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ServerFault's lobby
Nov 1, 2018 20:41
I got it working with someone's help. I needed to bind the server's internal IP address to each of the sites, and enable "Server Name Indication" on one of the sites.
Nov 1, 2018 19:13
Also, nothing in IIS logs, nothing in Event Viewer (that I could see). Not sure what's going on. This is the first time I've tried hosting two different sites on one server that didn't have code tightly coupled together.
Nov 1, 2018 19:10
Looking for suggestions. I have a Windows 2016/IIS 10 box. I have two sites hosted. Each have separate external IP addresses and SSL certificates. Each site are bound to their respective IP address. When I try accessing either of them, I get the error "This site can't be reached." And regardless of external access, I should be able to access them internally. Not sure if this is a question worth posting on main or if it's a dumb mistake on my part.

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
Feb 7, 2018 19:05
@DavidPostill I figured it out. One of those RTFM moments.
Feb 7, 2018 14:19
Hello, I have a question with applying cipher suites to a Windows server. All of the cipher suites I'm looking at have some variation of SHA256_P384 at the end. Could someone explain what this means? Linux servers do not have these. Or give some other details about it so I can google, because I'm not finding anything relevant.
Dec 5, 2017 19:51
Nevermind, I inserted two columns in the table, and inserted one document in one column, and the other in the column next to it. That should work.
Dec 5, 2017 19:40
My attempts either cause the documents to stack, or they go diagonal, almost like a float issue that I would see in CSS.
Dec 5, 2017 19:39
Question regarding OneNote: I have two documents inserted into a table, presently they're showing up stacked, so one document icon on one line, and the next document below it. They are in the same row in the table. Is it possible to put these documents side-by-side without altering the table?
Dec 8, 2016 16:38
So room 11 has its own chatbot, but it does not have a cat command like room 118's chatbot. So I'm going to try extending their chatbot where when !!cat is used, it'll pull a random image from
Dec 7, 2016 18:24
@allquixotic heh, back when I had my own Comcast account, and I had to have a tech sent out because my modem died, he said whenever he contacted corporate for something, that they'd tell him that our area was expected to have XFINITY "in a month or two," but they had been saying that for years...
Dec 7, 2016 18:22
I'm just stupidly pedantic on how things happen being in the correct order
Dec 7, 2016 18:22
not a big deal though
Dec 7, 2016 18:21
he pinged me though :P
Dec 7, 2016 18:20
1 min ago, by Tiffany
@Annaduh which network?
Dec 7, 2016 18:20
@Annaduh Unfamiliar.
Dec 7, 2016 18:19
Then again, I'm on Comcast so...
Dec 7, 2016 18:19
@bwDraco Err wrong @ :P
Dec 7, 2016 18:18
@Annaduh which network?
Dec 7, 2016 18:18
@allquixotic Highlighted the list items and changed them to ordered list. It didn't change the other nested list at the same level to ordered. Woot!
Dec 7, 2016 18:17
@Annaduh bleh :/
Dec 7, 2016 18:16
@Annaduh the fuck? is your cell network confused?
Dec 7, 2016 18:15
I'll be upgrading to 2016 soon, I don't have control over when I can upgrade. :P GPO controlled.
Dec 7, 2016 18:15
@allquixotic I'll try that
Dec 7, 2016 18:14
@allquixotic 2013 I think, yeah, 2013
Dec 7, 2016 18:14
I want to leave the "list style" on.. in the sense that it makes my lists look nice and organized, but I want to turn off the fact that it's changing both lists to ordered or unordered because they're on the same nest level
Dec 7, 2016 18:13
Dec 7, 2016 18:11
I have an MS Word question. I am creating a procedure document that has nested lists. I have a couple nested lists that are on the same "level" of nesting. I want to change one list to an ordered list, but leave another list as an unordered list. Word is changing both lists to either ordered or unordered because they're on the same nest level. Is there a way to turn this off?
Dec 7, 2016 16:02
Dec 7, 2016 16:01
Dec 6, 2016 21:31
hi @tereško
Dec 6, 2016 20:53
@djsmiley2k I have had cats like that. My favorite is the youtube video of the cat barking.
Dec 6, 2016 19:04
Dec 6, 2016 19:03
@allquixotic I should try this. When I had to give my cats medication, holy crap, it was like it was the end of the world.
Dec 6, 2016 19:02
but he's starting to desensitize. If I scratch his back, he likes that
Dec 6, 2016 19:01
my Maine Coon's back is really sensitive. For a really long time he wouldn't let me pet him because it irritated something, he'd get frustrated, have to scratch or lick, and would leave me.
Dec 6, 2016 19:00
not mine
Dec 6, 2016 18:59
lick buttons?
Dec 6, 2016 18:58
over the weekend I was laying on the bed, and she was laying on me, I had to get up, so I have to move her, and she meows like she's saying, "whaaa?"
Dec 6, 2016 18:58
lol, my other cat mimics phrases I say
Dec 6, 2016 18:57
I wanted to avoid the whole spraying thing altogether.
Dec 6, 2016 18:57
he was neutered before he went through puberty, which I think is why
Dec 6, 2016 18:57
mine has a kitten meow
Dec 6, 2016 18:57
Dec 6, 2016 18:56
and then rubs on me, rubs on the corner of the cabinet, rubs on the door frame, rubs on everything
Dec 6, 2016 18:56
haha, yeah, whenever I get up, mine runs to the kitchen near the food bowls, and meows at me incessantly.
Dec 6, 2016 18:55
he just wants love and attention
Dec 6, 2016 18:55
My torty is pretty sassy, which I'm starting to think is the norm with torties. My Maine Coon mix is a huge love bug.
Dec 6, 2016 18:54
I have a torty and a Maine Coon mix
Dec 6, 2016 18:54