Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
Aug 3, 2017 20:03
@MetaEd indeed
Aug 3, 2017 19:58
@MetaEd you obviously have

 The DMZ

A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
Aug 3, 2017 12:54
@M'vy thanks
Aug 3, 2017 12:51
@StevenVascellaro wheres the question on SE?
Jul 24, 2016 00:46
what kind of encoding is this?
Jul 24, 2016 00:46
Jul 23, 2016 02:32
@IanC haha no worries
Jul 23, 2016 01:24
Nothing that explains what is happening... but I could be doing something wrong I guess I'll figure it out.
Jul 23, 2016 01:10
@IanC he is saying that channel overlapping only causes interference. Not intercepting a recognizable message. So I'm back to square one haha
Jul 23, 2016 01:08
@IanC just to share information read the last comment of this link.…
Jul 23, 2016 00:58
Thank you @IanC. I am a newcomer to infosec as well. Your info makes sense since the channels I'm intercepting seem to be on the same 20Mhz. Would you possibly know the URL or source of your info?
Jul 23, 2016 00:46
My wireless card is on channel 2 but I am picking up beacon frames from aps on channel 1 using scapy sniff?
Apr 15, 2016 13:24
I don't think they are bots. Just an elaborate hoax by one really super bored guy.
Apr 15, 2016 13:22
@Arperum are they ever here at the same time?
Apr 15, 2016 13:20
I see Henry changed his name
Apr 15, 2016 13:05
@Sam you just showed everyone and it's not that great anyways
Mar 12, 2016 23:44
@diagprov Looking for something that would be able to show that I've learned something about networking and python. I liked shell scripting but it's fucking ugly and I miss building functions. Shell scripting has functions but you know what I mean
Mar 12, 2016 23:42
@diagprov I want to learn it all. What exactly is "dumping packets" I understand what they are but what sort of Intel could be gathered from that? I guess I'm asking what part of aircrack functionality would I be aiming to emulate?
Mar 12, 2016 20:48
What would be a good first program to write if one were to delve in to information security. I've done a bit of shell scripting already but I was thinking maybe something involving python network programming?
Mar 3, 2016 06:35
@MarkBuffalo thanks for the info see y'all later @BobEbert
Mar 3, 2016 06:34
Yup i'll get there
Mar 3, 2016 06:33
Can't downvote yet
Mar 3, 2016 06:33
Mar 3, 2016 06:30
That's a pretty neat bot to pick up on the context or he has a predefined set of things to say in response to certain keywords like career
Mar 3, 2016 06:28
Awesome wow I've seen Rory on the site before haha
Mar 3, 2016 06:27
Mar 3, 2016 06:25
Cool beans see ya later thanks
Mar 3, 2016 06:25
@MarkBuffalo I get that but it will help me land a helodesk job and then continue from there
Mar 3, 2016 06:24
OK cool I'm taking my A+ next month to get a helpdesk job and start the path. I've been coding for like 2 years. Made a website I'm getting in to infosec now and I figure I'll keep document ation of my learning on a blog and github
Mar 3, 2016 06:20
Mar 3, 2016 06:20
What position did you start as in IT or just straight into infosec
Mar 3, 2016 06:19
Lol @ tinfoil
Mar 3, 2016 06:15
Mar 3, 2016 06:15
Help desk*
Mar 3, 2016 06:15
Is it possible to make infosec a career without a college degree? Say if I got my A+ and became a helpless. Then my Network+ CCNA and became a network admin. Then Security+ CISP to become protester. Does this career path sound possible?
Mar 2, 2016 02:55
What tool would be used to measure this.. Am I on the right track of thinking airodump-ng measuring the PWR?
Mar 2, 2016 02:53
Yes I did
Mar 2, 2016 02:53
@ThomasPornin but I was wondering if there were to be any interference such as the router being very busy with deauths
Mar 2, 2016 02:52
Mar 2, 2016 02:52
That's the idea of my in progress project:
Mar 2, 2016 02:49
So, if every single MAC on an AP is being deauthed except one.. would this affect the internet connection of the one MAC that is NOT deauthenticated?
Mar 2, 2016 01:56
@Xander lol
Mar 2, 2016 01:55
Does this chat room ever talk about security or is it just a bunch of people that know about security talking in a room about anything except security because they all deal with that stuff 24 7 anyways. Maybe with a couple of inside security jokes every now and then
Mar 1, 2016 22:56
Oh that's so gross how does that ever happen?
Mar 1, 2016 20:09
Obama IruinedAmerica
Mar 1, 2016 20:07
There is a large monument of the colonel in Corbin Kentucky now haha
Mar 1, 2016 20:07
I'm actually from Kentucky

 The Comms Room

ServerFault's lobby
Aug 23, 2016 15:51
Can somebody take a look at this please?
Aug 23, 2016 15:51
Q: Migrating DNS Server -- Record data still shows name of previous server

Matt ClendenenI have been tasked with Migrating a DNS Server. Two separate servers There is no Active Directory Actual Migration -- not just creating secondary zones For the sake of example let's name the servers: SERVER1 Windows Server 2003 Migrating from SERVER2 Windows Server 2008 10...