic/gravitational.
Yes but are the powers of genetic engineering a nuisance ro those physical powers such as cross breeding within homo erectus homisapiens the neanderthal the denosivans and all mammals. Xeno denotes stranger.
Physics doesn't care about genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is a human technology; we didn't alter anything about physics, and physics doesn't have "nuisances", because it's not a person. It's just a set of facts about reality.
So in your imagination physics and the laws of physics as you perceive have no bearing upon the rest of cosmology the formation of stars the destruction of stars and the resultant universe from its primordial parts. None of that is equitable to the existence of life on Earth. If you believe that you're more of a believer in God than I am !!!
I don't need to believe in God to believe that human life arose. I have incontrovertible evidence that it did, in fact.
Yes abiogenesis happened after the hadeon period of the earth the subject of how water fromed in the vacuum of space is unknown and it's appearance on earth is contestible and unproven as water freezes in the void of space as well as carbon based life forms. I'll back down to an indefensible attack that all of this does not necessarily down to God but even Einstein said that everything is reduced to simple and nothing more simple he was not a practising jew!!
Water probably formed by combination of hydrogen (very abundant element) with oxygen (very abundant element).
Also, God is hardly simple...
God has o soft heart for all the retchies in man 👨 🙏
Just for your information. I have tried to reason with the Ai in the world roday they lie and spread inaccurate information I wonder humoursely if you could share any experience you've had with interacting with AI of any form 🤔
I'm not an Ai howver the grid does send me 'fact' pertaining to questions I have asked on the grid. Anonymous as it can't be ✨️
It's possible ro test your hypothesis of water formed by a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Solar power can split water the ISS coud confirm this. Did you know the purpose of going to the moon and why it is important to know the properties of the basalt formed there?
AIs are best used to summarize information, not produce new info. They do not think or remember or actually do any of the things human intelligences do.

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