Apr 26, 2018 04:18
@Stormy thanks for explaining why the wicking method shouldn't be used right now, I will find a sprayer or buy one then. I wanted to know why it wasn't good and you explained it well, thank you! And yes fertilizer is added, I looked. Should have looked sooner... oops
Apr 25, 2018 11:39
@Stormy I don't know if there was fertilizer added but I want to say yes because of the high NPK the potting soil has. I will have to find a thermometer and measure once.
Apr 25, 2018 11:38
@Stormy The other day I watered through the bottom with the fan blowing over it (On low) and it worked out very well I thought because the top did stay dry and I checked the bottom by pushing the soil back a bit with a tag and the rest was moist. To me a water bottle doesn't feel like it gives them the water... and I don't have a spray bottle at the moment.
Apr 24, 2018 13:15
@Stormy I have this set-up in the basement. All but one tomato has died and the peppers are going. It seems that even though I have been watering these little plants they 'dry up'.... I don't know what to think. but I am exited none-the-less to compare results with germinating mix. I have the soil at 75* and turn off the heat one plant germinates. We will see what happens, got everything reseeded this morning.
Apr 24, 2018 13:10
@stormy The potting soil was miracle grow and the germinating mix I bought is the well known jiffy. Got a fan blowing over the top of it now, for now I did water through the bottom. Watched a video on my watering method and learned a few things about it.
Apr 24, 2018 03:38
@stormy Sadly the potting soil has got to have been worse than I thought. Now everything but the celery is either dead or not doing to well..... but I am not going to give up, ever. I am exited to try the germinating mix.
Apr 24, 2018 03:37
@stormy I got a fan blowing as soon as I learned the tops need to be dried for the seedlings. I just got some seed starter mix today to replant tomatoes and peppers. I know peppers are too late but I am doing it to learn at the minimum. I will look at that company soon, I enjoy looking at new things.
Apr 17, 2018 23:28
@alina I didn't mention another thing I think I did wrong. I thought I wouldn't need seed starting mix so I got potting soil and coco coir and mixed the two. But according to my grandma, who has grown seeds for many years, said it is worth the extra bucks to use seed starting mix. And since I am going to be buying some more tomato seeds I will try seed starting mix, will let you know how that goes.
Apr 17, 2018 13:10
@Alina It is fun gardening and learning but sometimes it hurts to loose so much. But I know what not to do so that is going to help me. but now my broccoli and cabbage are having issues.... so much to learn yet with starting seeds. Oh well......
Apr 13, 2018 22:31
Well I am just upset. This damping off stuff has killed 25/30 yellow pear tomato, 14/16 binke tomato. The only things that are not dead is what didn't come up. As much as I am upset and hurt this is a good learning curve and will be prepared next time with a even better set-up, and fungicide by my side.
Apr 13, 2018 13:34
@Alina I found the issue to why my tomatoes are dying. I guess they got something called damping off. If you want read the answer I wrote, Figured something should go with the question --> gardening.stackexchange.com/questions/38072/…
Apr 12, 2018 02:45
@Shule I have a link posted above, and Alina said your good with tomatoes, if you can help that be great! Same with you Alina :)
Apr 12, 2018 02:45
But granted the luck I am having it just turned south when I went down there tonight. The picture I showed you was from this morning. Now some have died on me, and I will be posting a picture with my question, I deleted the ones I took :/. I will post the question --> gardening.stackexchange.com/questions/38072/my-tomato-seedlings
Apr 12, 2018 02:43
@Alina I see why you said I was doing good. I got this setup in my basement, costed my around $300. $110 for the 4 lights, $65 for the heat mats, then $$$ for seeds, trays, soil, timer, etc. A lot of it (like the lights, heat mats, trays) are basically a one time purchase. I have a well paying job so it wasn't a huge bit in the budget.
Apr 11, 2018 16:15
@Alina I have a difficult time believing that :), but I thank you for that compliant! This is the first year I have started any seeds. Only going off knowledge given from what I have read online. My cabbage and broccoli also came up, all in a week! I wonder how much longer till my peppers come up...
Apr 11, 2018 13:07
@Alina what do you think of my tomatoes? I want to share a picture of the celery when they come up. Which is going to be a good amount of time yet.
Apr 11, 2018 13:07
Apr 11, 2018 13:05
@Sue My mother has a horse right now, and I am a teenager (17). The things in common between us I guess? I looked at the great outdoors site here on SE. I like what I see there, and will keep in mind since I might end up having my own question.
Apr 7, 2018 23:20
The roots in the celery grown for the stalks I mean anyway
Apr 7, 2018 23:20
@Alina I will keep that in mind. I was thinking the roots couldn't be used but I guess not. Always learning something :)
Apr 6, 2018 23:06
@Alina Out of curiosity with the celery grown for roots. Does the root taste like celery yet or is it slightly different?
Apr 6, 2018 02:54
Anyway, From what I know it is 80 days after they sprout. It takes around 14-28 days for germination. So that is 94-108 days before harvesting the plant. But I think they can be harvested younger if you don't want such thick stalks (if they grow that well for me :) )
Apr 6, 2018 02:53
@Stephie This type is planted for the stalks. It looks like that some are planted for the bulb like section underneath? I wonder what that would be used for. I do find it very cool how such big plants can come from such small seeds, its crazy. They took the longest to plant because I hate planting two per spot, because I hate killing off a plant. For me that is to big of a waste.
Apr 5, 2018 13:17
And I am only talking that one page with the question on seeds.
Apr 5, 2018 13:08
@VividD Calm down. You need to cont. any discussion here and not in the comments. It is at the point were the comments you are posting are off-topic.
Apr 5, 2018 13:07
@Stephie I did find out that these seeds were supposed to have been planted 10-12 weeks before the last frost. I did it 6 weeks before, would you know if that will be a issue? And I was impressed by how small the seeds are. But I am exited to try growing this stuff this year!
Apr 5, 2018 12:56
@Stephie I think it is a 'leafy celery'. I will post a link to jungseed for the celery I bought. jungseed.com/P/01754/Tango+Celery
Apr 4, 2018 13:21
I am going to try growing celery this year, any tips? Never tried to before so anything would be great. I did hear that the roots are super weak.
Apr 3, 2018 19:19
@Alina after doing a quick google I think it was never meant to give a answer. But rather make you think about the question more to help you answer the question yourself, better... if that makes sense.
Apr 3, 2018 13:53
I see we are talking about that duck, I found it funny at first and I was wondering why it was there. I clicked it and put no for the mic but it still did what it did. I Love that duck, I think it is a neat thing that they added. My younger sister asked it a question even, and "quack"
Nov 1, 2017 13:02
@stormy to my knowledge no. I will take another look before I decide what I do.
Oct 31, 2017 01:49
I was told that I should pull out the tomatoes and not put them in the compost because of how they are know to do something with decease. Ideas?
Oct 31, 2017 00:11
Oct 31, 2017 00:11
Here guys/gals. I know fluoride is on topic. So I found a website with 50 reasons to oppose it. fluoridealert.org/articles/50-reasons
Oct 31, 2017 00:05
You know, I have heard that they don't use the things that we use in water in other countries. I really am not sure what for sure, but I thought maybe that was a fun fact for you guys, gals
Oct 31, 2017 00:01
Well I will be back later, please let me know if the peppers are going to be okay to use yet or not.
Oct 30, 2017 23:59
Good afternoon people. Will be heading to do chores, in COLD Wisconsin weather. Say thing came to mind, will my peppers that are left on the plant still be good? The lowest temp was around 40 and I don't know if there going to be good yet.
Oct 30, 2017 23:56
Could I use the snow to keep in the moisture?
Oct 30, 2017 18:46
Good afternoon! I was wondering real quick if I should put a tarp over my compost pile over winter. Wondering if it would help you not. Thinking it will trap in some heat.
Jun 2, 2017 03:18
I sent Email, stormy.
Jun 2, 2017 03:01
@stormy Ya sure I will email you, nothing wrong with that!
Jun 1, 2017 20:58
@stormy Almost forgot, no I am a night person. I am more relaxed at night and love to be out in my wood shop making different things. But for now I have been working on changing my sleep schedule because I work at the hennings cheese factory and have to be there @ 3:30 in the morning. Good thing there only 5 min from me. Ever heard of hennings cheese?
Jun 1, 2017 20:56
@pnuts I agree with stormy. I really like some of your answers. But do them as a answer instead of a question my friend. Young man? Same boat if so, for I too am a young man at the age of 17!
Jun 1, 2017 20:54
@stormy So if I understand correctly calling one a airforce brat wasn't a bad thing? Interesting. We will be getting a female dog. Did not know they were that smart. And what don't they have out there. I am sure if I searched, well anything, it has been done. Don't plan on doing paper training. Our friend did that and every time she has the dog over all she does is makes a mess on the floor. It is bad.
Jun 1, 2017 13:00
@stormy Mom wants to get a doberman pincer pup. It will be interesting. AirForce brats, does not sound good! I respect your dad for being in the AirForce. No brat from my perspective.
Jun 1, 2017 03:41
cool! Where you born there? Otherwise I wonder what it was like to live in japan. Then Hawaii, is that you you live? And what you mean by AirForce brat, nobody let you live with them. But, why?? makes no sense. I don't think I would have been that way, would always help a friend out, especially when there in some need.
Jun 1, 2017 03:38
@Stormy Another thing I was reading. I do not like how race can still be a factor these days. Many people do not admit to it but it still is around! I see it all the time and it is sad. I don't point a finger but all the time on the news I will hear that a white cop arrested a black guy. Or a black guy rapped a white girl. Color makes no difference I always said to classmates, bad people are bad people. But these cases are always on the news it seems. Why? So you lived in japan, that is really..
Jun 1, 2017 03:33
Then it came to "Who is that blond girl over by the table. It kept getting worse grandpa said she saw the toys floating around her. Pisses me off, she is the nicest person I know and she goes through this. Enough said getting myself upset. Also cleo is a German shepherd. We loved her. She would bark and bark when people came over. When we make them go up to her they got so many licks :).
Jun 1, 2017 03:30
@Shule Just today I was think about my last grandma (on mom's side) when she died. It sticks with me and is graphic. I remember it all, what the she looked like, laying there. Makes me mad and sad how life can be like that. And now my grandma on dads side is not doing good. One day she didn't pick up the phone. She was found on the chair, couldn't move and kept saying "you see those young kids playing?"
Jun 1, 2017 03:27
@stormy Oh yes, I have to agree with the fact that we learn from mistakes more than success. Most recent mistake was putting the belt on the riding lawn mower wrong. Oops... Sorry to hear about your dog. Its really nice that there are two puppies who look like her. Just wish to have cleo back.