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Dec 16, 2022 02:32
What triggered this question to become a "Hot Network Question"?! webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/141147/…
Jun 4, 2022 23:30
@Nasser Sounds like Referrer Spam
Feb 10, 2022 12:29
Sep 8, 2021 15:51
@StephenOstermiller Mildly curious why your answer to the recent question about browser caching for fonts has been getting more upvotes than mine? Is it the wildcard thing? Or is it that users just aren't scrolling the page (after your answer was accepted and stuck to the top)?! Or maybe it's just outright favouritism!? ;)
Sep 8, 2021 15:47
@StephenOstermiller Although it still seems to be the same few peeps who are voting (mind you that doesn't show those who have voted <10 times in that period).
Jul 7, 2021 12:27
Update on user-agent string reduction in Chrome... if you are checking the User-Agent string for specific information then you might need to update your code... blog.chromium.org/2021/05/…
Apr 13, 2021 23:02
New in Google Chrome 90... "Chrome's address bar will use HTTPS:// by default!" - although it will fall back to HTTP if HTTPS "fails". blog.chromium.org/2021/03/…
Oct 11, 2020 00:15
@NickAlexeev The TLDs .test, .example, .invalid and .localhost are guranteed to not exist in the public DNS system, by RFC2606. Of those, consider using <anything>.invalid for a "negative test".
Apr 20, 2020 21:49
Why o why has Firefox completely removed the ability to view the cookies you have set on an arbitrary domain (they can only be viewed in developer tools for the particular site you are viewing)?!
May 25, 2019 23:01
Ooo there has been a great disturbance in the force today!!
May 6, 2019 16:34
Another annoyance with Quora... I seem to get a lot of "requests to answer" for old questions that already have a decent set of answers?! More bot traffic?
Apr 8, 2019 11:56
Does anyone on here frequent Quora? What do you think of it? (I'm really not a fan and find it very frustrating, but at the same time strangely alluring.) In the web-topic tags I stumble across an enormous amount of spam / plagiarised content, to the point of it being seemingly out of control?! It seems to be an environment that is ripe for "fake news" and propaganda?
Mar 15, 2019 23:00
Mar 15, 2019 22:53
@idk You shouldn't use a space for either Google or Bing (although Bing does seem more tolerable and it still "works" - the examples in the Bing docs do not include a space). If you include a space on Google then you are simply searching for two phrases "site" (the colon is probably ignored) and "example.com" (the ".com" may get omitted for later results).
Feb 8, 2019 22:53
@MaximillianLaumeister Marked that Q for "deletion". Ta.
Oct 27, 2022 15:56
@BugCatcherNakata If you've not heard of "radio button", what word/term have you heard/used to describe these pick-one-selectors?
Sep 21, 2021 14:19
Your "small screenshot" appears to show a much more resource-intensive page than the one discussed in the question? "158 requests" / "39.0MB resources" / 5+ minutes?
Sep 14, 2021 21:58
@kawnah (See above)
Sep 14, 2021 21:56
The Nginx proxy needs to be configured to allow requests through to Apache so you can implement the redirect (or the redirect is implemented in the Nginx server config, which you probably don't have access to?). This probably requires a support request with the host.
Sep 14, 2021 21:55
2. You are on Apache, but there is a Nginx front-end proxy that is configured to serve static content (from /wp-content/uploads). The request for these resources (or this area of the filesystem) is handled entirely by Nginx. The request does not even reach Apache/WordPress, which is why you are seeing an Nginx generated 404 response.
Sep 14, 2021 21:50
1. You are on an Nginx server, so .htaccess does not apply. You would need to perform this redirect in WordPress itself (eg. using a plugin). However, this "plugin" does not appear to be working, which leads me to believe...
Sep 14, 2021 21:48
Sep 14, 2021 21:48
tl;dr you'll probably need to contact your host (WPEngine) to get to the bottom of this.
Sep 14, 2021 19:35
What kind of hosting are you using?
Sep 14, 2021 19:35
You need to find out the role that Nginx is playing here as this may need to be configured to allow the request through to the backend so you can configure the redirect.
Sep 14, 2021 19:34
It's relatively common to have an Nginx front-end proxy (in front of Apache) that is used to serve static assets (images, CSS, JS etc). What you may be seeing is either a cached response from the proxy OR the proxy is configured to serve all requests to /wp-content/uploads bypassing your application server (ie. Apache) entirely.
Sep 14, 2021 19:26
Did the old image (image-1.png) used to exist and it was later deleted?
Sep 14, 2021 19:26
You need to clarify your server config. Are you using Nginx as your only server? Or are you using Nginx as a front-end caching proxy in front of Apache and Apache is your application server?
Sep 14, 2021 19:26
"nginx"?! How does Nginx fit into your config? Nginx does not use .htaccess. And to clarify, the original image (ie. image-1.png) does not exist on the filesystem?
Sep 14, 2021 19:26
And what do you mean exactly when the redirect "didn't work"? What response do you get? Any error? A WP 404 response? An Apache 404 response? Or something else?
Sep 22, 2020 15:07
Options Indexes is unrelated to this issue. Indexes enables Apache generated directory listings when a directory index is not present in a directory. So, this should generally be disabled for security reasons, otherwise, it potentially exposes all the files you might have sitting in a directory - it can also be indexed by search engines (without additional steps), which would be undesirable.
Sep 22, 2020 15:06
> Indexes are enabled because...
Sep 22, 2020 15:02
Missed your reply too. (I think we need to @fischgeek the user in chat to send a notification.) I see you've resolved the issue now - so all good. (Must admit I also overlooked the separate HTTPS vHost container as well.)
Sep 21, 2020 19:20
Presumably, you don't have another .htaccess file located in /home/ubuntu/sites/?
Sep 21, 2020 19:16
Although you shouldn't be setting AllowOverride All and Require all granted for the parent directory in the main server config - unless this is a specific requirement? You are overriding this anyway in the <VirtualHost> container.
Sep 21, 2020 19:14
The vHost directives you've added to your question look OK. (Although why are you enabling Indexes?)
Sep 21, 2020 19:11
You can test whether .htaccess overrides are enabled by simply typing some nonsense at the start of your .htaccess file (as I suggested earlier) - if you get a 500 error then it's "working" OK.
Sep 21, 2020 19:09
That "syntax error" (it's not strictly a "typo" unless someone had manually typed it - which I assume is not the case) would ordinarily break your site with a "500 Internal Server Error". The fact that you do not appear to be getting that "error" suggests that mod_rewrite is not actually enabled (although you've stated that it is). OR, .htaccess overrides are not enabled, although by the look of your server config - .htaccess overrides should be working OK.
Sep 21, 2020 19:05
No - that "syntax error" is created by whatever bit of code created it (in this case, a "plugin"). This has nothing to do with the server config / vHost.
Sep 21, 2020 19:03
> Are you suggesting that if the vhost is configured that would cause a typo in the automatically generated .htaccess file contents by WordPress?
Sep 21, 2020 15:33
"If the directory root is inaccurately entered in the vhost, then even the front page wouldn't render. Correct?" - Not necessarily, there's insufficient info in the question. If your DocumentRoot is set to /home/ubuntu/sites, but are accessing your site as example.com/my-wp-site/ then the "front page" would render correctly but permalinks would not. However, the "syntax error" I mentioned above is a show-stopper and suggests your vHost/server config is indeed misconfigured (as stated).
Sep 21, 2020 15:33
"The site is working fine so the vhost settings are accurate." - but how can you be sure; permalinks aren't working? There is a syntax error on one of your _CondPattern_s here: |wordpress_logg$ - which implies either mod_rewrite is not enabled or .htaccess overrides are not enabled (otherwise you'd be getting a 500 response).
Sep 21, 2020 15:33
What is the DocumentRoot? When you say the vHost has the necessary Directory section, can you confirm the file system path this is set for. Please include the contents of your .htaccess file and where exactly this is located. If you add some nonsense to your .htaccess file, does it “break”?
Apr 7, 2020 01:23
Aside: Government guidelines states, "stay local and use open spaces near to your home where possible – do not travel unnecessarily".
Jul 16, 2019 11:40
@undefined "Bank account cards do not have a CVV" - This is no doubt region specific, but in the UK, (most) standard "bank account cards" these days are VISA Debit (not Credit) cards (at one time Maestro was common) which are used for ATM and Debit (not Credit) transactions. These all have a CVV on the back. (Whether the full bank account details are on the front of the card would seem to be bank dependent - my main bank does not include the account number.)
May 7, 2019 21:50
May 7, 2019 21:49
@Rob You can generally see more on a physically larger (but lower pixel resolution) desktop screen. CSS vs device pixels. However, exactly what you see is determined entirely by the website. On security SE on a 96dpi (desktop) screen at just 980px wide you get an extra (3rd) navigation column, additional info about your rep/badges and you naturally see more of the URL.
Feb 19, 2019 19:21
If you want access to a kitchen in order to prepare your own food then don't stay in a "hotel"!? "why hotels can't offer at least 1 communal kitchen(ette)" - some of these (luxury) hotels have in excess of 200 rooms! "Why pay $50 for one piece of tuna at a restuarant, when they can buy it for $5 and grill it themselves?" - c'mon, give the chef a bit of credit!