g(1) = h(1, t(1,3),t(1,3))
t(1,3) pads the 1 so that it has three `0` children, making the bitstream 1000 and the tree itself [1,[0],[0],[0]]. N(t(1,3)) = 8
h(1,[1,[0],[0],[0]], [1,[0],[0],[0]])
I'll call the reference to the original root `a` for convenience
m += 8
a = [1+8=9, [0],[0],[0]]
now iterating 9 times:
a = [9, [m],[0],[0]]
m += base2(1001100100) = (in the first iteration) base2(1001101100)
Now we get to fun stuff that starts to get grotesquely big, and I start to lose track.
I'm just going to go through the first iteration.