Oink's room

Oink and Greg status
Feb 21, 2024 14:14
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
Feb 4, 2024 17:04
I voted to close this question because the question is highly dependent on WHICH cryptocurrency is referred to. For example, any cryptocurrency that is listed on Coinbase (a public, NYSE-listed company) can be converted to fiat, e.g. $US for a small fee measurable in basis points and deposited safely in the recipient's US bank account. Every deposit will be an IRS taxable event, like the sale of a security however. This question has been asked on bitcoin.stackexchange.com and should have been transferred there as @RodrigodeAzevedo originally suggested.

 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...
May 26, 2023 11:21
@tchrist It doesn't seem to render nicely like every one else's youtube links alas youtube.com/watch?v=38d95F3UIg4
May 26, 2023 11:19
@tchrist Kyrie Eleison youtube.com/watch?v=38d95F3UIg4
Dec 20, 2022 23:05
@barbecue No, you said, [what if] I begin lobbying congress to get a law passed which prohibits something previously protected as free speech? With the current rabid extremist supreme court, there's little chance that of overturning such legislation, so once it's in place it will be there for many years. You said that the Supreme Court would NOT overturn a law regarding a violation of protected speech under the 1st Amendment. I said in my prior comment that they would. A "rabid, extremist" (conservative?) court is just as likely to stand up for free speech, not less.
Dec 20, 2022 23:05
@barbecue hszmv said The better solution is to take steps to not have this information discussed in open ways. Yes, he has to report where his plane is when it's flying but why does the media have to report that information about him specifically to the public? It's like saying "Elon Musk, who is under death threats, lives at his home at 742 Evergreen Terrace." The quote is "Elon Musk, who is under death threats, lives at his home at X" That is a matter of journalist integrity and convention online to not do such a thing. I do not believe that Google or Facebook allow such statements either.
Dec 20, 2022 23:05
@barbecue Also, the 1st Amendment is part of the U.S. Constitution and is in the judicial branch of government. I don't think Congress as the legislative branch would have any real say in this, as any such law that Musk could effect could and would be overturned by the Supreme Court on protected speech grounds. Historically, the Supreme Court tend to be the true free speech absolutists, regardless of whether they are conservative or liberal.
Dec 20, 2022 23:05
@barbecue What is the original quote to which you refer? I don't see a quote in the body of the question by OP.
Dec 20, 2022 23:05
@barbecue Taking steps to not have something discussed in open ways is not at all like passing laws to prohibit free speech. Twitter is not a government entity. The owner or management of a company will often have Terms of Service which prohibit sharing of personal information about users, e.g. to prevent revenge scenarios.
May 16, 2022 13:42
... What should now happen is for the CDC or a similar non-commercial agency to re-evaluate the evidence after removing the data from Ventavia. There should also be a random audit of data from a sizeable sample of the other 150 sites that were involved in the vaccine's development." bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635/rr-18 I don't know if that has happened or not.
May 16, 2022 13:40
In answer to what @CJR asked, the response to the BMJ mentions this: "Your article reports that Ventavia was responsible for 3 out of 153 sites involved in vaccine evaluation and that their work involved "more than 1,000" out of 44,000 participants, i.e. around 2.5%. A recent systematic review and GRADE evaluation of the Pfizer vaccine by a CDC group (cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/recs/grade/covid-19-pfizer-biontech-va...) was very positive about its efficacy and safety....
May 16, 2022 13:39
I guess I should ping you @Graviton and @Oddthinking I'm just trying to be helpful, but it seems like this question will be difficult to answer.
May 16, 2022 13:37
Oh, and I just noticed that Facebook's fact checker guy got involved, called the BMJ a medical blog, and everyone is all stirred up over that, see here bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635/rapid-responses
May 16, 2022 13:32
Finally, there is this, which might be the most useful. It is a response to the BMJ article published in November 2021, titled, "How significant is the Ventavia scandal?" (Two short but good paragraphs) bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635/rr-18 That's what we want to know!
May 16, 2022 13:28
Next, the whistleblower filed a lawsuit in February 2022. I don't know how to interpret this as I am not a lawyer "US District Court for Eastern Texas - USA ex rel, Brook Jackson v. Ventavia Research Group - recently unsealed qui tam action against vaccine entities: Pfizer Inc., Icon PLC, and Ventavia Research Group, LLC"
May 16, 2022 13:26
About this, 1) an FOIA request filed by a journalist in Nov 2021. The FDA acknowledged receipt of his request, but didn't respond to inquiries in Feb and April 2022 about the status. Today, May 16 2022, the FDA said, "Your request is pending in the Center For Biologics. I will ask them for a status update." Here's the URL muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/…
Aug 9, 2021 01:16
Jan 19, 2021 20:13
Here is more information about Sullivan. He is self-described BLM. Insurgence USA is his activist organization and he was arrested at a BLM protest in July 2020, when someone was shot and killed. The FBI has arrested him twitter.com/amuse/status/1349865669383356419
Jul 14, 2020 06:32
@Fury Sleep well, dream sweetly. Goodnight!
Jul 14, 2020 06:31
@Fury You don't need to call me ma'am. I am Ellie. You are Arjun. You are my Math SE friend.
Jul 14, 2020 06:31
@Fury Yes, you're right. I edited my schools. I went to Stanford and Wharton, but that shows up at the very bottom. I am too old for you, I suspect.
Jul 14, 2020 06:23
@Fury I really don't like to program. I like analytical work much more than coding.
Jul 14, 2020 06:22
@Fury It is kind of messy! Don't laugh stackoverflow.com/users/story/321143
Jul 14, 2020 06:20
brb with the link
Jul 14, 2020 06:20
One sec, I'll show you my "developer profile" on Stack Exchange Careers (I am not a developer lol)
Jul 14, 2020 06:19
I don't like to code much, but SAS is still fun. I used Python for a little while at work, but when I didn't get much chance to use it every day, I forgot it.
Jul 14, 2020 06:18
Yup, you could definitely do it if you know probability distributions, applied statistics, and either R or SAS or Python.
Jul 14, 2020 06:17
I miss that. It all ended in 2008. There was fun math in that, stochastic processes and Markov chains and sometimes Monte Carlo simulation.
Jul 14, 2020 06:16
I used to work for Standard & Poor's, developing criteria for rating securities.
Jul 14, 2020 06:16
I like my work. It is supposedly econometrics, but anyone with a clue about statistics and probability and applied math can do it. Not many people have a clue about any of those things though!!!
Jul 14, 2020 06:15
I validate models used in commercial and retail banking.
Jul 14, 2020 06:14
I do model risk mangement.
Jul 14, 2020 06:14
Yes, I am what's called an SR 11-7 banker in the US.
Jul 14, 2020 06:14
I want to say her name is something like Balaji but that's a guy's name!
Jul 14, 2020 06:14
@Fury There's a woman on Math SE who answers lots of questions well. She is Turkish or Indian and is a math educator somewhere in eastern Europe. I tried to be friends with her but that didn't work out so well.
Jul 14, 2020 06:12
Is quid a Math SE mod, or on SO?
Jul 14, 2020 06:12
I should go to sleep but I am not working as Corona-Chan has messed up everything in banking even in the United States
Jul 14, 2020 06:11
It is 2:11 AM here!
Jul 14, 2020 06:11
@Fury Oh dear Lord, that is so annoying for them to put you through that! But I know how it is now that SE has been overrun with Social Justice Warriors and Jeff Atwood is gone.
Jul 14, 2020 06:10
@Fury So you DO understand! I like your chat user name, Fury. That is perfect!
Jul 14, 2020 06:09
The more they complain about my attitude, the grumpier I get!!!!
Jul 14, 2020 06:09
Are we safe here? I will not betray you. I am already in hot water with SE folks because I am not sufficiently politically correct.
Jul 14, 2020 06:08
Can you tell me about it, catching the liar?
Jul 14, 2020 06:08
@Arjun Yay, there you are, all done with your bath!
Jul 14, 2020 06:07
@Fury Oh my, what did you do to get your chat privileges banned? lol, I am glad that you are rebellious, a bad boy ;o)
Jul 13, 2020 22:50
I will look on a map. I am awake half the night anyway, and will leave this tab and window open. Good morning! Or night?
Jul 13, 2020 22:49
I am about to go in search of smoked salmon and other tasty treats. 9.5 hours OMG! Are you in a former Soviet socialist republic or Israel maybe? (I am quasi teasing you... tiny joke).
Jul 13, 2020 22:47
@Arjun Hi Arjun, how are you?
Jul 8, 2020 20:59
...and for caring.
Jul 8, 2020 20:59
@Arjun Hi Arjun, I will be back tonight. It is 5 pm on the east coast of the US where I am. Thank you for asking