Nov 22, 2019 01:33
What was last years NSEC cut off?
Nov 15, 2019 16:12
Also in this question these are the two possible products. In (A) there is a methyl shift occurring and in (B) Hydride shift. In my opinion it should be (B) since hydride shift is preferred over methyl shift but the given answer is (A)
Nov 15, 2019 16:10
Nov 15, 2019 16:09
Does the -OH come the second carbon or third carbon from the right? Could someone explain why for the same.
Nov 15, 2019 16:08
Nov 12, 2019 05:28
In this Ron had given an answer where the toluene underwent this particular reaction. Is the major product ortho or para?
Nov 12, 2019 05:27
Q: What is the mechanism of chlorosulfonation of benzene?

RobChem The above reaction looks very similar to a conventional sulfonation reaction but if the reaction pathway is analogous to sulfonation I do not see how the $\ce{SO_2Cl^+}$ would form. Surely $\ce{Cl^-}$ would leave rather than $\ce{H_2O}$ in the formation of the electrophile? Please help me find ...

Nov 12, 2019 00:09
@Jasmine Ah ookayy
Nov 10, 2019 12:22
@Jasmine did you write aits-advance?
Nov 10, 2019 03:13
Anybody writing FIITJEE aits advance?
Oct 29, 2019 07:55
(of esters i mean)
Oct 29, 2019 07:54
is acid hydrolysis generally faster than basic hydrolysis?
Sep 15, 2019 11:59
My teacher has given it to form ClO2 as one of the products
Sep 15, 2019 11:59
What is the reaction between H2SO4 and ClO3-?
Mar 17, 2019 01:49
Suppose I have -NO attached to benzene does this substitutent increase or decrease electron density of the ring? Because NO has both lone pair and pi bond...
Feb 27, 2019 03:10
oh okay cool...Thanks!
Feb 27, 2019 03:05
Oh okay...but if you look at something like vinyl chloride it doesn't undergo SN coz it has a partial double bond character right? In this case too -Cl is a good leaving group. So what is the difference in these two cases? what causes a difference in reaction even though they're quite similar
Feb 27, 2019 01:37
In the reduction of acid halides by a redLucing agent like LiAlH4, wouldn't there be a double bond character coz Cl has a lone pair and it would be in conjugation. So looking at it this way how does the reaction take place (my argument is that it shouldn't take place xD)
Feb 23, 2019 14:43
@PolarBear hehe I'm still in class 11
Dec 29, 2018 01:36
Why do salts of WA/WB and WB/SA hydrolyse more in water?
Dec 22, 2018 03:31
I barely crossed MAS
Dec 22, 2018 03:31
NSEC MAS is 107 and MI is 171
Dec 22, 2018 03:30
NSE MAS and MI released
Dec 21, 2018 02:51
@AbhigyanC I did (SA stream)
Dec 20, 2018 16:04
How exactly is stage 2 of kvpy conducted? I know it's an interview but I would like to know more about it
Dec 17, 2018 12:57
What happens to a mixture of Aniline,KClO3 and dilute H2So4 when H2O2 is added to it?
Dec 16, 2018 01:52
@YUSUFHASAN I kinda meant generally...I know how lithium decomposes but wasn't sure if other alkali metal sulphates even decompose and if they do is it similar to lithium?
Dec 15, 2018 01:53
Do alkali metal sulphates decompose on heating?
Dec 4, 2018 00:55
Do all alkali metal peroxides give h2o2 and base on reaction with water
Nov 25, 2018 13:11
I got it good? (I'm in 11th)
Nov 11, 2018 13:17
@IceInkberry Thankss!
Nov 10, 2018 13:07
is the order of acidity in decreasing order 2>4>3>1?
Nov 10, 2018 13:04
It's one of the exceptions
Nov 10, 2018 13:04
ortho effect doesn't apply to zwitter ions
Nov 9, 2018 15:16
@IceInkberry Our sir did the equation...but didnt give the prooof of it
Nov 8, 2018 16:40
Kvpy key is out
Nov 8, 2018 10:54
Which is more stable indole or isoindole?
Nov 8, 2018 07:46
@Abcd Could you please clarify my doubt?
Nov 8, 2018 05:17
in phenylene-diamine shouldn't the basicity order be p>aniline>o>m since -NH2 is not much of a bulky group and thus doesn't exhibit ortho effect. SO with ortho effect out of the picture -NH2 is very strong +M group and effect of +M>-I (for -NH2). In ortho due to hydrogen bonding its basicity is reduced. Meta position only -I. so by that reasoning para is most basic followed by aniline followed by ortho and then meta....So p>aniline>o>m....Am i going wrong anywhere?
Nov 7, 2018 15:53
@AbhigyanC ON of C should be +2
Nov 7, 2018 15:09
How does Hydrogen bonding affect ortho affect in acidicity of carboxylic acids or basicity in amines?
Nov 7, 2018 01:40
Please do share your views
Nov 7, 2018 01:40
Q: Why Isn't Huckles rule applicable to more than 3 fused rings

J_B892 In the following compound (Pyrene) why isn't Huckle's (4n+2) rule applicable? I do know it is applicable to only mono-cyclic ring systems but what changes when there are more than 3 fused rings?

Nov 7, 2018 01:22
Isn't the following compound anti aromatic with 12pi electrons?
Nov 7, 2018 01:22
Nov 6, 2018 07:25
The question is to arrange order of acidic H...This is my attempt...Am i wrong anywhere?
Nov 6, 2018 07:24
Nov 5, 2018 07:58
@AbhigyanC Oh yeah...cyclopropyl methane carbocation is one of the most stable carbocations due to dancing resonance effect right?
Nov 5, 2018 07:19
27th....In my opinion it should be D
Nov 5, 2018 07:18