Opinion: There needs to be a yodaspeech converter challenge on PPCG. (You must welcome me to the club becomes Welcome me to the club, you must) Of course, coming up with a clear, concise set of specs will need more thorough thinking, I think.
I have decided to take a different path tomorrow onwards. I think I remember hearing that animal mothers can be very aggressive for the safety of their young ones.
@usr Are you insinuating that I do not belong in this room? You are casting me out from a room for sillies by calling me a genius! Why, oh why! Why does it have to be this way?
Thankfully, I have got the answer to my question. The reason is simply that there isn't just one reaction for the whole mechanism; there are several reactions going on simultaneously and experimenting with difference proportions of reactants causes each individual reaction to take place to a different extent, thereby causing a different net effect for the whole detonation.
why not just 1 ideal composition, devised by looking at the molar masses of the reactants and the stoichiometry of the reaction, to maximize the yield?