The Screening Room

“We are all the pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselv...
Jun 21, 2020 19:11
How is everyone?
Jun 21, 2020 19:10
Happy World Music Day Happy Optimism Day
Jun 21, 2020 19:06
Happy World Yoga Day
Jun 21, 2020 19:06
@AnkitSharma Wish will be granted at The Screening Room to those who ask for it.
Mar 17, 2020 12:00
Happy Birthday @Catija
Feb 10, 2020 05:54
Today is Teddy Day too but who is celebrating? 😂
Feb 10, 2020 05:53
(I secretly noted his address too) ;)
Feb 10, 2020 05:53
Next time for sure.
Feb 10, 2020 05:51
@steelersquirrel lol
Feb 10, 2020 05:51
Not today. It's last month. I went to Bengaluru. But there was busy schedule. Didn't get a chance to meet.
Feb 10, 2020 05:50
Did I tell you all I just missed an opportunity to meet @AnkitSharma ?
Feb 10, 2020 05:49
@AJ How is she feeling now?
Feb 10, 2020 05:49
@AJ Nice.
Feb 10, 2020 05:48
Nog Shine ayega jayega mods aayenge jaayenge magar yeh tradition rehni chahiye site rehni chahiye
Feb 10, 2020 05:48
Q: Favorite questions and answers from the last quarter of 2019

Nog ShineToo late this time but we are back again. Following the tradition, we would ask the community to link your favorite questions and answers created from 1st October to 31st December. You can search all eligible questions and answers posted in the past quarter. Since, we received 501 questions an...

Feb 10, 2020 05:43
How have you been?
Feb 10, 2020 05:43
@steelersquirrel HELLO!!
Feb 10, 2020 05:23
Happy Academy awards day
Feb 10, 2020 05:21
Jan 18, 2020 02:51
@AnkitSharma You made it to the blog post. Congratulations!
Jan 18, 2020 02:48
@AnkitSharma I didn't watch Doordarshan serials from 90s'.
Jan 18, 2020 02:45
A: Thank you, Shog9

Nog ShineI am sorry that I had to write an answer this late. I was literally speechless when I saw this meta post and immediately logged out. Today I have logged in again to say Thank you. Thank you Shog for everything. I learnt a lot from you. You have been my idol on Stack Exchange. You were one of...

Jan 18, 2020 02:45
But Jon Ericson is leaving on a good grounds out of his personal choice.
Jan 18, 2020 01:56
@AnkitSharma Jon Ericson also :(
Jan 15, 2020 06:51
Hello @TheLittleNaruto
Jan 15, 2020 06:46
I will DEFINITELY miss you 😢 — Nog Shine 5 mins ago
Jan 10, 2020 04:49
@AJ Yes
Jan 10, 2020 04:49
Vishv Hindi Divas ki shubhkamnaye
Jan 10, 2020 04:47
@AJ Hahaha
Jan 15, 2020 09:15
@Ubi I suggest u to get your words right. SE isn't a social media to use vocabulary as you wish. There's a Code of Conduct. Secular here means what it actually means i.e who is not connected to any religion and respects every religion equally. SE is a secular site which respects every religion equally. This is just a site for learning Hinduism not a Hindu site which preaches. That's where you're confused. Only answers are to be backed up with references. Comments are just for clarification. Please get your facts right from SE. Learn about "boat meme" on SO to know if your example is on-topic.
Jan 15, 2020 09:15
@UbiBhatt See help center for what is on-topic for the site. You can also see what is off-topic in the same page. There can be Hinduism equivalent for any term. English is not a part of Hinduism but you are talking. right? Meat is also an English word but we find an English equivalent. Ask the OP what they mean by Halal but this question doesn't become off-topic. "Secular mentality everywhere" What exactly do you mean by that? What else do you expect then? Fight among each other? This is not a Hindu website. Please understand Stack Exchange model. This is not a place to demand or debate.
Jan 15, 2020 09:15
@UbiBhatt This question is not off-topic question. Our site includes social and cultural aspects of Hinduism too. This is as valid as "Can Hindus eat Beef/meat". I am not sure where and why you got the information this question is off-topic.


General discussion for; New her...
Jan 15, 2020 06:38
Jan 15, 2020 06:25
@TheLittleNaruto @Zanna Thank you!
Jan 12, 2020 04:41
How many users would know what are logos or what is Jewish mysticism? But does that make off-topic because many don't know about it? No. That question is on-topic. Apply the same for the question we discussed so far. Halal may be an Islamic term. There is no difference in opinion in it but just because there is one term, we don't close questions as off-topic.
Jan 12, 2020 04:37
Q: Is there a concept like the concept of Logos in Hinduism?

salahIn western Philosophy, Jewish mysticism and Christianity there's an important concept, that is the concept of Logos. This concept is important in theology, cosmology and creation of the world. Is there a concept like the concept of Logos in Hinduism?

Jan 12, 2020 04:37
A recent question..
Jan 12, 2020 04:37
An example I would take here is this question. Western religions contain concept of Satan. We don't find "Satan" or the term "Satan" in scriptures either. Why is this question not closed?
Jan 12, 2020 04:35
Q: Does the concept of Evil Spirits occur in Hinduism?

James JenkinsSome of the western religions have evil spirits like devils and demons. Does the concept or belief in evil spirits occur in Hinduism?

Jan 12, 2020 04:35
Question is asking can Hindus eat that food. Ask it on Islam.SE, it will be closed soon. It's quite clear the question is asking whether Hindus are allowed or not.
Jan 12, 2020 04:32
Q: Is comparison of a topic with other religions on-topic?

Mr_GreenI thought this question was asked before on meta. but couldn't find a link. So, I am asking it. Is it on-topic to ask for differences/relation by comparing other religion similar topics? Something like: The differences between “Nirvana” in Buddhism and “Moksha” in Hinduism

Jan 12, 2020 04:31
@UbiBhatt Our site is not limited to scriptures. There are many terms which are not found in scriptures. But Hinduism in practice talks about them. The OP said there are some spices and pickles. Ask a question in comments what exactly they mean by Halal vegetarian. It's not closeable as off-topic.
Jan 10, 2020 04:50
Moderator also goes by scope defined.
Jan 10, 2020 04:47
I mean we can't just close a question because we don't like it. Even question should be close worthy.
Jan 10, 2020 04:45
One can't close questions as their wish. There's scope for that. There is a standard behaviour too. That's written in Code of Conduct. So we can't just do what we want. Close is not downvote or dislike button.
Jan 10, 2020 04:43
@UbiBhatt Well, the OP wants to know whether Hindus can eat it and not Muslims. If question is not clear, please ask for clarification and flag as unclear. But not as off-topic. If there is clarity, this question can be on-topic.
Jan 10, 2020 04:42
This is off-topic question because it's a question about a Hindu alone. It falls under boat meme of Stack Overflow.
Jan 10, 2020 04:40
> Can hindu fly an Apache Helicopter? Should also be consider proper question, because we are talking about social activity of a Hindu, isn't it.
Jan 10, 2020 04:39
@UbiBhatt I am not talking about halal meat or halal vegetarian or the other. I am saying it's on-topic because the OP seems to know whether eating halal certified food is ok for a Hindu.
Jan 10, 2020 04:38
@UbiBhatt "Their" is correct pronoun.